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i'll just keep to myself.


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The "Too many servers" is mainly because people were moaning in the final stages of beta that it took too long to get logged in.

So Bioware created too many servers and now the forums are filled with "My server is dead" posts.

Really could not win on this one. If people had accepted that login would be difficult (certainly to start with) at launch then we'd have less and more populated servers right now.

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i come from a background of hardcore MMMO and ralaxed MMO playing. I have complaints but im not on here bashing BW or the game. I love this game. this is a game ive been waiting for for years. I LOVE the KoToR series. and this game is what I wanted. I quit WoW for the same reason I quit all the other MMOs i have played. I was bored with them. This game has made me happy. And I am one of the people who will be patient with the patches.I know the fixes are coming. I dont feel the need to troll the forums like A LOT of people on here. If its that bad people should just leave and let us have our fun.
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Pretty much what goes through my mind every time I come to these boards, OP.


I picture this skinny, pasty white pencil neck geek sitting at his computer raging at the top of his soprano lungs as he types away. Has to be, because most of these complaints would get you ostracized if made in public.


Vast majority of them don't even make sense, or are based on total lack of knowledge.....like the guy posting that Bioware purposely screwed us by planning this maintenance at the same time as Blizzard.


....cept Blizzard's maintenance is and always has been on Tuesdays.

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Been reading the forums and honestly shocked by people attitudes


I'm not. The quality of MMORPG player has been steadily declining with every passing year. I see it daily, every hour, within TOR.


Players are more and more selfish, bratty, immature, and clueless about the realities of gaming, MMORPGs, and even life.


The behaviors you encounter in-game can be pretty bad and the behaviors here on the forums are often even worse.

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Wow complaining about people complaining :p


Seriously though, the whole point of a forum is for people to discuss the game, and this includes aspects of the game which are flawed.


As for the game being compared to other MMO's. Well, a lot of the people who play this game play it as their only MMO, and they will have moved from another to play SWTOR. So if it's not as good, then they may well leave. It does address aspects which need improving.


I really like the game. However, at the moment I can't see it being up there with the games I've played for long periods of time (1 year+). I am fully expectant that the game will improve with additional content, especially for me, on the PVP front. If it doesn't then no doubt I will end up leaving.

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Two words: Generation Entitlement


i totally agree with you there. Everyone compares this to wow...not to sure why. This game has marketed itself as a story driven MMO not an MMO with the same mechanics as wow. LFD, and armor Customization were only introduced within the last 5 years.

I love this game, and sense I found out about it all those years ago, I watched almost daily for news. I bought the 6 month sub and might buy another one. After all, I've only completed on character till the end...but soon will be finishing my second.

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Wow complaining about people complaining :p


Seriously though, the whole point of a forum is for people to discuss the game, and this includes aspects of the game which are flawed.


As for the game being compared to other MMO's. Well, a lot of the people who play this game play it as their only MMO, and they will have moved from another to play SWTOR. So if it's not as good, then they may well leave. It does address aspects which need improving.


I really like the game. However, at the moment I can't see it being up there with the games I've played for long periods of time (1 year+). I am fully expectant that the game will improve with additional content, especially for me, on the PVP front. If it doesn't then no doubt I will end up leaving.




Also, its getting old, why dont you use some of the already existing threads on "complain about the complainers"?

Funny how critic posts get locked and this one still runs...

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ITT: People with no standards who would gladly purchase a turd as long as it's crapped out by Bioware and says "Star Wars" on it telling those of us who were expecting something other than a turd that we should stop feeling "entitled..." Edited by Mannic
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meh not really. But redditors love to hate on bad grammar, not matter how big or small the post is.


As well they should. Spelling is apparently becoming a lost art. Which is probably in direct correlation to the nosedive in quality posts.


Stupid people make stupid threads.

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What are you shocked about?


That people who are upset with a product are complaining about it?


o.k i will change title to mildly suprised. Look this is me venting, and i am sorry i didn't add to a previous post, like i said flamers flame, and yes i know that people are always going to complain about a product. I guess it's just my mentality if i purchase a product and i don't like it, i stop using it or return it. If i eat a restaurant and the thing i choose of the menu isn't good i return it and get something better, and when i make give feedback on the product that wasn't good when i come back in a few months or even weeks the product will be better (i am speaking from experience here). It frustrates me that people think THISproduct is going to be perfect after a few months, Good lord give it some time.

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Totally agree OP, I end up on the forums during work, or when I cant play the game and some people on here are a joke.


Theres some realy good contructive posts about problems with the game, which are a good read and I hope BW does just that to improve the game, but most of them are just a rant, I cant wait for all of these idiots to leave these forums for the next game they play.


My particular favourite posts are the 'unsubbed im off' ones, like anyone cares, and the current one about the hero engine where it would seem the greatest computer programmers on the planet are currently debating how easy it is to re code the engine.

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o.k i will change title to mildly suprised. Look this is me venting, and i am sorry i didn't add to a previous post, like i said flamers flame, and yes i know that people are always going to complain about a product. I guess it's just my mentality if i purchase a product and i don't like it, i stop using it or return it. If i eat a restaurant and the thing i choose of the menu isn't good i return it and get something better, and when i make give feedback on the product that wasn't good when i come back in a few months or even weeks the product will be better (i am speaking from experience here). It frustrates me that people think THISproduct is going to be perfect after a few months, Good lord give it some time.


I think a ton of people are just disappointed.


It would be worse, much worse if people just installed, said "this game sucks" and left. The people complaining are trying to get it fixed.

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As well they should. Spelling is apparently becoming a lost art. Which is probably in direct correlation to the nosedive in quality posts.


Stupid people make stupid threads.


well i guess like people will be saying to me by end of this thread "You"ll get over it"

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What are you shocked about?


That people who are upset with a product are complaining about it?


Complaining / constructive critisim is one thing.....


The absolute vitrolic and / or ignorant threads that are made day after day after day about this game are absurd.


When i was young some ppl liked Mario, some liked Sonic, but we didnt threaten to put a hole in the head of someone that disagreed with us.

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