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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This game is TWO MONTHS old.


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I've never seen a game in the history of gaming with *this many bugs*. I'm sorry but even the crash to desktops when WoW launched weren't as staggering as the vast number of bugs in this game.


I disagree completely. I experienced far more bugs when WoW launched that prevented me from playing then I've experienced with SWTOR. However that can be in large part due to the machine you're playing on as much as it can be coding of the game. I experienced far more lag disconnects when I played WoW around launch then I have with SWTOR. I personally have not run into one "game breaking" bug in SWTOR. I do however believe there are some bug issues and I do wish they would focus some more time on fixing bugs then on creating more content that the power players will crush inside a month and then continue complaining there isn't enough content.

Edited by Vincynt
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I've never seen a game in the history of gaming with *this many bugs*. I'm sorry but even the crash to desktops when WoW launched weren't as staggering as the vast number of bugs in this game. Once you get to endgame it just gets worse - loots broken, glitched instances that need to be reset and then you need to re-clear the trash, double spawning, players getting multiple hit by lightning fighting Soa, etc etc etc.


It's like there's more glitches than working gameplay.


Every bug you just named, EVERY one, happened the first time I tried deathwing.

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When I die in game, I don't need a combat log to tell me what happened. I can tell if the healer wasn't doing an adequate job. A quick look around will tell you if you aren't holding agro.


I fully agree with this statement. All the combat log does is it turns players into number crunchers. Instead of actually figuring out the best way to raid, PvP or what gear works best for the situation, they just number crunch their way to the biggest number possible.


Now I am not saying the combat log is a 100% horrible thing, but I do not need one to figure out how to play my class better.

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SWTOR has been in the making for 5 years. WoW revolutionised the MMO genre and brought it mainstream


you can argue many things about WoW, but revolutionisng the genre? No, they really did not do that.

They did not introduce any mechanisms that other games at the time had not already had.


What they did was taking the occasionally overly complex mechanics of its predecessor games and streamlined them to the point that an 8 year old could play the game with a fair degree of competence, then polished everything to a degree that you could apply your make up in the reflections.

Kind of what Blizzard does with all its games. Nothing much evolutionary, certainly nothing revolutionary, but slick and polished content and gameplay that bring their games to the mainstream.

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I disagree completely. I experienced far my bugs when WoW launched that prevented me from playing then I've experienced with SWTOR. However that can be in large part due to the machine you're playing on as much as it can be coding of the game. I experienced far more lag disconnects when I played WoW around launch then I have with SWTOR. I personally have not run into one "game breaking" bug in SWTOR. I do however believe there are some bug issues and I do wish they would focus some more time on fixing bugs then on creating more content that the power players will crush inside a month and then continue complaining there isn't enough content.


If you play the game single player maybe. Running a flashpoint or nightmare mode just to have the loot drops break or be forced to reset the instance and people decide its not worth it to reclear the trash or etc are pretty game breaking to me. A lot more game breaking than one person getting hit with a lag disconnect.

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I fully agree with this statement. All the combat log does is it turns players into number crunchers. Instead of actually figuring out the best way to raid, PvP or what gear works best for the situation, they just number crunch their way to the biggest number possible.


Now I am not saying the combat log is a 100% horrible thing, but I do not need one to figure out how to play my class better.


I would just piont out one thing though: it's not always the healers' faults!!!! :p

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Nice post mr OP


But unlike SWTOR, WOW had no other games to compeate with, so people would eat anything. This is 2012, we have MMO's to the left and to the right, so thats the big difference.


And SWTOR even had 7 years of succes MMO to look at while making and planning for this launch. They could see what people wanted and dident want in many aspect.


So did i expect more from SWTOR ? Hell yea, but this is what we got.


Im sure Bioware will do what they can to keep people paying, and im sure a core group of players will stay for a long time. Personnaly im bored after 2 months, it toke almost 7 years to get me of WOW ?


It all comes down to money, Bioware / EA want it, now can they get people to hand it over ? time will tell.

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I bought RIFT during launch and if you want to see a WOW clone, that is it. The launch wasn;t super silky smooth like you're saying it was. Theres a reason RIFT doesn't have a ton of subscribers. It's not that great. It's a typical fantasy MMO, very boring.


The pot calling the kettle black again I see. However I am rather bored, please tell me about the launch problems RIFT had, I would love to see you tell more tall tales.

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Wow was the worse thing that could have happen to the MMO genre. people want instant gratification in a game now because of this monster. If you played wow in the beginning i remember when you went to the auction house( GTN) you click on the guy you would crash to desktop EVERY TIME. Took them fore ever to fix it. So saying this game has a lot of game breaking bugs please show me with screen shots because i have not seen not one. In a year every player playing this game will be laughing at your old out dated game of wow like we already do now.
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The pot calling the kettle black again I see. However I am rather bored, please tell me about the launch problems RIFT had, I would love to see you tell more tall tales.


Rogues were broken for 6 months. whole class completely use less to play.

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Every bug you just named, EVERY one, happened the first time I tried deathwing.


Oh that's only a handful of bugs. The full list of broken stuff in this game is too numerous to iterate through in a forum post. So much stuff is broken that when they say things like the "Usable option on vendor dropdowns is fixed" I hardly remember it was broken because I'm so conditioned to not expect anything in the game to work.

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That's ridiculous... so you expect a 2 month old game to come out with 7 years worth of content just because it's released 7 years after another game? Seriously, dumbest thing I've ever heard.


I will repeat this for the millionth freaking time because people like you obviously don't understand... THIS GAME HAS MORE CONTENT AT RELEASE THAN ANY OTHER MMO pretty much ever... Rift, WoW, AoC, WAR, you name it, more content here and more being added.


some people have hard time realizing a difference b/w content and features, especially features that are must for mmo. combat log, guild bank, in game event etc.

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Oh that's only a handful of bugs. The full list of broken stuff in this game is too numerous to iterate through in a forum post. So much stuff is broken that when they say things like the "Usable option on vendor dropdowns is fixed" I hardly remember it was broken because I'm so conditioned to not expect anything in the game to work.


Game seems to work fine for me.... maybe I'm in that 95% majority though... I can live with that.

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Please show me what MMOs have come out recently that have had as smooth a launch as SWTOR. I'm going to laugh when these "AAA MMOs" disappoint you because launch isn't as perfect as you expect it to be. lol GuildWars or Tera or whatever games you are talking about will pale in comparison to SWTOR and the numbers will show it.


Rift 2011 here you go

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I've never seen a game in the history of gaming with *this many bugs*.








Perpetuum (actually a pretty good launch tbh)


Fallen Earth


Star Wars Galaxies

World of Warcarft

Star Trek Online



Lineage II




I could even mention some single player games...mostly Bethesda or Obsidian games that have *this many bugs*.


Its really don't think it's as bad as people are making it out to be. Compared to a lot of the games on this list its pretty damn good honestly.

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some people have hard time realizing a difference b/w content and features, especially features that are must for mmo. combat log, guild bank, in game event etc.


None of those features are necessary for a game to function. Are they nice? sure. The only thing that has been any annoyance at all is the guild bank, which is being added next month. If you can't tell of your dps, heals, agro are effective, l2p. Don't know what killed you? pay attention.


I am my guilds mt and we have no trouble clearing content without combat logs.


In game events are fluff, and with all the bugs people keep mentioning, I'm surprised this is on anyone's list at the moment.

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But unlike SWTOR, WOW had no other games to compeate with, so people would eat anything.

Are you being serious with that statement? I'm just not sure if you're serious or not...


This is 2012, we have MMO's to the left and to the right, so thats the big difference.

There were quite a few to choose from when WoW launched...


And SWTOR even had 7 years of succes MMO to look at while making and planning for this launch. They could see what people wanted and dident want in many aspect.

More then 7, but I digress...


So did i expect more from SWTOR ? Hell yea, but this is what we got.

I agree that I expected more feature wise. Specifically an LFG Tool and guild functionality.

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Wow was the worse thing that could have happen to the MMO genre. people want instant gratification in a game now because of this monster. If you played wow in the beginning i remember when you went to the auction house( GTN) you click on the guy you would crash to desktop EVERY TIME. Took them fore ever to fix it. So saying this game has a lot of game breaking bugs please show me with screen shots because i have not seen not one. In a year every player playing this game will be laughing at your old out dated game of wow like we already do now.


You do realize that wow was launch in 2004, in 2012 your desktop alone can out perform there several server clusters, swtor launch with less features (not comparing content) than wow of 2004 on latest hardware and behind seen tech.

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If you play the game single player maybe. Running a flashpoint or nightmare mode just to have the loot drops break or be forced to reset the instance and people decide its not worth it to reclear the trash or etc are pretty game breaking to me. A lot more game breaking than one person getting hit with a lag disconnect.


jeez, did you even play WOW? You pretty much summed up 2/3's of the first couple months of any new instance release. I could probably go back and fire it up and reproduce half the bugs of any one of those instances if I wanted to reactivate my account. Nobody cares or notices much because who really runs UBRS with a 15 man group squabbling over Dal'Rend swords any more only to realize the gate didn't lift and you need to reclear the trash mobs after you reset the instance?


You are looking at something with rose colored glasses. Take them off. Not saying you aren't experiencing bugs, but I am saying you're making untrue comparisons.

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None of those features are necessary for a game to function. Are they nice? sure. The only thing that has been any annoyance at all is the guild bank, which is being added next month. If you can't tell of your dps, heals, agro are effective, l2p. Don't know what killed you? pay attention.


I am my guilds mt and we have no trouble clearing content without combat logs.


In game events are fluff, and with all the bugs people keep mentioning, I'm surprised this is on anyone's list at the moment.


here is example, no in game voice... need to buy outside server space for voice during raid.

if my GM wants me to invite raid event then there is nothing in game available that we can utilize to organize groups, we end up using external web site to manage that.

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here is example, no in game voice... need to buy outside server space for voice during raid.

if my GM wants me to invite raid event then there is nothing in game available that we can utilize to organize groups, we end up using external web site to manage that.


So yo're complaining that we need to use Vent or some other 3rd party chatroom software? And that's game breaking how?

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here is example, no in game voice... need to buy outside server space for voice during raid.

if my GM wants me to invite raid event then there is nothing in game available that we can utilize to organize groups, we end up using external web site to manage that.


What MMO has an in game voice function that decent guilds use? l2 skype, it's free.


True, there is no guild calendar yet, but if your guild is serious, it has a website with a forum anyways. Once again, yes this game does not have every feature of other MMOs, but I still have much more fun playing it over the others.

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Perpetuum (actually a pretty good launch tbh)


Fallen Earth


Star Wars Galaxies

World of Warcarft

Star Trek Online



Lineage II




I could even mention some single player games...mostly Bethesda or Obsidian games that have *this many bugs*.


Its really don't think it's as bad as people are making it out to be. Compared to a lot of the games on this list its pretty damn good honestly.


none of them had 300 mill budget :)

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