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Funniest line in game?


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Trooper, during the World Arc on Makeb...


Gez Addar: "Ah, one of the Republic's greatest heroes! Just the person we could use to bring some wisdom and perspective to the discussion.


Trooper: "Here's my Wisdom...(pulls out rifle)...and this is my Perspective (pulls out sidearm). Start talking, but don't waste my time."


Way to tell the Hutts to shove it, Hadriel. Well played.

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During the Sith Warrior mission on Alderaan:

Duke Kendoh: I pledge myself to your directives, and as I aid you, perhaps you'll be moved to help me in mine.

Sith Warrior: Unless your directives involve your suicide, I won't be participating.

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Trooper, during the World Arc on Makeb...


Gez Addar: "Ah, one of the Republic's greatest heroes! Just the person we could use to bring some wisdom and perspective to the discussion.


Trooper: "Here's my Wisdom...(pulls out rifle)...and this is my Perspective (pulls out sidearm). Start talking, but don't waste my time."


Way to tell the Hutts to shove it, Hadriel. Well played.


How can you do that with an assault cannon?!?

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How can you do that with an assault cannon?!?

Vanguards use Blaster Rifles ;)

At least you use somethign other than a pistol!

My commando always threatens people/things with her blaster, when she has an assault cannon that looks like a BFG 10000

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On Tatooine, after completing "The Water Pirates" in the Republic Bonus Series and getting the people their water back


"I'll think of you next time I have a shower! Well, you know what I mean."


Or on Imperial Balmorra after killing the refugees in cave 52


"There's not a finer sight in the galaxy than gassed rebels running out of a cave into the waiting blasters of your own battalion. Well--perhaps sunrises. But for those, you have to wake up early."

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this one right here !

I really don't get that, it's not like it's someone with no power, it's an actual Jedi, and that idiotic thing they are doing is more powerful than any weapon and works on most people. I your bounty hunter weren't a PC it probably would have worked on him. Just can't see the humour in that line.

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I really don't get that, it's not like it's someone with no power, it's an actual Jedi, and that idiotic thing they are doing is more powerful than any weapon and works on most people. I your bounty hunter weren't a PC it probably would have worked on him. Just can't see the humour in that line.


The thing is, it is really only supposed to work on weak-minded, non Force sensitive beings. So, that knocks off basically all the PCs, and a lot of the NPCs, as well.

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Probably been said before, but I haven't seen it, so tossing this one in the mix.


Sith Inquisitor storyline on Hoth. Not giving away spoilers, but while being basically sent on a detour quest to achieve a goal.


SI: "I wonder if Jedi have this much trouble getting what they want..."


Just the deadpan delivery of that line makes me chuckle...


And a little gem from Ashara upon entering a White Maw hideout.


Ashara: "Do you think these are friends of Andronikos? I can imagine him living in a cave."

Edited by DarthPrimus
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Finally finished my BH story, woohoo. Got a couple good ones from the companions (I imagine both of them yelling):

Skadge, being sent on a mission: IT'S ALWAYS SOMETHING WITH YOU!!

Torian, at the Gravity Hook landing ring: WOO! Shoulda brought my rifle!! (He's so enthusiastic! :D)

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I just came across one of the most comical responses in the game. I was at the inauguration of Tai Cordon and after he accepts the Presidency... My charcter is given the choice to say a few words. The option I chose was the Jedi proverb and Tai's response was truely funny. Everyone looks at my character scratching their heads and Tai says "I'm sure we all feel... enriched by that."


My question is does anyone know what response there is to the other two options of "The future is yours" and "Don't screw this up".


I don't remember the exact words but the 'future is yours' options gets a brief inspiring speech from the Consular. The remarks are met with applause and cheers rather than confusion and sarcasm. I'm not sure what happens if you choose 'don't screw this up.'


Since the first option pleases the crowd and the force proverb confused them, maybe that last one angers them?

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here is my contribution to the thread I am paraphraseing so its not exactly like in game.


lord sash: how did you get the holocron from the tomb?

SI: I had to kill five tukata and eat their hearts!

lord zash: strange, it didn't work when I tried it.

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here are some HK-51 lines I heard on makub they won't be as funny in writing as they are when he says them.


an impressive liquidation master, I am proud of you.

I have calculated the prisice demolition points to bring down this building, I will require three tons of detonite

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Without a doubt the best line in the game is not just in the line itself, but in the dry-as-hell delivery of the Sith Warrior line:

"Spread the word of my success"

It's so cookie cutter'd out throughout the game and the delivery hardly ever makes sense. Makes me chuckle everytime

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Cipher Nine: "You're wrong, Jadus. You won't be in a position to do anything."

Darth Jadus: "Tell me, agent. What possible advantage could you have over me? You're in my sanctuary and my power is infinite."

Cipher Nine: "I'm better looking than you'll ever be."

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Think this has been mentioned, but it popped up last night for me.

Zoxx, my Sith Warrior is talking with Lt Peirce . . .


and Lt Pierce's former squad mate stationed on Hoth on the Holo about attacking the Bastion on Correlia, can't real his name. Paraphrased

Former Squad Mate: (complaining about his station on Hoth) They have me thawing rations and chipping ice off blaster barrels.

Zoxx: On Korriban we used certain officers for target practice

FSM: (nervously) Actually Hoth can be very beautiful, the way the light hits the ice crystals at certain angles . . .



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