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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why aren't you attacking the healer?


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I'm just wondering what your excuse is for not attacking the healer.


Don't tell me, "I always go after the healers" because I solo queue all day every day and it simply does not happen.


Because I am sitting in multiple knockback roots from hybrid specced sage/sorc and or stuns, mezzes.


Of course I am also slowed the entire time as well but that is a given since the other teams main attack auto kites me...


Anything else you want answered?

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Get an organised group together and ask them that question? If you insist on running with pugs then direct them, dont just sit back and critisize after the fact.


Be a hero in game, not a self idolised one.


Hero: Hey OpsLead, trollsorc is a healer, could you mark him?

OpsLead - No response.

Hero: Hey guys, trollsorc is a healer, please focus on him.

Team - Nothing.

Hero: C'mon guys focus on the healer.

At least 4 people: OMG U MAD F**G*T? Y U SO BAD? ****


That's about how that goes unless you're OpsLead then it's like this.


OpsLead/Hero: Hey guys, trollsorc is a healer and he's marked.

Team: No response, ignores mark.


Team: Still nothing.

OpsLead/Hero: Screw it > Click "Leave Warzone"

Edited by Absit
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I'm happy if my team is just willing to focus fire on one target, the healer or not.


On my smuggler I search out healers.


On my grav round spamming commando I can pretty much drop tanks in a matter of seconds. No point in searching out the healers when you can do that.

Edited by Spymaster
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Once the other team realizes I am healing, they come at me with all they've got. I spend a lot of time just running back to the battles.


I am unlucky and end up with people that have no desire to protect the healer at all. Just today I ran up and was healing this person while they fought 3 guys. The guy just left me there to die so they all came after me. I wouldn't mind getting in the matches that they don't attack the healer 5 on 1 while the rest of my team uses that opportunity to take off.


You keep me alive and I will do my best to keep you alive.


Nobody will every be happy with how things are going in PvP.

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Yeah. To be honest, I've found the bigger problem (for me at least) is that a lot of the PUG tanks just run around pretending to be (bad) dps. Of course, Operative's only way to actually escape an attack (as the squishiest healer, lacking heavy armor or force bubble) is to trigger evasion+stealth (Because otherewise the DOT you got hit with will pull you right back into the fight).
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who cares!!ive been 50 for a week and cant even win 1 dang warzone!!!every body leaves!!they score 1 point and half the groupleaves.i thought zones where supposed to be ballenced roflol.so i just run around throwing a granade hoping to get more then 27 coms.yeah and hoping the premade uses a little lube on my *** but they never do!!
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who cares!!ive been 50 for a week and cant even win 1 dang warzone!!!every body leaves!!they score 1 point and half the groupleaves.i thought zones where supposed to be ballenced roflol.so i just run around throwing a granade hoping to get more then 27 coms.yeah and hoping the premade uses a little lube on my *** but they never do!!


Your server sucks O.o

Find some cool peoples who ain't quitters and do warzones with them.

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Because most people in this game suffer severe tunnel vision and cannot comprehend anything other than attacking whoever's in their field of view until they (hopefully) win. It's that until they see the scoreboard and vote for random people or their guildies for MVP (if they know how to).


People attack/break CC that has been cast for a purpose.

People ignore healers that sit 7 meters away topping off that commando who's seemingly taking forever for them to kill.

People ignore the mercs and snipers camping up top the ramp killing everyone else below. They could knock them down or out of shield and take them in seconds, but instead the DPS goes unchallenged for minutes. Sometimes for the entire wz.


The list goes on and sadly I think most people in PvP don't know what they're doing.

Every time I queue solo it's usually me and maybe 1 - 2 other solos that know what's going on. I'm happy every time I queue solo and join a group that has a good pre-made. I don't have to voice communicate with them to figure things out and coordinate maneuvers in the wz.

Edited by EscVelocity
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Hero: Hey OpsLead, trollsorc is a healer, could you mark him?

OpsLead - No response.

Hero: Hey guys, trollsorc is a healer, please focus on him.

Team - Nothing.

Hero: C'mon guys focus on the healer.

At least 4 people: OMG U MAD F**G*T? Y U SO BAD? ****


That's about how that goes unless you're OpsLead then it's like this.


OpsLead/Hero: Hey guys, trollsorc is a healer and he's marked.

Team: No response, ignores mark.


Team: Still nothing.

OpsLead/Hero: Screw it > Click "Leave Warzone"




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