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4 Battlemaster Bags = Nothing


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The way they do gear for PvP is just down right stupid. Leveling from Valor Rank 50 to 60 should almost if not all the way gear you out in Champion Gear. So you get to Valor Rank 60 and your Weekly's will get you one Battlemaster Bag? Really? And two Champion Bags which is pretty much worthless. I have been 60 for about 3 weeks now and have got 3 tokens. Each week you can get a total of 16 BM Bags. So 3 weeks I have got 48 Battlemaster bags and 3 tokens. 16% drop rate. Where is this 25% drop rate at?


So today I opened 4 bags and what a suprise to me, i get 60 Champion Tokens. PvP as a whole is broken damn near, and this just makes it pointless to do things in this game.


Flame Wars Begin NOW!!

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Just remember, for every player that cries on this forum there are plenty of others who have great luck with BM bags (better then 25% chance).


I personally had a run of 8/9 BM tokens and I'm guessing my average was about 30-35% before I got my set.


Obviously those with good luck don't come crying on these forums, it's only the whingers, so of course it looks like the 25% average is off.


Anyway, if you really enjoy PVP then eventually you will get a full set of BM gear. Just keep playing, enjoy your PVP and soon enough you will have a complete set too (like everyone else!)

Edited by MickFett
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Just remember, for every player that cries on this forum there are plenty of others who have great luck with BM bags (better then 25% chance).


I personally had a run of 8/9 BM tokens and I'm guessing my average was about 30-35% before I got my set.


Obviously those with good luck don't come crying on these forums, it's only the whingers, so of course it looks like the 25% average is off.


Anyway, if you really enjoy PVP then eventually you will get a full set of BM gear. Just keep playing, enjoy your PVP and soon enough you will have a complete set too (like everyone else!)


Yup, I am currently 2 for 29

My IRL friend is 9 for 12

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it takes over a year, ~25 days ingame playtime in a REAL PVP MMO to get end game gear


here people crying cuz they can't get gear a week after they hit BM level...


if you don't have full BM in a year from now, go ahead and QQ but you still won't get any condolenses from me

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4 Bags... lol...


Come back on your 3rd week of no commendations and then maybe we'll care.... Actually probably not even then. It's been that long for me and no one cares! :( Hell I don't even care anymore, whining here doesn't do anything.

Edited by JumpDrive
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I'm in the below average BM bag luck group as well, though a good run last week has me closer to average.


Keep a few things in mind:


Random is random. Some will good luck, some bad. It's a poor system, but it is on its way out, and a new system is supposed to be implemented in 1.2.


BM isn't much of an increase over Champ. Some of the items are honestly downgrades. My helmet drops surge in favor of... Accuracy? Not having BM gear is not the end of the world. A well played Champ will still beat a poorly played full BM.

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Yeah i think it's great that end game pvp gear is based upon luck... I mean i think it's soo awesome when i see people in full BM and i think "Wow... how lucky!" Instead of, "Wow they must be skilled at pvp'ing!"


It's a great idea to NOT have Battlemaster gear based upon on skill like all those "other" mmo's and leave it all up to dumb luck.... Who cares if those other "unlucky" pvper's are actually good, and possibly even better than us "lucky ones."


Well don't think i can lay the sarcasm on much thicker...


Now ignoring the constant exploiting done in nearly every warzone played, and the disaster of the end game pvp planet know as Ilum. I'd like to know what BW was thinking making the End Game Top PVP Gear based solely upon luck? I'd prefer the top tier PVP gear based upon skill and accomplishment as opposed to the dumb luck option, and anyone that wouldn't, i question their merit as a serious pvper.


Bottom Line Fix End Game PVP before tera comes out, because as big as the fan base for star wars is, your alienating a great deal of pvper's. Many are willing, myself included, to overlook the problems that exist within a newly launched mmo but the amount of effort and time that BW's put into end game pvp, especially gearing, is an offense that many serious pvp'ers will not overlook

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Yeah i think it's great that end game pvp gear is based upon luck... I mean i think it's soo awesome when i see people in full BM and i think "Wow... how lucky!" Instead of, "Wow they must be skilled at pvp'ing!"


It's a great idea to NOT have Battlemaster gear based upon on skill like all those "other" mmo's and leave it all up to dumb luck.... Who cares if those other "unlucky" pvper's are actually good, and possibly even better than us "lucky ones."


Well don't think i can lay the sarcasm on much thicker...


Now ignoring the constant exploiting done in nearly every warzone played, and the disaster of the end game pvp planet know as Ilum. I'd like to know what BW was thinking making the End Game Top PVP Gear based solely upon luck? I'd prefer the top tier PVP gear based upon skill and accomplishment as opposed to the dumb luck option, and anyone that wouldn't, i question their merit as a serious pvper.


Bottom Line Fix End Game PVP before tera comes out, because as big as the fan base for star wars is, your alienating a great deal of pvper's. Many are willing, myself included, to overlook the problems that exist within a newly launched mmo but the amount of effort and time that BW's put into end game pvp, especially gearing, is an offense that many serious pvp'ers will not overlook


I don't entirely disagree with you but most of the time having more PvP gear just means you have more time to play, in any game.


Time is the factor, not skill.

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I read the forums quite a bit but I have yet to see anyone come up with a proper means of calculating a person's skill level. I think what you are suggesting is throwing out gear entirely but then what's the reward for being more skilled? I look at titles and all I ever see is wow that guy has a lot more time to play than me and I couldn't care less about a title. At that point there is zero incentive to win.


Planetside is the only PvP game I've ever played that had character advancement that gave you more options/utility without making your gear a factor in the equation.

Edited by Triple-A
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It's the same in all mmos- end tiers take a while to get, eventually they become mid tier and become really easy to get- people who got it then whine that it was so hard for them to get it, people who can now get it act all smug- a new tier is added and the cycle repeats itself.
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I opened 2 BM bags yesterday and got 2 tokens. Also, my first 2 bags (on Saturday) had tokens. For every person complaining about the injustice of the bags and/or their terrible luck, there are plenty of people like me who don't see the problem.


ps: Opening 4 bags in a row and not receiving a BM token does mean there still isn't the 25% chance that Bioware claims you have.

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