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2x gtx580. core i7 4.8ghz. 2x OCZ Vertex 3 MAX IOPS in Raid 0. Game runs bad.


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Get big framerate drops,. When i move around the computer oftens "stutter" before it loads everything. Often happens in populated areas such as Illum and the fleet. How is this even possible? I usually have around 50 ms latency so it's not network lag.


My OS it optimized for best game preformance. Disabled services and features i don't need etc. Have TRIM activated on my RAID setup etc.

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Tried yanking your second GPU by chance? I roll a i7 2600k OC'd to 4.7ghz and a Raid 0 array (granted, my raid 0's are WD velociraptor 10k HDD's and not SDD's) and I had to yank my second gtx 580 altogether (even disabling it in the control panel improved nothing) to correct these same issues on my system.



Try yanking the second card and...just seeing if you have a similar improvement? I suspect SLi support for this game, being as-yet unoptimized in the driver (as far as I know and nVidia's driver notes I've seen have said), is hoisting some of us on our own petards.


Only on Ilum during fairly large combat scenerios and in warzones during similar do I see my own FPS drop below about 80-90 during regular play, and it frequently floats around 100-130 just burning around any ol' world.



Before I yanked my second card (yeah, just for SWTOR; huzzah, right?), I'd see dips down into the teens at times.


And I'm still seeing huge amounts of things like opening inventory and other UI panes causing stuttering no matter.


Give it a shot; it helped on my end.

Edited by Uruare
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Tried disabling SLI? I can't understand how it could run badly on your pc when it doesn't drop below 60 fps (except when there are 250+ players in fleet) on my - i7 not overclocked; gtx580 and a single hitachi 2tb hd.


Do you get the "stuttering" when entering new areas? Like going to one populated section of the fleet and the game "stutters" for a second?

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Do you get the "stuttering" when entering new areas? Like going to one populated section of the fleet and the game "stutters" for a second?


Yes, but once it's loaded in ram there are no fps drops. And it really stutters just for a second. There was a pretty good theory about why it happens - apparently the process can't read from hd and render at the same time. So there's a small delay when it's reading.

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I live in Australia and I think my ping is around 200. In pvp's I get very little lag, but I can't have a real good opinion on this cause i havn't reached illum. Also I might add when im in imp fleet, it takes a few seconds do register all the players that are there, and once that is done im usually fine to little lag.


One other thing i have a good gaming PC rig, so that may play a difference also.

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I live in Australia and I think my ping is around 200. In pvp's I get very little lag, but I can't have a real good opinion on this cause i havn't reached illum. Also I might add when im in imp fleet, it takes a few seconds do register all the players that are there, and once that is done im usually fine to little lag.


One other thing i have a good gaming PC rig, so that may play a difference also.


Well i bought my rig a few months ago and picked the best gaming components money could buy save for adding an additional two GTX 580 graphics cards so i don't think a lack of power is my problem.

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I used to get alot of stutter as well. Did some research on this site and various other sites as well - after trying everything I could dig up, the only things that did help was:


a) Run the 3DOverride tool that packs with RivaRuner. Most of the stutter went away (not loading stuff on the fly, just the stuttering when moving camera, using an ability etc).


b) Run the game in Windows XP mode with visual themes turned off and running it as admin.


c) Update every driver - even the ones I did not give a thought the first time around like chipset drivers. Usually when having problems with a game (which is rare) an update to the graphics-card will fix it, but I guess the HeroEngine is optimized for only the newest stuff or just not optimized at all.


I am running on a system that is far below your specs. A Q9650 3.7Ghz, Asus 560Ti and 4 gigs of DDR2 RAM. I run an average of 50+ when questing and 25-40 when standing in Fleet or running warzones.

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Turn off the Overclock and be surprised by higher performance. I see so many 4.5-5Ghz Overclocks that are not as stable as people realy think they are. My i5@3.8Ghz and GTX460 run this game with every option maxed out and not even so much as a hickup even in fleet/ops/wz.


My wife with exact same rig as mine can only get 3.3Ghz stable wich was a bit sad TBH.


My buddy with a i7 Sandy was at 4.8 until i showed him Prime95 wich BSOD his system in 3 seconds flat. He is now running 4.2 and has gotten 15-20% improvements in benchmarks.

Edited by lubberlick
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The SLI profile in the NVIDIA drivers is incorrect. You need to export your profile list to a text file. Edit this text file and find "WRC 2011" something or other and delete that profile. Then do a search on "the old republic" and change the executable that it runs to "launcher.exe" save the text file and import that back into nvidia.


The profile for star wars the old republic is looking for the wrong executable.


Change this and restart the game, you will notice that your sli is now working.


I have a i5 with 2x Gtx 275 and run at over 100 frames per second, maxxed settings and I top out at 110 FPS running at 1920x1080 on a 42 inch flatscreen tv.



Edited by bobothewizard
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This game is just terribly optimized.


Stop even trying to tell the OP to try this or that, he has a GREAT setup. Double GTX 580, i7 Quad-Core at 4.8GHz, and what not. This game should run on 1000 FPS with that setup considering it's not all that graphical heavy or whatever.


I have a simple GTX 560 and a Q6600 overclocked to 3.0GHz. I run this game on 100+ FPS in Flashpoints and everything else that is instanced. But as soon as I run into a few other players the game starts stuttering.


I play Ilum on 1680 x 1050 with High preset and it doesn't make a difference compared to the Low preset, and I have the same FPS as people with double GTX 580's, 5.0GHz OC'd i7's, etc.


Go figure.


It's the *********** game. And I refuse to waste one more cent on upgrading for this terrible optimized game.

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Get big framerate drops,. When i move around the computer oftens "stutter" before it loads everything. Often happens in populated areas such as Illum and the fleet. How is this even possible? I usually have around 50 ms latency so it's not network lag.


My OS it optimized for best game preformance. Disabled services and features i don't need etc. Have TRIM activated on my RAID setup etc.


Try this



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its the game


i have 2500k 4.4ghz, and sli 570gtx.


everything is maxed of course, but it still chugs in imperial fleet and ilum. and its not my graphics cards at all, since they are only utilized at like 50%. So it must be the cpu side... but then again my cpu is a beast. So i dont really understand whats going on.

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Stop even trying to tell the OP to try this or that


Why? As you can see people in this thread have reported significant improvements with minor tweaks. Raw power isn't everything. In wow if I use directx9 I can't even get to 30 fps. If I use directx11 I don't fall below 45 fps. Of course the fps in both cases is so low because I'm using 32xS AA and 8x TRAA. But the point is that in every game you have to make some tweaks to get the best possible performance and quality.

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Why? As you can see people in this thread have reported significant improvements with minor tweaks.


Because it's pathetic that you HAVE to tweak your PC to play TOR slightly better when you have a MONSTER PC with GTX 580 in SLI and an i7 at 5.0GHz installed.


I think we can all agree Battlefield 3 looks a billion times better than TOR, yes? Well people with that specs play Battlefield 3 on 1080p and ULTRA and have smooth FPS.


This game (TOR) looks like a cartoon and runs like trash. And the funny part is as long as you don't have too many players arouny you you can get 100+ FPS on High and a lowrange system.


So CONCLUSION: THIS GAME IS BADLY OPTIMIZED. You shouldn't tweak your PC at all when you have such a monster PC, you should just unsub and screw Bioware for screwing you over like that. That's what I did anyway. I'm a hardcore PvPer and look at Ilum... that's just a slap in my face as a customer.

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Granted. But saying that doesn't make the game run any better, does it? While it's not the situation we'd like, it's the situation that is, at the moment. And tweaking the setup to get better performance get you... better performance, funny enough. Doesn't mean the game doesn't need to be optimized better. One does not exclude the other.

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Get big framerate drops,. When i move around the computer oftens "stutter" before it loads everything. Often happens in populated areas such as Illum and the fleet. How is this even possible? I usually have around 50 ms latency so it's not network lag.


My OS it optimized for best game preformance. Disabled services and features i don't need etc. Have TRIM activated on my RAID setup etc.


Not sure what would be causing this. I have a very similar system... Same GPUs, Core i7, Raid 0 SSD and whatnot...


I had a serious problem early on with shadows... But they seem to have fixed that. You might try turning them off to see what happens, though...

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This game handles SLI and dual-GPU single video cards badly. I'd guess they're not even supported, which is why we have to tweak and try stuff to get them working right.


As the other guy suggested, disable the 2nd card then try it. If that doesn't work pull the 2nd card and see if that works. The game I believe gets confused by dual-GPU cards even one alone. So getting quad-SLI to work has to be a nightmare in this game.

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windows 7 64


4 gig ddr2

2 x 9800gtx+

phenom II 9500 quad core 2.6 ghz




i have zero problems running the game, most of the time i run at above 50 fps @ a 1080 resoulition


if it runs @ 1080 p on my dinosaur of a pc with just 4gb ram, there is some software/setting issue with yours


try running in xp sp 3 compatiblilty , disable visual themes, force altertnate frame rendering 2 on nvidia cards and increase windows page file to twice the size of your ram

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I have a similar machine to yours. I have also redone some settings in Nvdia Inspector to make the game look even better.


I had bad time with the game at the start. I only had 4GB RAM and kept getting low memory messages, so I upgraded to 16GB (I went over board I know 8GB is plenty).


No more problems. This game is memory heavy also so if you only have 4GB I would upgrade to 8GB.

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Get big framerate drops,. When i move around the computer oftens "stutter" before it loads everything. Often happens in populated areas such as Illum and the fleet. How is this even possible? I usually have around 50 ms latency so it's not network lag.


My OS it optimized for best game preformance. Disabled services and features i don't need etc. Have TRIM activated on my RAID setup etc.



How much RAM? I don't see that listed anywhere, you can have a great system and if you have 2-4 gigs of RAM it is still going to run like crap. I currently have a 6 core AMD, 16gigs of RAM and a GTX 570 and get no lag, slow down or studdering of any kind.

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Because it's pathetic that you HAVE to tweak your PC to play TOR slightly better when you have a MONSTER PC with GTX 580 in SLI and an i7 at 5.0GHz installed.


I think we can all agree Battlefield 3 looks a billion times better than TOR, yes? Well people with that specs play Battlefield 3 on 1080p and ULTRA and have smooth FPS.


This game (TOR) looks like a cartoon and runs like trash. And the funny part is as long as you don't have too many players arouny you you can get 100+ FPS on High and a lowrange system.


So CONCLUSION: THIS GAME IS BADLY OPTIMIZED. You shouldn't tweak your PC at all when you have such a monster PC, you should just unsub and screw Bioware for screwing you over like that. That's what I did anyway. I'm a hardcore PvPer and look at Ilum... that's just a slap in my face as a customer.


This is such a childish response to a problem that can frequently be resolved with a bit of tweaking. It isn't a slap in the face, Bioware isn't doing this on purpose because they don't care about their customers, MMOs are massive undertakings and sometimes things don't work right. It can't be fixed overnight. You don't like having to fiddle a bit to get a game to run smoothly? Go buy an XBOX.


The real question is, if you couldn't get the game running well and quit playing, why are you still posting in the forums?


ON topic - This game runs great for me on an i5-2500k, 560ti, 8gb of ram. Try following some of the suggestions in this thread because it IS possible to get this game running smoothly, despite what some naysayers are claiming.

Edited by blaynew
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