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When does BIOWARE pull the plug


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No matter what company,Big or Small,at some point has to make a decision, as to whether or not a project is Viable,and from all indications this game comes no where close to expectations. Bio will not admit to the obvious drop in Subs,and with the next wave of 60 day game cards expiring fast approaching,which will see another drastic drop, is it not time for Bioware to close up shop and go back to the games it knows and has done a good job developing in the past.


ROFL.. This give up attitude *must* be a product of the entitlement generation.

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Meh.. that's pretty much my thinking. BW has failed to cover all that was expected of them. They continue to fail to address the community in an honest fashion. The level on animosity is growing. The positive spin is slowing.


Thanks, Willy Wonka.

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Its playerbase in the US will continue to go down. However, they still got to properly milk all the asian markets. That will allow them to say subscriptions have improved in the short run. Once that dries up, it will be around at least 2-3 years before they stop updating completely. People do like Star Wars and if you drop one crappy update every 3 months, a lot will still pay. After that, it will be moth-balled but they will still allow people to spend $15 bucks to play if they want but there won't be any changes. SWG stayed open till SWTOR came out. This one will probably stay open till the next star wars game. It really doesn't cost them much to keep it running and it is free money. All the hardware has been paid for and they only need like a 1000 people to play to keep someone around to do maintenance. It could even be the same people that are doing Warhammer. Throw in some random flash-points now and then and you can get 1 million in free money for 10 years. Why would you shut that down? Who cares if it is a crappy game and it will be a joke that people use to describe future MMOs. People are still willing to shell out money...
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Jesus, another post like this...


This game has what 3 or 4 months? Of COURSE the game have bugs, lack of content, instances, pvp areas, etc. They just release the game. WoW, EQ2, etc has being develop for YEARS. They have alot expansion packs etc. I cant believe that people join in some new game and expect the game to have like 30000 armor models, 20000 instances like WoW. Give some time.


Imho, this game has potential to be one of the best games with more few months.

Great game so far, great release. Need add and fix some stuffs? of course, but see the whole picture...


trolls please ----->>>

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No matter what company,Big or Small,at some point has to make a decision, as to whether or not a project is Viable,and from all indications this game comes no where close to expectations. Bio will not admit to the obvious drop in Subs,and with the next wave of 60 day game cards expiring fast approaching,which will see another drastic drop, is it not time for Bioware to close up shop and go back to the games it knows and has done a good job developing in the past.


Why does it have to close?


If you don't like it, why do we all have to stop playing it?


I've never understood this mentality. "It's not what I wanted, so I will go post that it has failed and should close and no one else should play it to justify my decision."


What does anyone else's opinion about anything in life have to do with what you are going to do with your life? Spend your money on? Call entertainment? What you watch on TV?


What does it matter?

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. The game will do very well in the long run. Much better than SWG.



Star wars fans better hope this game succeeds in the long run. Will not know for another 6 months yet. After the debacle of SWG, if TOR fails as well, guaranteed it will be the last MMO attempted using the Star Wars brand name.

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My question is when will these threads stop?


If you dont like the game leave.. But to say you know the sub numbers is laughable at best..


I really dont see a end anytime soon. Do you even look at the server list during primetime? Alot of heavys and full servers...


Sorry I just dont get these kinda threads... If you dont like it cool move on.. But why try to ruin it for the people having fun?


I liked the game at first. Tried to ignore all I could for the technical issues for even installing the game, and the glaring bugs in game ( was stuck under a floor for two days requiring 4 tickets and three phone calls ). Then the pains of group finding, the epic drop off of coolness factor of Flash points, after the Black Talon and the general distaste for massively repetitive voice content.


I didn't come here looking for problems and game issues, but they are heaped upon me now that I am. I have little tolerance left for how they treat us and our concerns. I want the game to be a AAA title with a long long life. I just don't see that potential anymore.

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When does any game pull the plug? hmmm ask:


  1. Ultima Online
  2. Everquest 1
  3. Anarchy Online
  4. Asheron's Call
  5. Vanguard
  6. Age of Conan
  7. WAR
  8. DDO


MMOs in fact rarely unplug. It's quite astonishing actually from a business point of view how few actually fold compared to the number that are released and running.


Some games that were unplugged were actually making a profit. For example, Earth and Beyond and SWG. They were forced to close.

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So because you don't like the game you expect the company to dissolve the entire product?



Wow ... simply ... wow.



What colour is the sky in your world you created where the rest of us exist in your imagination?


Not dissolve, they will sell their interest to someone else who will undoubtedly covert it to a Free to Play model.

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FYI OP, Bioware is a CANADIAN company.


So they did outsource the game development to another country.... :p


EA bought BioWare. Then they formed a NEW company, BioWare AUSTIN. THAT company is what developed SWTOR, *NOT* BioWare. It's a situation where one company owns another and has input and overall control, but not day-to-day control. That was left to the two heads of BWA, guys straight out of SOE who made SWG.

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Star wars fans better hope this game succeeds in the long run. Will not know for another 6 months yet. After the debacle of SWG, if TOR fails as well, guaranteed it will be the last MMO attempted using the Star Wars brand name.



Lucas just released Episode I in 3D, with more to come. I think you under estimate the Star Wars franchise's ability to extort money from the market place, ;) .

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EA bought BioWare. Then they formed a NEW company, BioWare AUSTIN. THAT company is what developed SWTOR, *NOT* BioWare. It's a situation where one company owns another and has input and overall control, but not day-to-day control. That was left to the two heads of BWA, guys straight out of SOE who made SWG.


Is that the excuse for crap code we are to accept and be ok with?

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Meh.. that's pretty much my thinking. BW has failed to cover all that was expected of them. They continue to fail to address the community in an honest fashion. The level on animosity is growing. The positive spin is slowing.


*SCDG* Same complaints, different game


For some reason many MMO players feel that their $15 is seemingly an invite to the developers' conference room for all decisions to be made about the game.


The reality is that while they solicit and genuinely want our feedback, they are in no way obligated to respond to every single post or complaint on their forums.


Also I would wonder where exactly you feel you've been lied to to warrant the accusation of dishonesty. There is a distinct difference between ambiguity and honesty/dishonesty. And if you've participated in several MMO forums you would realize that most developers speak to some extent in ambiguous terms until they are certain that something is going to be the way they state it. They also tend to not work in absolutes in order to leave the door open to change their mind at a later date. But, it's nothing new for mmo-gamers to see a developer say something like, "We're considering ... " or "We're looking into ..." and taking that as a promise something is going to be in the game and then go ballistic screaming "They lied to us!!" when the developers change their minds.


And the level of animosity around here isn't jack compared to the WAR, WoW and AoC forums. These forums are a mere shifting mosh pit compared to a European or South American soccer riot.

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No matter what company,Big or Small,at some point has to make a decision, as to whether or not a project is Viable,and from all indications this game comes no where close to expectations. Bio will not admit to the obvious drop in Subs,and with the next wave of 60 day game cards expiring fast approaching,which will see another drastic drop, is it not time for Bioware to close up shop and go back to the games it knows and has done a good job developing in the past.
I read you post and it had all the intelligent comment of this...


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