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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Did this game deliver on the hype?


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lol I did not know that. I had heard Cameron was under a lot of stress during the making of it but had no idea it was that serious O.o


I caught it reading up on some interviews with him about the time Avatar came out.

He was a truck driver that went to see Star Wars and left completely pissed that he'd not made it...it was what got him into film making. The universe in Avatar is kinda his start on something with the scope of Star Wars.

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Except Gamespot did run an article on it....research before posting please.




Edit: and after further research, so did GameInformer, IGN, and most other major gaming websites


Thats interesting, never saw those mentioned on the front page of an of those websites(they gamespot, ign, and gametrailers open up as default on my chrome browser). I am pretty sure it will never make it to consoles just like AoC because can you imagine playing a WvWvW on a console with 100 people on screen? The console is probably going to explode because of all the heat and pressure, unless, they dumb down the graphics to quality where it looks somewhat similar too WoW(or worse) then it might work.

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I caught it reading up on some interviews with him about the time Avatar came out.

He was a truck driver that went to see Star Wars and left completely pissed that he'd not made it...it was what got him into film making. The universe in Avatar is kinda his start on something with the scope of Star Wars.


That is quite interesting, indeed! Makes me look forward to see if the sequels can become a good sci-fantasy trilogy like the original Star Wars trilogy.

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I have that sinking feeling to. Having an ok STORY, and the game being STAR WARS is about all this games cracked up to be.








These are games that arent scared to try some new things. I just hope they dont get dumbed down at one point or another to please the retarded wow crowd thats been created over the past years.


someday....we will see NO themepark grinders and it will be all about the sandboxes ...


Happen it will....


Wasn't this what one of the grandaddys of MMOS was? EQ. I mean it seemed like a sandbox to me in that you had a world to explore and before being dumb downed the leveling took time. Original Hell levels anyone?

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I'm tired of seeing pvp in mmorpgs. They need to make some games solely devoted to it. MMOPVP. RPGs are supposed to be story focused. If you're sad about endgame content, then you got there too fast. The way I'd like to see TOR go for endgame, would be additional story arcs added weekly/monthly. They could be single player or multi or both. Maybe an option that if you go on the story arc with other players it just adjusts difficulty by however many players. Flashpoints that are very heavily story driven would be great for this.


I constantly see people complaining about pvp never being balanced.


I'd loved to have seen more companion interaction.


I only wanted to chime in on bits. Didn't they make Shadowbane for the PVPers? I am not sure if it is even alive anymore. Also Guild Wars had fun PVP (the random arena) is what I am talking about. Team builds such as IWAY were a problem from what I heard, but I am a PVE guy.


I agree with you that companion interaction and additional story arcs are the way for this game to go. This game is meant for PVE where Guild Wars may be better for PVPers.

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So we all know this game was hyped to hell before launch, now two months in do you think this game delivered on the hype?


Personally i think that this game was all hype and that is all. It failed my expectations, leveling up to lv 50 was great for the first time but being lv 50 for a month and a half i can say that this game is very boring. I even made a new alt at lv 40 and it the fun i had when leveling the 1st time is gone, i cant even do a single FP cause it takes a hour of my time to find a party and i still wont be able to get one either missing a tank or healer or both.


Every product release is a hype by nature. It's got to be like that cause marketing laws dictate.


As a consumer, you have to be mature and critical enough to properly analyze what the product is actually offering.


The problem is some kiddos don't seem to understand/know how marketing works and get caught in the hype's nests. The don't check the specifications and expect a final product that fits the expectations they have baselessly fabricated in their wild dreams.


They don't have any grasp of what patience and progression actually means cause, as Jim put it, "they want the world and they want it NAO!!!". Being those brats a fraction of the story tellers and BS fabricators that roam the forums 24/7 hating for free and selling speculations as facts.

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I think that question is individual outside a couple of sources (Trolls/Haters; Biodrones).


For me, no, not even close.


I expected a lot more from the crafting (Which, like the game, is lifeless)

I expected a lot more from space

I expected a lot more from the stories

I expected a wide-open, massive world(s) that feel alive, and teeming with life.

I expected an innovative combat system, and character progression system

I expected better PvP and PvE

I expected tons of mysteries, adventures (All we got was Datacrons, which is something to build on I guess)

I expected way, way better character customization options (Character creation, Equipment, Weapons, etc)

I expected servers to be brimming with life constantly (They are dead about 80% of the time)


Meh. It didn't even come close.


It kinda guts me, too. This game for me, was kinda the "Get back in my good graces Bioware" situation. I used to buy Bioware games first day, no questions. I was never disappointed (I was a little hesitant about Jade Empire, but was hugely satisfied). EA buying them shook my confidence in them a bit, but I figured they'd stay the same. Then DA2 and ME2 games hit, and I lost about 80% confidence in them. This game cemented it for me, that Bioware simply isn't the developer they used to be, not even close.


I'll move on from this game (There is nothing they can do to keep me playing anymore) probably end up in TERA or GW2 or some F2P MMORPG. I'll finish out ME3 (I'll get my money back on ME3 they got outta me for this dud) and then forget Bioware.


That's the worst part. Not this game dying. I can rationalize that. They put a horrible development team in-charge (Full of Mythicfail and DA2Fail). It's the huge, huge decrease in quality of Bioware games, their marginalization of their core fanbase (Story-oriented RPGers) and now with the whole DLC thing with ME3, their death at the hands of EA is complete.


Sucks to see a Canadian company fall victim to US Capitalism.

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Let me put it like this.


People keep saying that they spent 300 million on this game...


when i walk in the tatooine desert with all graphics set to high, i do not leave foot prints in the sand. Its like you are walking on sand colored concrete.




all i know is for millions of dollars people will do some crazy things, and this game is no 300 million production... believe what you will, but i am certain some people got very rich off this production.

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Skimming over the other post most seem to be pleased with the game if they had no or low expectations of the game before release. That's not exactly a glowing review.


I had high expectations based on what I read about it and was totally let down. I was actually sad about it. I thought it was suppose to be a star wars game. After leveling a character to 50 which wasn't fun, I've yet to see anything that makes me feel like I'm playing a Star Wars game. Its linear and generic.


Like others, once the time runs out I can't see myself wanting to come back and play it months down the road or years down the road if it last that long. Glad there are those that like it for the sake of the people that made the game but I wanted more sandbox features which it doesn't have nor would I expect them to ever add.

Edited by superlizard
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This game did not initially meet the hype for me, but with each patch that has come out it has come closer to meeting that hype, and bioware is fixing issues far more rapidly than I would have imagined which has been extremely pleasing. I have greatly enjoyed my experience with SWTOR, and hope to continue to enjoy it.
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