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Everything posted by blaynew

  1. I really think this needs to happen, a few things have combined to make life really hard for players. If you started playing early on almost every server had a line to even get in so there was no way of determining which servers would be low or high pop later on. This wouldn't be a huge deal in most MMOs because you could just reroll on a new server, certainly annoying, but not THAT big a deal. In SWTOR though, if you start on a new server you loose your whole Legacy which you might have put a lot of work into. I think the Legacy system is a GREAT idea and really encourages me to have multiple characters, but if you encourage people to have a ton of characters on the same server and then the server population drops, you need to have something in place to address that. I know an MMO doesn't want to start merging servers this early on because the next day IGN with have some article like "SWTOR server merge. Why the game failed." Then everyone freaks out and it seems like they are going broke. The reality is though, they made sure to have enough servers for launch, which was great, but NO MMO sustains their entire player base from day 1 and now we just really don't need all these servers. It may look bad in the short term, but in the long run all the players will be happier and it will help the game grow to NEED that many servers.
  2. The Helm and the Gloves for the Champion Force Master gear are slotted with Crit and Surg instead of Power and Alarcity so it seems like BW intended for those to be the two items from the FM set a Madness spec Sin would use to get the healing bonus.
  3. I wouldn't say that they are weaker per level, but Deception certainly falls off really quickly after around lvl 40. Before that, the Deception tree gives you your basic tools faster than the other trees, but then doesn't have too much payoff. The main issue for me comes down to us getting screwed by abilities granted from our tree. We loose 1 ability to our tree's charge while the other two trees just get to learn their charge from the trainer. So when we get Surging Charge the other trees get Dark Ward and Death Field. Both of those are pretty powerful abilities and it doesn't really seem like a fair trade. Further up, we get Low Slash which isn't the most useful skill IMO, I only ever use it to set up a Maul. Darkness gets Force Pull, giving it a 30m skill and another key tanking tool, Madness just keeps making Death Field stronger. Then the final skills, what should be the fruit of the tree, we get a slightly buffed Thrash that give Shock a bit of a boost... huh? Look in the Madness tree and in the 25-35 range their Thrash gets almost the exact same boost from Claws of Decay and Raze, maybe even a better one. Meanwhile, Madness gets another 30m DOT which also immobilizes, making it a beefed Low Slash and Darkness gets Wither which is a great skill. The second is that our tree lacks survivability, Tanks are Tanks and Madness gets self heals and damage reduction and in return we mostly get better stealth. I like Stealth, but a lot of the high level fights are initiated by interacting with something and then fighting eliminating that bonus and if you Force Cloak everything not dead gets full health so it isn't that combat useful.
  4. This is such a childish response to a problem that can frequently be resolved with a bit of tweaking. It isn't a slap in the face, Bioware isn't doing this on purpose because they don't care about their customers, MMOs are massive undertakings and sometimes things don't work right. It can't be fixed overnight. You don't like having to fiddle a bit to get a game to run smoothly? Go buy an XBOX. The real question is, if you couldn't get the game running well and quit playing, why are you still posting in the forums? ON topic - This game runs great for me on an i5-2500k, 560ti, 8gb of ram. Try following some of the suggestions in this thread because it IS possible to get this game running smoothly, despite what some naysayers are claiming.
  5. I HATE the changes made, I really didn't have a problem with the UI until now and I don't see why they would introduce a fix when nothing was broken. I find it makes it very difficult to play, I don't want a large section of my screen flashing at me every time I do anything. I actually stopped playing after it was introduced and haven't really logged on since because I find it that unpleasant. I understand that some people like it and that is fine, but when introducing a change this drastic it would be nice to have an option to turn it off. I really hope this isn't here to stay as I could see it reducing my chances of continuing to subscribe.
  6. You will most likely have enough, it seems like it is really expensive, but around level 20 you start gaining cash at a much quicker rate. As long as you are completing most quest you should be fine. The Space Mission quests in your cockpit of your ship are a good place to get some easy cash. Artifice is a decent enough skill, I went Cybertech and it seems like the benefits it gives outweigh most others. You craft armouring and mods to upgrade your gear and lightsabers, earpieces to give yourself a nice boost, droid armor for your companion, and you get to craft grenades that are pretty powerful. Of course, you can then sell all this stuff too. Oh, you also get to make a custom speeder if you want If you are just worried about money, it isn't a big deal. I haven't run into any troubles keeping myself geared up and good to go.
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