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A Look At The Old Republic


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This is so funny when ppl respond to criticism it that way :), sheeeep beeeee, beeee beeeeee, who believe any bull.... seen in TV or on internet :)


Good luck with your life :D


Instead of "if you don't like it just leave" explain where I am wrong ... :)


so true man...

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Are you people feeding the trolls? Has the email not been circulated by now? :wea_03:


After reading through the replies I've gotten I believe that you, good sir, are right. I believe I have been talking to a wall for the past 20 minutes and shall turn away from this wall as if it was never there.

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You don't really get it, do you ? :). If we wont say what we think, BW will never, ever care and they will treat thay product as as favor for you. Something like: "play what we are giving you and we doooon't care if our product is full of bugs, if you don't like it go .... yourself, there is no refund".


So basically massive corporations can rip you off for £130 without any consequences. And trust me they will :)



Actually, players kill MMO.

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I liked the video, I like the game.


What I don't like is the hate around here, why does the human race have to always find something to hate on....race, religion, sexuality.... since these are being stamped out slowly the current generation turns to....games.... lol


This is the logic of all people on these forums


I like this game, it's awesome! = You are a simpleton and/or a fanboi


This game sucks! I hate it! = You are a wow fanboi and/or a troll.


How about this, it's your opinion and it's their opinion... everyone is entitled.


However the people who keep at it like a broken record need shutting up, cause they are annoying (and I dont just mean the negative threads)

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I liked the video, I like the game.


What I don't like is the hate around here, why does the human race have to always find something to hate on....race, religion, sexuality.... since these are being stamped out slowly the current generation turns to....games.... lol


This is the logic of all people on these forums


I like this game, it's awesome! = You are a simpleton and/or a fanboi


This game sucks! I hate it! = You are a wow fanboi and/or a troll.


How about this, it's your opinion and it's their opinion... everyone is entitled.


However the people who keep at it like a broken record need shutting up, cause they are annoying (and I dont just mean the negative threads)


I agree, you can have own opinion. But do you realize how annoying is when someone says: I kike this game and I hate haters :).


Arguments, Arguments again arguments. "Game is fun" its not an argument :)

Edited by Kozakkoo
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LOL I love when simple ppl try to assume things :)


Surprise. I don't like WOW, I tried and hated it :). I believe, you are the past fan of this game if you enjoy SWTOR.


SWTOR = WOW with lightsabers :)


I do not expect you ppl to understand, BW developed simple product for simple ppl, there has to be a reason :D....


....and you are demonstrating my point. Regurgitating rhetoric originated by another, presenting nothing that can be construed as "feedback", posturing grandiosely as if more astute then one actually is, unable to substantiate, or demonstrate one's contention.

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This is so funny when ppl respond to criticism it that way :), sheeeep beeeee, beeee beeeeee, who believe any bull.... seen in TV or on internet :)


Good luck with your life :D


Instead of "if you don't like it just leave" explain where I am wrong ... :)


You are seriously going to talk about sheep while spewing the same drivel all the lemmings have said over and over?

This forum is like a broken record, designed to strip all sanity. The fanboys say BW can do no wrong & SWTOR is gold. The haters say BW sucks & SWTOR is an epic fail. Fanboys & Haters give the average gamer a bad name. It's remarkably simple. If you enjoy SWTOR... play it. If you do not enjoy SWTOR... don't play it. Otherwise, please, for the love of god, stop arguing opinions as if they're facts.

Edited by Navoon
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Yes this game is incredible, yes the launch was handled fantastically and issues have been addressed quickly and effectively, and if you disagree, stop blinding yourself in your selfish ignorance and hate.


Sure the fps issues are an annoyance, but nothing more.

Sure the no same-gender romances are annoying, but that's soon to be implemented and I'm looking forward to it.


The only problems I forsee are the resolve system, which has a pretty much negligible effect at the moment, and the server populations. If I'm CC'd and my trinket isn't up, I die within the next 5 seconds, every time, and I keep seeing people rerolling characters onto heavier populated servers because they're tired of a barren server.


Bearing this in mind, I'd like to say that I'm not ranting or QQing. These are simply problems I have with the game at the moment, and problems I know for sure will be addressed. I have every faith in the running of this game, it's been handled brilliantly already, and has a bright future ahead of it.

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Nice Video, watched it at lunch on my break at work.

As an average gamer and a neutral. May I say, I did buy this for a FanBoy reason of Star Wars movies. I have been happy with the game so far and this week so my first venture beyond the fleet. Now Im hooked, cant stop playing it. Joined a RP server to enhance experience and now im fully integrated. Bugs (yes) flaws (few) but they dont for me take away the concept that I can be a Jedi for 4 hours a night.


FUN 8/10



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I agree, you can have own opinion. But do you realize how annoying is when someone says: I kike this game and I hate haters :).


Arguments, Arguments again arguments. "Game is fun" its not an argument :)


I never said I hate haters, I simply stated that all the name calling and the "your opinion doesnt mean crap cause my opinion is better!" rubbish has destroyed the forum community and the people who constantly make threads like "this is why swtor will fail" and "this is why i quit" or the "why dont people realise this game is new!" and "this is why i am staying!" are also destroying the community by causing flame attacks and in so doing makes people not wanna log on the forums anymore who are sick of the attacks everywhere.

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I liked the video, I like the game.


What I don't like is the hate around here, why does the human race have to always find something to hate on....race, religion, sexuality.... since these are being stamped out slowly the current generation turns to....games.... lol



Lol, now you call resists people who criticize games, I did not realize that someone can go that far with this nonsense term :)



Its like when someone says, you are dump because you bowed up this car. Another guy says in response: yu call me a dump because I am green you resist. End up with overusing this idiotic word. :)


Based on my experience you say that only when you know that you messed up and ypu cannot defend yourself in any other way. lol

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There was something off about this video that I just could not put my finger on.... then I realized they were using a higher rez version of textures we never had access too since beta


Way to go Bioware, why dont you show screens of how the game really looks.

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There was something off about this video that I just could not put my finger on.... then I realized they were using a higher rez version of textures we never had access too since beta


Way to go Bioware, why dont you show screens of how the game really looks.


I noticed that fps did not drop through the floor in the fleet shots. There were also no stutters, delays, and apparent misfires in the combat as shown.


All in all a very good promo video. My only question came when it was said that a lot of people in the studio were playing. That is, are they playing the same game as the rest of us? I am enjoying the game despite issues and will be playing for a few more months. I am not a hater; more disappointed than anything else. Since the game I am playing launched broken, had / has bugs, bugs, and more bugs, has multiple combat issues, has graphics and fps issues, etc., etc., and so on, if the devs in the video would tell me what game that they are playing, I would love to give it a try.

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There was something off about this video that I just could not put my finger on.... then I realized they were using a higher rez version of textures we never had access too since beta


Way to go Bioware, why dont you show screens of how the game really looks.


Just pisses me off that they continue to misrepresent the game this way.

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Just pisses me off that they continue to misrepresent the game this way.


Oh my GOD guys, seriously.... grow up...


I love reading posts on this forum.... a couple thousand people angry about something all come to the forums and complain, and think that because other people on the forums share their opinions, that the consensus on the forum is at all representative of the opinions of people who actually play the game....


You know what would have happened if Modern Warfare 3 was advertised as "The same game as last time! Just a little more explosive!" It would have BOMBED. Nobody would buy it, because that's bad marketing.


You can't seriously tell me that if YOU created a product, you'd advertise first and foremost, what was wrong with it?

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For all the complaining about how bug-riddled and incredibly horrible this game is, I've been enjoying it a lot. I have yet to encounter a single game-breaking bug, and I'm having fun playing through things and exploring. But then, that could be because I'm not racing to 50th.


I can't help but lol at all the people who raced to 50th in the first couple days and then sat back complaining about lack of end-game content. Can't really fault Bioware if you decide how you want to play is completely different from how they expected things to be played. Here they construct a legacy system, long storylines for every class, etc, and you play your one character to 50th 2 days after release and are upset that the game doesn't have every feature you feel it should already, just because that OTHER game that's been out almost a decade has this or that. And yet, if this WAS that game, you'd have gone through the work of taking 7 characters to cap. God forbid Bioware looks at that and goes "You know..these people make alts. Let's work on a system that encourages and rewards them for doing it, unlike those other games."


I've played enough MMOs by now to understand that just because I'M at the top of the game, it doesn't mean my problems and the problems of my peers are the most important ones. Games will always cater to where the (not always as vocal) majourity sits, not to the people who fly headlong into end-game and expect chocolate waterfalls and magical unicorns everywhere.


But then, I guess my server must be the only one where the majourity isn't 50ths, and I must be the only person getting all these minor patches every week. That would explain why some of you seem to think they aren't doing any work at all and absolutely nothing is ever getting fixed.

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