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Rename Sniper to Engineer?


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Maurader's maraud, Sorcerer's cast spells, Juggernauts are unkillable tanks. Snipers? they run around up in your face and poison you, place some probes and call in orbital strikes. Engineer is more appropriate don't you think? maybe alchemist; or they could make the viable marksman we all signed up for at level 10. Edited by Crankyhobo
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Last I checked the Marksmanship spec was a Sniper and completely viable and the best actually O.o


A spec which still uses a probes (adrenaline and explosive), ballistic dampeners, a knife attack, multiple grenade attacks, checks its facebook account while resting, etc

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A spec which still uses a probes (adrenaline and explosive), ballistic dampeners, a knife attack, multiple grenade attacks, checks its facebook account while resting, etc


He also has snipe, ambush, series of shots, follow through, shatter shot, corrosive dart, rifle shot, and takedown.....all gun attacks. Just because something has an attack of a type doesn't make it that type.

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I do see some of the OP's point, though. We shoot a long gun like a Sniper, but our 5m of extra range (for only some of our abilities - grrr) hardly make us a real Sniper. "Shooter" or "Marksman" is more accurate, but I don't really like those names. "Operative" or "Agent" would be good, but they are taken. I'd feel better about "Sniper" if we lost some of our visibility while in cover. Maybe you have to be within 15m to target us, for instance.
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He also has snipe, ambush, series of shots, follow through, shatter shot, corrosive dart, rifle shot, and takedown.....all gun attacks. Just because something has an attack of a type doesn't make it that type.


Actually for the dart animation the sniper shoots off a container attached to his left hand. It doesn't come from the rifle.


I don't care what they call the class. I was just pointing out that no matter the spec, snipers still use a lot of gadgets and tech abilities that may not be in line with what most people envision as a true sniper class.


Then again, a true sniper would have way over 35m range, and probably get one-hit kills, so a certain amount of realism has to be sacrificed (especially considering it's a star wars game).

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And unless you're lethality you shouldn't be using it anyway cause it's crap damage for the energy.


He also has snipe, ambush, series of shots, follow through, shatter shot, corrosive dart, rifle shot, and takedown.....all gun attacks. Just because something has an attack of a type doesn't make it that type.


You are correct. I only mentioned it, because you included it in your original post.

Edited by Rucket
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Do you even have a sniper rolled out?


Marksmanship grants you one of the most powerful tree dps wise.


it can boost your crit chance up to 50% with the right gear.


I only use explosive probe if my CD's haven't finished and I can't even remember the last time I used my corrosive dart. I haven't played an operative yet, but I assume they might be more fitting for the name considering they're more versatile from what I hear.

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Maurader's maraud, Sorcerer's cast spells, Juggernauts are unkillable tanks. Snipers? they run around up in your face and poison you, place some probes and call in orbital strikes. Engineer is more appropriate don't you think? maybe alchemist; or they could make the viable marksman we all signed up for at level 10.


To the OP


1.Respec Marksman

2.Learn to play your class lol

3.This is a silly thread

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This thread delivers.:


  • learn to play - check check.
  • non-sniper - check.
  • qoute with one word response - check.
  • people missing the point - check.
  • off-topic debate - check
  • incorrect info posted as fact - check


Just another day on the forums.

Edited by Crankyhobo
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Why would BW change the name of the character who uses sniper rifles to anything else. If you want to change it so badly, get a pen and a post it, and write engineer (or whatever you want to change it to) and just put it over the screen whenever you see the word sniper.


honestly some of you are like the neediest kids ever haha

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I'd feel better about "Sniper" if we lost some of our visibility while in cover. Maybe you have to be within 15m to target us, for instance.


I was saying this to my girlfriend earlier while playing my Sniper... I mean a Sniper is about stealth. Obviously you'd have to make certain abilities break this "stealth" otherwise you could just kill people while being completely undetected sometimes. Maybe make some sort of "muzzle flash" that breaks stealth for x seconds everytime you fire your rifle.


It boggles my mind that Snipers can't sprint but Sorcs can. I'd love to have a sprint to get away or move into position. Or a temp vanish like a Marauder which feels more like a Sniper ability anyway (I mean it's called CAMOUFLAGE for cryin' out loud). I'm sure this will NEVER happen though unfortunately.


Remove Shield Probe and Evasion and give us an escape ability imo.


I really want to love my Sniper. It's the first class I wanted to play. It's not bad by any means. But it's just not as "sniperish" as I'd like.


Also if I'm behind cover and someone launches rocks at me shouldn't my cover protect me some? How are pepples yellow damage but plasma energy bolts from my rifle are white hits lol.

Edited by fadingdimension
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this has already been discussed and imo recon would be a perfect name for sniper.


Except that doesn't even describe a Sniper in this game. Reckon would have stealth and speed. You'd go into the enemies territory undetected. Snipers in real life do this. Not in this game though. Reckon is basically what an Operative is.

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