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Sup with orbital stations?


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Orbital stations and load screens are one of the main reasons I don't log in much.


Load Screen Wars vs Copy Pasted Corridors isn't what I pay my sub for.


What about the rest of the game? I don't think you're constantly running through an orbital station... just takes a few extra seconds. So what about the rest of the game?

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You are playing a MMO. I hate to point this out but the entire point of a game that never ends and cannot be beaten is to .... take up your time. Also, it kept them from having to create a new space port with your specific ships graphics at each planet.


Obital stations create a time sink and also the illusion of travel. Why not make everyone teleport and fly everywhere? Why cannot I run 300 mph?


Stop crying about little details and enjoy the video game.


Then remove the Quick Travel possibilty as well, How on earth (or any other planet) is it even possible to get a shuttle dispatched in the deepest of caverns or on sublevel 14 of an underground structure?


The stupid instanced spaceship/corridor/orbital station crap is just poor design.

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Are the orbital stations there for some future purpose? Maybe there will be some sort of event that takes place, like the station gets attacked and an "Orbital Boss" appears... or maybe it could be a pvp aspect where Imperial and Republic players will have open windows in which they can assault Orbital Stations? That would actually be interesting.


Maybe they'll impliment something in the future.

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Are the orbital stations there for some future purpose? Maybe there will be some sort of event that takes place, like the station gets attacked and an "Orbital Boss" appears... or maybe it could be a pvp aspect where Imperial and Republic players will have open windows in which they can assault Orbital Stations? That would actually be interesting.


Maybe they'll impliment something in the future.


Pretty much no :p You're just fishing for a reason for their pointless existence other than an additional time sink.

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Story and immersion.


Did I mention that this is a "story-driven" MMO ?


If that's the case, please put restrooms and restaurants in the orbital space stations just to add to the "immersion", cause nothing says "immersion" like trying to make it to a restroom before your bladder or bowels explode...Which btw is exactly how I feel about the whole "immersion" cop out...Yeah, it's a load of crap.

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Story and immersion.


Did I mention that this is a "story-driven" MMO ?


I can understand that some idiots out there might see it that way. But really? Can you honestly back the way they implemented these things?


It's ABSOLUTELY uncalled for. Immersion... like you don't just run right through the god damned things.

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How do you intend on feeling immersion without loading screens hmm?


Sometimes to REALLY feel immersed I like to stand still for a while even after the load is completed.


Sometimes I'll burn myself with a hot lighter after a battle, to simulate being grazed by a blaster. I think I'll try your method from now on.

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I can't agree more with OP. Here is a typical situation for me. A guildmate or two and I decide to go questing on planet X. We all hop on one of our ships together and we're off. Except, oh wait, when we get out of the ship we are automatically teleported to our own hanger. What? My ship shouldn't even be here if we are talking "strictly story" as some of you suggest. Next we have to run around (we can't even hop on speeder... again, what?!) find our way though boring straight copy/pasta hallways and elevators that have no story progression or use, just so we can regroup later down on the planet.


Truthfully, the whole "planets" thing already fragments the world to the point where it feels like several micro games going on simultaneously. Why add several useless zones within each planet to further split everything up? I'd much rather prefer public transportation via a ship that takes 5-10 minutes (with one load screen) to get there with chances of random encounters (similar to FFXI's boats and airships and WoW's boats, zeppelins, subways) than a boring run fest. This game severely lacks in the social aspect with all the story instances, group phase, and companion nonsense. As far as the story goes, those ships aren't all that crucial. So you have some team meetings at the table or around the holoterminal, big deal? You could have those conversations anywhere in the world. Personally, I'd prefer to sit back and socialize, maybe fight a champion pirate/jedi/sith mob or two with a group of 10-15 complete strangers while flying over than hit my auto run button and move my camera around. You could further develop this by adding things unique to that ship - like vendors, maybe something crafting related (you could fish off the boat in FFXI), maybe add a space mission in there, etc etc etc. The possibilities are there. They just got lazy and added empty space instead.


You guys are right. This is a story driven MMORPG. DON'T IGNORE THE "M!" This is multiplayer. The thing I never understood is why games like this promote single player play? Why do people choose to compete for bear pelts instead of forming a simple party, making a friend, and collecting them together. MMOs need time sinks, yes. But there are more interesting, more relevant ways of adding them into game play. You guys are probably the same people that think achievements/trophies are fun and not a total ******** cop out on gameplay replayability.



Probably because in the original design, those locations served a purpose - one which got cut during development due to lack of time/funds, or a concept that never made it out of the design stage.


I never played beta or anything, so just out of curiosity, what were their original purpose? And is it something they plan on adding back?

Edited by Darne
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