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The best part about the new Vote kick Idles...


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It will allow my BM friends and I to vote kick out any newly 50/Low geared players that join our games and cause the weak link to a loss.


And to top it off the newbies wont be able to queue up again for several minutes!




There is no way Bioware would be stupid enough to allow players to kick someone for any reason other than non-participation.


EDIT: I might be naive in thinking that, but damn, I can't believe any dev with a brain would allow it.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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Well, honestly. There are a lot of things a newbie 50 can do to prepare himself for the 50 bracket.


If you are showing up in anything less than crafted 49 purple stuff (and a crafted 50 weapon) and a days worth of daily mods, you probably should be kicked.


Doing this stuff from the blues you were leveling in, will give around a ~30% damage increase, around 13-14k hitpoints, and a little better defensive stuff. You will still die a lot easier than you are used to, but your damage output will actually be not so bad, if you play smart and support the better geared players you can be very helpful.

Edited by Elysion
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If they've read the forums at all in the past few days, they'll know they need to add a physical AFK check either on its own, or in conjunction with the vote. They should not and will likely not allow entitled elitists such as the OP and his arrogant friends to harass other players and abuse a system intended to remove AFK'ers.


If they do a simple vote kick with no additional checks, basically it will go from AFK'ers abusing a system and ruining the game for others, to elite *****s abusing the kick system and ruining the game for others. They will then be dealt with in a future patch once Bioware realizes its mistake.


Assuming the system goes in favoring the elitists, I will make sure myself and my guildmates report for harassment anybody who abuses this to kick "weak link" players.

Edited by vindianajones
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It will allow my BM friends and I to vote kick out any newly 50/Low geared players that join our games and cause the weak link to a loss.


And to top it off the newbies wont be able to queue up again for several minutes!




Oh, I see you already seen how it works and all the safelocks they have put in.

Care to share your sources?


Oh, your imagination? Well, thats a reliable source we all should always believe.

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nobody cares if you or your friends are BM, you suck at pvp regardless, or course you need help in wz's, because gear is all that counts right, learn strategy l2p with others.


I own kids like you in blink in pvp


Big words in a game that is considered to be biggest joke in MMORPG PvP. Looking forward to crush you in rated matches.-

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I will also be kicking people with 12k-13k hp. Not even being a dick.


I don't care if you're bad if you're new, you gotta learn somewhere. But don't come into my warzone with 10k hp. You can get a few crafted things, run 2 four man instances and THEN come back when you have 13-14k. You will still be in garbage gear but at least you wont get completely pooped on. You help nobody when you get pooped on.

Edited by Umpire
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Well, honestly. There are a lot of things a newbie 50 can do to prepare himself for the 50 bracket.


If you are showing up in anything less than crafted 49 purple stuff (and a crafted 50 weapon) and a days worth of daily mods, you probably should be kicked.


Doing this stuff from the blues you were leveling in, will give around a ~30% damage increase, around 13-14k hitpoints, and a little better defensive stuff. You will still die a lot easier than you are used to, but your damage output will actually be not so bad, if you play smart and support the better geared players you can be very helpful.


When I started PvP at 50, I had not done much pvp before and leveled with my wife in PvE, we paid no attention to our gear and cared less about it. When I started PvP I had around 10.5K hits and was in green/blue gear. I am glad that the people on my server didn't have the attitude that I should be kicked from groups because I would never have been able to level up. But, they didn't and now I'm in Cent/Champ gear with no adverse effects.

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go play a different game if this is such a joke, we don't need your input


I do play skillbased PVP games also, which are FPS and RTS games. But MMORPG games are better in social aspects even though PvP in these is very easy and has very low skillcap.

Edited by Forsbacka
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I will also be kicking people with 12k-13k hp. Not even being a dick.


I don't care if you're bad if you're new, you gotta learn somewhere. But don't come into my warzone with 10k hp. You can get a few crafted things, run 2 four man instances and THEN come back when you have 13-14k. You will still be in garbage gear but at least you wont get completely pooped on. You help nobody when you get pooped on.


I would be lying if I said anything other than that the first thing I did when going into a match is to check the hit points on each of my fellow team mates. Anything less than 13k means crap for gear. It also generally means people have little experience in warzones and now are expected to play in the same pool as the big kids.


As to "kicking" these lowbie 50s will it happen? My first reaction would be to say that checks will be in place to prevent this. But after pondering the idea for just a few seconds I then realize that this dev team has a piss poor record on making logical decisions and creating safety nets that aren't exploited to no end.


I mean seriously, we are expecting this from a team that has given us 2 Ilum PVP revisions with each worse than the last.


They also allowed 50s to enter matches with people in their teens.


And then there is the numerious PVE items that were exploited to no end in PVP.


All this and we expect this to work as intended?


My final reaction to the idea is ... LOL!!!!!

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It will allow my BM friends and I to vote kick out any newly 50/Low geared players that join our games and cause the weak link to a loss.


And to top it off the newbies wont be able to queue up again for several minutes!




You should go play EVE. You'd fit right in with that attitude. But instead of setting newer players back minutes you can set them back months!


It's players like this guy that really make online gaming suck. FPS's, MMO's, you name it, when tools like this get into them they really drag them down.


Obviously the Devs have taken players like him into account and put in proper precautions and hopefully a severe punishment for people who attempt to abuse the system.

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Would be nice if the kick could only be in conjunction with a lack of damage, healing, or guarding done. If you are doing one of those three things, you are at least contributing. Could alleviate the 'you will be kicked because you are undergeared' thing, and the guy standing behind the pillar in stealth all game would stand to be kicked.
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If it's possible, people WILL do it. I think that's pretty much a given.


If it's not possible to initiate a vote-kick... well then how the hell does it start? They can't really base it on idle time, I sure as hell don't want a vote-kick popup to appear randomly in the middle of my screen mid-combat just because someone has been idling for 60s or whatever.


They can't really do it on contribution % (unless the threshold is REALLY low), because some players are just bad even when they're not afk.


The only thing that might save a vote-kick system from rampant abuse is if the match-making systems they've got coming actually work well.

Edited by Tyrias
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Well, honestly. There are a lot of things a newbie 50 can do to prepare himself for the 50 bracket.


If you are showing up in anything less than crafted 49 purple stuff (and a crafted 50 weapon) and a days worth of daily mods, you probably should be kicked.


I agree about the mods from dailies but the crafted stuffs can be quite hard to obtain on some servers.

My server is almost dead (at least on republic side), I rarely see over 10 people on Illum and 65 is peak time republic fleet, there's no LFG for flashpoints / ops going on.


So I can't acquire anything useful (like the mats needed for the lvl 50 crafting stuffs) from PvE and there's almost never anything useful on GTM either.


I'm not in a guild because I've been unable to find one so far that is to my likings, there's never recruitment posts going and the server forums here are dead so I've only been able to ask around which 1x lead to be recruited into a guild full of snotty exploiting kids.


I rolled a different class on an other server but am still holding hopes for server transfers to become available so that I don't have to re-roll my main class that's stuck on a dead server.


So the fastest and most reliable way currently available to me for gearing up my freshie main is by doing WZ's. Being votekicked from those would make my progress grind to a painful halt. And no I'm not unexperienced, I've had the same character and valor levels since level 15 all the way to 50.

Gear progression PvP FTL.

You want to only play with your BM friends and not give any freshies a chance, run premades.

Edited by Holskabard
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I will also be kicking people with 12k-13k hp. Not even being a dick.


I don't care if you're bad if you're new, you gotta learn somewhere. But don't come into my warzone with 10k hp. You can get a few crafted things, run 2 four man instances and THEN come back when you have 13-14k. You will still be in garbage gear but at least you wont get completely pooped on. You help nobody when you get pooped on.


My guess is you'll lose more WZ's that way. Sometimes having 8 people is more important then having 8 people with 15k hps. If you want to dump two people and run with 6 15ks vs a full group, you'll probably get rolled, but do as you like.

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I agree about the mods from dailies but the crafted stuffs can be quite hard to obtain on some servers.

My server is almost dead (at least on republic side), I rarely see over 10 people on Illum and 65 is peak time republic fleet, there's no LFG for flashpoints / ops going on.


So I can't acquire anything useful (like the mats needed for the lvl 50 crafting stuffs) from PvE and there's almost never anything useful on GTM either.


I'm not in a guild because I've been unable to find one so far that is to my likings, there's never recruitment posts going and the server forums here are dead so I've only been able to ask around which 1x lead to be recruited into a guild full of snotty exploiting kids.


I rolled a different class on an other server but am still holding hopes for server transfers to become available so that I don't have to re-roll my main class that's stuck on a dead server.


So the fastest and most reliable way currently available to me for gearing up my freshie main is by doing WZ's. Being votekicked from those would make my progress grind to a painful halt. And no I'm not unexperienced, I've had the same character and valor levels since level 15 all the way to 50.

Gear progression PvP FTL.


Why did you join a server that was going to be underpopulated? :p This is not sarcasm either, on case you/everyone doesn't know;


The rules for mmo server selection are:


1. Normal pvp/pve servers are always a risk, half will die early on. Dont join these.

2. RP servers have better faction balance

3. RP-PVP servers are the rarest server type, and always end up with the best populations as such, and best faction balance being rp servers


So basically, people who have been around mmos long enough, realize joining standard pve/pvp servers are a risk/gamble and not a good idea. This is where the sentiment that rp servers have better communities come from, it has nothing to do with rp (hardly anyone roleplays), it has to do with the population tending to be more experienced mmo players since they realize the three rules i just listed above.



My server is one of the most populated servers currently. And i knew i would be from day 1, following the above rules.


Next time around keep these things in mind to avoid ever living on a dead server. :D

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