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Bioware WHERE is the Star wars music!!


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They need to add a "continous" music option like they have in World of Warcraft...I want to hear the music pretty much 24/7 with 10 seconds in between to either repeat or change tracks...It really cannot be that hard to do that right?


If Blizzard can do it...Bioware sure as hell can!


definitely i logged into wow and Elwynn forrest theme started playing and it gets you immersed in the game , SWTOR all i hear is footsteps and 15seconds of music .

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definitely i logged into wow and Elwynn forrest theme started playing and it gets you immersed in the game , SWTOR all i hear is footsteps and 15seconds of music .


Sadly I don't think SWTOR has any equivalent version of the Elwynn forest theme - at least no equivalence in terms of the 'feel' it produces, especially with the lack of ambient sounds in the environment (no, npc chatter doesn't help).


EDIT: googled Elwynn music on youtube :

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Sadly I don't think SWTOR has any equivalent version of the Elwynn forest theme - at least no equivalence in terms of the 'feel' it produces, especially with the lack of ambient sounds in the environment (no, npc chatter doesn't help).


EDIT: googled Elwynn music on youtube :


yes they do KOTOR had a GREAT soundtrack


Manaan theme :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQTWteCcRSw

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yes they do KOTOR had a GREAT soundtrack


Manaan theme :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQTWteCcRSw


That's what I'm talking about. Sadly, there's just not enough of such music when questing; and a big aggravating factor is the lack of a 'loop music' option - I've played SWTOR to 50 but I don't seem to be able to recall any of the music of the planets I've been to. SWTOR's main theme is pretty much all i can associate with SWTOR right now.

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Agreed. I like the music in the game. The only problem is, it's not used very much. Most of the time there are no music at all and when it starts, it won't last long.


After trying republic characters I got the feeling that they have more music than Imps have. It might be a wrong impression however.


Anyway. More music plz.

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Agreed. I like the music in the game. The only problem is, it's not used very much. Most of the time there are no music at all and when it starts, it won't last long.


After trying republic characters I got the feeling that they have more music than Imps have. It might be a wrong impression however.


Anyway. More music plz.



Remember when the released this video to get everyone pumped about the music and there none in they use the same 3 tracks over and over




watch that hypocrites bioware is

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Hey TS


If you haven't played this game check it out just to see how really good music can set the mood and make everything seem that much cooler.


Here are some tracks from the original Deus Ex game. This is what would be playing as you explore cities and underground bases.


Thrilling stuff for a $100,000 game:


NYC Streets:




Majestic 12 Labs:




DuClare Chateau:



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Yep most quite MMO in the world. For the life of me I can't understand how the devs would think that is a good thing and it takes away so much from the game...but it's not only the music the totally messed up NPC voices that you can still hear even though your'e miles away and the Companion voices that say the exact same thing over and over again.



Honestly the sound engineer should be embarrassed by this. Sound is a huge part of a successful MMO and Bioware really missed the mark here and what makes matters worse they are ignoring it.

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I've heard plenty of music from the movies.


I suggest bioware ban players like you who do nothing but troll.


troll ? theres LOADS of people who agree that this game need a boost in the music

and i bet bioware themselfs would say they messed up in the music department

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troll ? theres LOADS of people who agree that this game need a boost in the music

and i bet bioware themselfs would say they messed up in the music department


so music must be playing 24/7 in the game? As I said, there is music in the game, not my fault you can't listen to it for some odd reason.

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Actually it's not a remix. It's new recordings - with an actual symphonic orchestra, not just shifting blocks on the computer.


Imho the music one of the aspects that's truly great about SW:TOR. I like how the different, well known themes are slightly modified according to mood of a given situation and the themes from Knights of the Old Republic are used as well...


PS: Doesn't the Star Wars theme come as is when this typical text-in-space thing comes up after creation of a new character? Maybe it would be better to add more of those, at the beginning of every chapter or so.

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  • 2 months later...
Actually it's not a remix. It's new recordings - with an actual symphonic orchestra, not just shifting blocks on the computer.


Imho the music one of the aspects that's truly great about SW:TOR. I like how the different, well known themes are slightly modified according to mood of a given situation and the themes from Knights of the Old Republic are used as well...


PS: Doesn't the Star Wars theme come as is when this typical text-in-space thing comes up after creation of a new character? Maybe it would be better to add more of those, at the beginning of every chapter or so.


yeah the music's great for about 15 seconds then silence im sick of it

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I agree and I wish they would loop some Ep V tracks in the game, or from any Ep for that matter, you know.. like all other Star Wars games do. Remember playing Jedi Knight in silence or just a couple choruses popping up here and there? No - when I think back of my dear memories of those games I hear the music from all the different gameplay levels and cinematic moments. There was always that constant feel of Star Wars when playing.


In this game I'm now and then reminded that this is the same universe as the Star Wars I know, like when watching those rare epic cinematic moments with lightsabers, blasters, epic music and drama (music and drama being the big ones; this game needs more epic music and more emotional conflicts).


I haven't heard Duel of the Fates in this game, period. HOW IS THERE A 2012 STAR WARS GAME WITH NO DUEL OF THE FATES?!



One word gives the reason: Rights.


The music of John Williams costs a fortune, assuming that Mr Williams was even interested in letting BW use much of the music.

I don't know much about rights and whatnot, but I'd almost bet something on that John Williams music comes with the IP and isn't separate - provided it's actually produced FOR the IP.

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