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This is so stupid.


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This is why i think mara stinks atm.



Our dps and burst is not even close to the best, sorcerers can deal larger sustained and operatives can deal 10x the burst dps.


We have NO, none nothing in the way of group utility, and that silly fury buff for the group ever 1 min doesnt even come close to what other classes get.



We cannot control the flow of a fight like EVERY other class, we have no stuns no long range attacks and out medium range attacks stink and need rage, but if you are being kited you wont have any so you cant use them, and even if you did they cost so much you might get to cast 2 or 3 of them.


Our defence is pathetic, medium armor? WHATEVER it isnt medium armor, my operative and assassin whom is in light armor can take more hits! mara die in seconds, its like we take 40% more damage than any other class not even my sorcerer takes damage like these...



ONE STUN is all it takes to kill a mara, because then they sit and wait you stupid *********** shield comes down and you die in afew hits.



lets take alook at some other dps classes. melee ofc though.




Operative, medium armor like us.

Aborb shield, and no it is nothing like unyding rage since it does not eat 50% of their health.

Heals even untrained it heals for 5k crit, and its fast.


HUGE burst dps + massive Dot hits, around 1k on my 48 operative.

many stuns.

long range burst dps using sniper+pob skills and ability to shoot while moving.





light armor, but has ability to turn it into heavy armor with stance.

many CC


a tank spec with high amounts of healing.

a caster spec with even higher and freankly overpowered amounts of healing.

OK burst dps, good sustained

DPS spec with many stuns, controle and burst but low in damage mitigation with no healing




This is how i would fix this...



Make cloak of pain a passive ability or a buff that lasts 60 min self only.


make saber throw cost no rage and have a range of 30m like other ranged attacks.


Make force choke a stun, we channel it the same, but can move and attack still.


Allow ravage to be useable while moving and end after 3 hits.


Make crippling strike our snare cost no rage.


make force camo last 8 seconds


boost the anhhile healing, it was alot better in beta.

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This is why i think mara stinks atm.



Our dps and burst is not even close to the best, sorcerers can deal larger sustained and operatives can deal 10x the burst dps.


We have NO, none nothing in the way of group utility, and that silly fury buff for the group ever 1 min doesnt even come close to what other classes get.



We cannot control the flow of a fight like EVERY other class, we have no stuns no long range attacks and out medium range attacks stink and need rage, but if you are being kited you wont have any so you cant use them, and even if you did they cost so much you might get to cast 2 or 3 of them.


Our defence is pathetic, medium armor? WHATEVER it isnt medium armor, my operative and assassin whom is in light armor can take more hits! mara die in seconds, its like we take 40% more damage than any other class not even my sorcerer takes damage like these...



ONE STUN is all it takes to kill a mara, because then they sit and wait you stupid *********** shield comes down and you die in afew hits.



lets take alook at some other dps classes. melee ofc though.




Operative, medium armor like us.

Aborb shield, and no it is nothing like unyding rage since it does not eat 50% of their health.

Heals even untrained it heals for 5k crit, and its fast.


HUGE burst dps + massive Dot hits, around 1k on my 48 operative.

many stuns.

long range burst dps using sniper+pob skills and ability to shoot while moving.





light armor, but has ability to turn it into heavy armor with stance.

many CC


a tank spec with high amounts of healing.

a caster spec with even higher and freankly overpowered amounts of healing.

OK burst dps, good sustained

DPS spec with many stuns, controle and burst but low in damage mitigation with no healing




This is how i would fix this...



Make cloak of pain a passive ability or a buff that lasts 60 min self only.


make saber throw cost no rage and have a range of 30m like other ranged attacks.


Make force choke a stun, we channel it the same, but can move and attack still.


Allow ravage to be useable while moving and end after 3 hits.


Make crippling strike our snare cost no rage.


make force camo last 8 seconds


boost the anhhile healing, it was alot better in beta.



Anni healing doesn't need boosted. Ever. If anything it should be a flat number, not % based.


Give us Heavy Armor again and Cloak of Pain will be just fine.


Ravage should be given the option to channel twice as fast (How many times do I have to say this?)


Force Choke is fine. It's only a CC for Immortal Juggernaut.


Crippling Strike and Camo are fine.


The only addition I see would be trading in one of Defensive CDs for a 6-12 rage cost alpha strike on a minute CD.


Everything else you posted makes me think you just want a class that can solo Malgus.

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you think so?


all i want is balance, i want some utility, or damage that far outshines any other class because lets face it, as classes go we get nothing.



easy to kill

laughable healing ability

no control

Damage that is equal but not greater then other dps classes.

Burst DPS lacking

sustained good, but not better then others or by much.




Just go and look at all the other classes in this game, compare them side by side on paper, its just funny as hell.



Goes to show how bad we were nerfed prior to release, i wonder what the real mara was like.

Edited by direblaze
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direblaze, you deserve a special in-game title: Master of Exaggeration. I'm convinced people don't proofread their own posts. Otherwise they'd see how insane they sound. Seeing as how marauders beat every class 1v1 I'd have to say we're not "easy to kill," which also shoots down a few of your other "points." I'm not even going to comment on the rest as it's been covered in Marauders Suck versions 0.1 - 12.376.42. In before L2P?


By the way, try an assassin if you really like to complain. I really need to level her up, man, but christ what a pain...

Edited by mrHaterade
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By the way, try an assassin if you really like to complain. I really need to level her up, man, but christ what a pain...



That's actually a good point because a Sin DPS-spec lacks the armor rating to make them survivable in comparison to a Mar who at least gets medium armor.



Mar's top the DPS chart, I don't where you get this info that they fall behind. Sure if you're dead that messes up your totals but that's a moot point.

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direblaze, you deserve a special in-game title: Master of Exaggeration. I'm convinced people don't proofread their own posts. Otherwise they'd see how insane they sound. Seeing as how marauders beat every class 1v1 I'd have to say we're not "easy to kill," which also shoots down a few of your other "points." I'm not even going to comment on the rest as it's been covered in Marauders Suck versions 0.1 - 12.376.42. In before L2P?


By the way, try an assassin if you really like to complain. I really need to level her up, man, but christ what a pain...


i have never lost to a mara as my assassin, or even as a sniper. the second they pop cloak of pain i stop attacking and run off, since mara are stupidly easy to control and kite.


once that is done i just play the midrange game, since as i said mara is really easy to control, and being a tank assassin i can heal, they dont deal the damage to kill me quick enough because i dont let them hit me.


as a sorcerer its alittle harder due to inerupts, but kiting them around with Dots and timing knockbacks and stuns allows for an easy win to, but you have less margin for error.








Its fine that you love your class, but don't try to say they dont have issue, in a game where every class can use ranged attacks, have many stuns and most can heal well you have the mara, a class that has no tools and only dps trees and even then avg damage nothing special yes maybe at 50 with gear you can hit for 5k but so can pretty much every other class that isnt a sorcerer, but they get alot more tools to play with.

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idk what your talking about. my marauder has tons of control. i have an interrupt on an 8 sec cd, i have force choke, my deadly throw reduces healing by 20% and roots the target in place for 3 secs on a 12 sec cd i have a snare that last 12 secs and another root with ravage. idk why people complain about this class so much. pvp is not about 1v1 its about fighting as a team. peel for your healers and and burst down theres. Edited by Prideth
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idk what your talking about. my marauder has tons of control. i have an interrupt on an 8 sec cd, i have force choke, my deadly throw reduces healing by 20% and roots the target in place for 3 secs on a 12 sec cd i have a snare that last 12 secs and another root with ravage. idk why people complain about this class so much. pvp is not about 1v1 its about fighting as a team. peel for your healers and and burst down theres.

Ignore the slug. He just sucks at marauder. No amount of logic or reason will convince him that his lack performance with one class is directly related to his lack of skill with said class.

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I played an Operative to 50 as my main, then went heals and rolled a Marauder.

Wouldn't have it any other way. I have no issues 1v1, even in my half cent/champ, have lvl 45-47 leveling oranges. If you're getting owned by sorc's, you're tactics need reworking, cause sorc and sage are the 2 easiest classes for me to kill.



Are you using cds properly? Are you setting them up for big dmg such as deadly sabre, 3 bleeds + rupture, hitting trink and force choking while they DoT to 1/2 health in the duration of force choke? Are you using obfuscate often?


Seriously, just hit 50 3 days ago on my marauder, and having a blast in WZs while only rocking 304 expertise atm. Level 50 valor aswell. I pretty much leveled him through WZ.

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you think so?


all i want is balance, i want some utility, or damage that far outshines any other class because lets face it, as classes go we get nothing.



easy to kill

laughable healing ability

no control

Damage that is equal but not greater then other dps classes.

Burst DPS lacking

sustained good, but not better then others or by much.




Just go and look at all the other classes in this game, compare them side by side on paper, its just funny as hell.



Goes to show how bad we were nerfed prior to release, i wonder what the real mara was like.


I was in beta for a while. Maras and Sents cried all the time about how crappy they were.

Said they hit like wet noodles, with no CC and they were buffed 2 times.

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We have NO, none nothing in the way of group utility, and that silly fury buff for the group ever 1 min doesnt even come close to what other classes get.


Predation in huttball is OP


spec into the talent that gives you an extra 30% speed and you'll be a huttball hero


start of match: pop frenzy, pop predation, jump across acid pool, force leap to nearest enemy, aoe mez, get focused, pop force camo, grab speed boost, grab health pack, join the fight


when out of combat use sweeping slash to build fury, then keep predation loaded for a group-wide 80% speed buff or to basically be able to escape any situation.


bloodthirst can also turn the tide of a game if it's used at the right time

Edited by HBninjaX
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Seriously, just hit 50 3 days ago on my marauder, and having a blast in WZs while only rocking 304 expertise atm. Level 50 valor aswell. I pretty much leveled him through WZ.


What skill tree are you using? If you could post your build that would be awesome. I plan on leveling my marauder with main story quest and pvp primarily.



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I dont have any problems vs most class except ops and scoundrels


i know scoundrels and ops who take me to 40% of my Hp before i can even start dpsing

than i know i got to bail because im not gonna win because of the simple reason:


hes still on full hp, he still can heal, he can still re stealth and re-open and restart the stun chain all over again.


not even undying rage will help you out


but guess every class has his anti class

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This is how i would fix this...



Make cloak of pain a passive ability or a buff that lasts 60 min self only.


make saber throw cost no rage and have a range of 30m like other ranged attacks.


Make force choke a stun, we channel it the same, but can move and attack still.


Allow ravage to be useable while moving and end after 3 hits.


Make crippling strike our snare cost no rage.


make force camo last 8 seconds


boost the anhhile healing, it was alot better in beta.


This is hilariously awful. As a marauder, I destroy sorcs and operatives in 1v1 no problem. We are easily the best class in a fair 1v1, depending on cooldowns. What you suggest would make us incredibly OP.


Yet again, another "L2P." We need some tweaking, sure. But you obviously need to learn the class if you're having that much trouble.

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This is hilariously awful. As a marauder, I destroy sorcs and operatives in 1v1 no problem. We are easily the best class in a fair 1v1, depending on cooldowns. What you suggest would make us incredibly OP.


Yet again, another "L2P." We need some tweaking, sure. But you obviously need to learn the class if you're having that much trouble.


I dont want to be blunt but sorcs ok i understand, but ops/scoundrels i have a very hard time to believe you unless they are half death. Or you must encounter seriously undergeared opponents.


You have no advantage whatsoever on someone who open on you in stealth.

and definatly not against a full BM geared opponent.

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I dont want to be blunt but sorcs ok i understand, but ops/scoundrels i have a very hard time to believe you unless they are half death. Or you must encounter seriously undergeared opponents.


You have no advantage whatsoever on someone who open on you in stealth.

and definatly not against a full BM geared opponent.


I've beaten plenty of Ops/Scoundrels after they got the drop on me. It's all about recovery and managing defensive CD's thereafter. Just don't panic.

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It must really be different every server. A lot of you are overlooking what the OP is saying. He makes fair complaints and there are indeed times where I feel the same way.


If the OP is talking about lvl 50 pvp only, he has a lot of good points. Maybe a lot of you, and others I have seen in other similar posts, have really crappy opponents and/or full pvp gear against those without any. On my server, marauders don't put out 400k dps, not even close. Only once I saw a mara hit 300k damage and it was against a group of ungeared 50's. I'm usually the highest damage mara most times but even then I don't think I ever broke 200k damage with 4-5 pieces of expertise gear. SI, IA and BH ALWAYS have 300-400k damage a warzone on my server. Why? Because they are really good at their classes aside from gear.


Without expertise, you really get facerolled against those who have a decent amount. We don't have the survivability like other classes to close that gap from no gear to earning gear. The road is just harder for us.


It all comes down to this: Like others have said, we are seriously gear dependent. I have about 300 expertise and only now can I even compete with others with equal or higher than that. I do pretty dang well as of now. But aside from expertise, we really are at a disadvantage, and we indeed need some kind of change to fix whatever the underlying problem is.


Every server and situation is different, so don't jump on the guy so fast without thinking of all the circumstances.

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