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SWG reality check


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Go play some SWG-Emu if you miss SWG that much.


I am right now, thank you very much. Outside of Bestine on Tatooine sampling water. I need some for the spiced tea so I can level up food. Been waiting a few days for it to spawn.


Once a resource spawns that exact spawn will never spawn again. So if something is good you need to get as much of it as you possibly can and if its exceptional you get as much as possible and save it for making the very best item once you gather the other needed resources. That's the way crafting works in SWG. Its involved and exciting when something pops up you've been waiting on and you can run out and gather. YOU are the gatherer and crafter and there is more pride in what you create vs the companion doing everything.


The space reverse engineering parts was great in the game. That what makes the game fun for sandbox players. Waiting and watching for the best parts or resources to spawn or drop. There is no mad rush to get to the end because there is no end. :) I hope they get the space up and in the Emu soon. I miss my ship and the free flying.

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Let's not forget that you could get in your ship, fly wherever and in any direction and speed you wanted, shoot at anything you wanted (or just hang out), explore and adventure for as long as you wanted, then land anywhere you wanted. I like SWTOR a lot, but JTL was a better space combat game eight years ago.


Overall SWG became a sick mess after the CU/NGE debacle, but the final group of devs did a lot to repair the damage, and even at its worst SWG had something that this gorgeous game may never have - the sense that this really was YOUR story, your world. I miss that even as I enjoy all the other things TOR has to offer.

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I'm curious if, in 8 years, anyone would even bother making a similar thread for SWTOR.


The issue is that the people who Q_Q about SWG even in this thread are people crying about pre-cu or the cu...which lasted for only 2 years and was a 100% different game than SWG...it's a group of people who have such a miserable life that even after something is gone for over 6 years they can't stop themselves from crying about it every 15 minutes.


Yes I played pre-cu/cu/nge and even was on the day it closed...But I have moved on and when the cu/nge came out I also moved on...I don't feel the need to go emo over something 6 years in the past online

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I wonder... do people live a fun life?



How can people still talk about the past like it was the BEST or WORST thing to come to pass. What's important is what you have now. It's a different time, a different world and all... Are you happy with the present? I am! :)


I love TOR and I loved SWG pre-cu... Both are different games and I don't see why both should resemble each other.


People should look at what they have today and now. Why can people simply enjoy the right now and look forward for a great future. I believe SWTOR will shine even more in the future. WOW did... EVE did... SWG did NOT...


It was so better back in the days... I pity those people.

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Seems people come to the discussion forum berating tor as it isn't like SWG and how great it was....well removing the rose tinted specs I remember...


Buff wars and overpowered spies

Empty servers

Empty space

Wasting time bounty hunting for Jedi only to find them afk grinding from rooftop houses

Exploits aplenty such as bike calling in combat

Line of sight crap

Card game just another way to fleece subscribers

Server transfers costing 50 dollars just to move to a server with a couple more people on

Afk grinding rife pre and cu game


I could go on and on....I'm so glad it's over


I love how you are almost the only other person I've seen telling the unvarnished truth about SWG, yet when you get the courage to make a thread about it all the other SWG vets that can't remove those rose shades come in and brow beat you for it.

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SWG was my first real MMO. I had told myself that there was NO WAY I was going to spend $15 a month on a freakin video game (I'm looking at you EQ). Then SWG was announced .... and I was hooked (and the game wasn't even out yet).


Yes SWG had its issues, but there are parts of it I found amazing .... and most people now don't want them.


Why were there Doctor lines? .... cause when you died you got wounds ... a sort of death penalty. Buffs actually meant something (even early WoW they meant something, but later in WoW the meaningfullness was removed and it was all about topping DPS/HPS charts).


Why were there entertainers .... see meaning full buffs above.


The crafting system was the best I've seen yet. I could harvest my own resources, make my own schematics, make my own items and sell other stuff if needed. Due to 'death penalty' and no 'repairs' (originally anyways) you had to continue to interact with other people for armor/weapons.


Player housing ... while other games have housing SWG was the only one (that I've played) that had cities. We could have our own bases.


In the end it really was the community that made the game. My guild had a war with an Imperial Guild (before that was even in game mind you). We'd attack their bases and they'd attack ours. We had HOURS of pvp fun and no performance issues unless we were in the middle of Theed. We even prided ourselves in having enough people on a server get together and CRASHED the server.


I've remained friends with many I met in SWG. At the time our guild was upwards of 1000+ members across 3 or 4 different MMO's (to include early WoW). We had our own community, but as time moved on the games were less interactive and more solo. Buffs weren't needed to do anything, groups were rarely needed.


Games have changed. I enjoy SWTOR and I might have a different view if I played it half as much as I used to play SWG. Not only did games change, but so did I. I have a life other than in game. I have obligations other than school (I was in college) and work. My core community from SWG is alive and well .... we keep in touch in and out of game as many of us moved over to SWTOR or rejoined us after a hiatus from the MMO world.


I've played many MMO's, but the important factor in all of it to me was the community. SWG made the community. People knew other people. It wasn't always about the end result. :)


Hope you all enjoy whatever it is you do .... in or out of game. :)

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I love how you are almost the only other person I've seen telling the unvarnished truth about SWG, yet when you get the courage to make a thread about it all the other SWG vets that can't remove those rose shades come in and brow beat you for it.


I don't really see a lot of brow beating going on here, to be honest... (well that's not completely true, some people were pretty adamant with their "stop crying, move on, it's over"...)


I do see a lot of people contradicting the fact that the opinion posted by the OP is "the unvarnished truth". Not because he's "wrong", but because to a lot of people it simply isn't the whole story.


Most people won't deny that SWG had many problems right from the get go. Despite these, many people still think it was one of the greatest MMO's ever made, even if only potentially. Of course, even if it would have been released perfect, it would still not please everyone. That's fine. Not everyone has to like everything.


Why this would need a "reality check" and why this "reality check post" would take "courage" to post is not really clear to me.

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There were a lot of BAD aspects to that game that people refuse to remember.


Lots of grinding.

Lots of looking for buffs that you couldn't get because a certain class was no where to be found.

Lots of pointless skill grinding to open a class you didn't even want.

Lots of logging on and AFKing because there wasn't anything to do unless you had a very large guild.

Utterly directionless "campaign". There wasn't a lot to do except walk around.

"player housing" was often pointless and player cities would just disappear.

Did I mention a ton of pointless grinding for classes and skills you didn't need?




It wasn't that good of a "game". Sure, it might have been a neat population simulator but that's not what I'm looking for in a game. If that's what you liked, more power to you. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Why this would need a "reality check" and why this "reality check post" would take "courage" to post is not really clear to me.


It doesn't, it's just the usual dreck. People love to set up little strawmen so they can demolish them with great flourish.


The actual unvarnished truth, if anyone still cared, is that GALAXIES was a brilliant and innovative title that never did the numbers LucasArts and Sony had hoped - it had maybe 350k subs at its peak. They tried radical surgery to compete for the WoW audience and killed the patient. Nevertheless it had a hard core of devoted fans who stuck with it until the end. It also had a vulture-flock of haters, some of whom have flown to this game.


SWG had real problems - always - but plenty of us miss it. My constructive hope is that over the life of SWTOR, the developers find ways to add the community touches we loved.

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There were a lot of BAD aspects to that game that people refuse to remember.


This is a good example of what I'm talking about. Of course Galaxies had bad things, which anyone who ever played it can tell you about. But that's not enough - we now have to pretend that people "refuse to remember" them. That's the strawman.

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This is a good example of what I'm talking about. Of course Galaxies had bad things, which anyone who ever played it can tell you about. But that's not enough - we now have to pretend that people "refuse to remember" them. That's the strawman.


So true .... the same could be said the other way around "SWG has so many GOOD aspects to it that people choose to not remember".


It's just another way to spin opinions. :)

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I don't know why but I feel the needs to reply...;)


You cannot compare SWG to SWTOR like you cannot compare Pac Man to Mario Bros... 8 years it's a lot when speaking of video game.


SWG as been launch when MMO was still underground... Before SWG I was still playing Star Wars table game with books, dices, pencil and character sheet... when it comes out I became addicted right away... Finally, I could visit the places I've dreamed about since childhood and SOE did a good job about it... I loved SWG so much for many reasons but mostly for community aspect... you needed others for everything and players was engine of the game. Every servers was differents and Yes SOE screw the game that was so "buggly" promissing lol


About SWTOR:

I love SWTOR the quest system and combat are amazing. I love all Flashpoint, Ops. So far it a very good start and I may play for awhile depending how the game will evolve.


BUT without a doubt there is so many aspect that SWG was better like space, Role playing, Community. I have the feeling that BW is a champion of cut corners :eek: thinking of emotes, outfits and any community / Role playing aspect. You can't even sit on a chair in any cantina... that's cheap! I wish they add a player music system... LOTRO have a nice one!! Very fun!!!


I expect a bit more layers in 2012 Star Wars base MMO than killing stuff or people... SW universe is so big so it up to them to be creative. Without turning the game into a sandbox they should add few elements that makes player feel they are in Star Wars universe and wanna hang together not just play another game that will accumulate dust on a shelf in a few month from now.


Exemple of what i'd like to see in SWTOR:

Waiting on PVP queue... go to to the Fleet cantina listen/watch musicians/dancers (players not NPC)... chat with people about your last match... sit on pazzak table... gamble some money/items... Bang pvp game start, tip entertainers and go have fun... :)


Thanks for reading everyone and sorry for my grandma euhh grammar:csw_jabbapet: ... english is not my first language

Edited by germicide
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More things spring to mind as why I hated this game so much....

AFKing ents in cantinas just to get tips

Anyone remember docs tipping people to tumble over just so they could heal them to grind....go out and heal a group!

Stupid TEF system....spending time heal mind damage etc watching ents only for a combat medic to wipe you out again....anyone play eclipse server and remember Mimi a combat medic wander into anchor head and wipe it out?

Sprawling cities when there were only a few buildings you needed....cantina, cloner, med centre, star port

The way everyone was a master doc/melee hybrid......defence stackers rule

Macros rule.....friend of mine used to somehow get a rebel toon run into a faction base and be promptly afk killed by his imp main......rinse and repeat. No danger of his main being killed as no one ever ventured to the bloody base......all this while he slept/ went to work!

Pre cu combat system.....at least I could press the queue button 50 times on a attack and go grab another beer....very exciting.

30 frames a second cap!

I didn't get the entertainer musicians etc.....why would people play a game sit in a virtual cantina and listen to music.....go out and live for god sake


Rant off

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More things spring to mind as why I hated this game so much....

AFKing ents in cantinas just to get tips

Anyone remember docs tipping people to tumble over just so they could heal them to grind....go out and heal a group!

Stupid TEF system....spending time heal mind damage etc watching ents only for a combat medic to wipe you out again....anyone play eclipse server and remember Mimi a combat medic wander into anchor head and wipe it out?

Sprawling cities when there were only a few buildings you needed....cantina, cloner, med centre, star port

The way everyone was a master doc/melee hybrid......defence stackers rule

Macros rule.....friend of mine used to somehow get a rebel toon run into a faction base and be promptly afk killed by his imp main......rinse and repeat. No danger of his main being killed as no one ever ventured to the bloody base......all this while he slept/ went to work!

Pre cu combat system.....at least I could press the queue button 50 times on a attack and go grab another beer....very exciting.

30 frames a second cap!


Thing is... you remember those things. You can remember a player, by name, who did something in a video game, what, 6 or 7 years ago? (and it's not Leeroy Jenkins, even...).


Yes there were AFK Ents up the whazoo... but there were also dedicated players who enjoyed playing their Ents. And even the AFK'ers served a purpose, since it was still a place where people gattered and interacted.



I didn't get the entertainer musicians etc.....why would people play a game sit in a virtual cantina and listen to music.....go out and live for god sake


Rant off


Why would people chat online when they can do so in a pub? Why would people play video games, period? You don't have to understand why something can be fun to accept that others enjoy it. Of course, you don't have to like it?


Also, I see a lot of SWTOR players complaining about empty cantinas and no real social hubs...

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I sadly never got to experience SWG in its pre CU days, but the game came out my 1st year of high school and I remember being insanely jealous as people in my classes talked about their experiences in the game. I find it interesting that the sentiments people have about pre CU SWG are very similar to the sentiments about Final Fantasy XI. All over the internet I see people talking about the problems those games had but how much they loved them and it makes me kind of sad I missed out on the pre WoW era of MMOs.
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I am right now, thank you very much. Outside of Bestine on Tatooine sampling water. I need some for the spiced tea so I can level up food. Been waiting a few days for it to spawn.


Once a resource spawns that exact spawn will never spawn again. So if something is good you need to get as much of it as you possibly can and if its exceptional you get as much as possible and save it for making the very best item once you gather the other needed resources. That's the way crafting works in SWG. Its involved and exciting when something pops up you've been waiting on and you can run out and gather. YOU are the gatherer and crafter and there is more pride in what you create vs the companion doing everything.


The space reverse engineering parts was great in the game. That what makes the game fun for sandbox players. Waiting and watching for the best parts or resources to spawn or drop. There is no mad rush to get to the end because there is no end. :) I hope they get the space up and in the Emu soon. I miss my ship and the free flying.


Which SWG-Emu are you playing. Still got my org. disk and have been thinking about playing. I know there are a couple out there. Water out side Bestine???? Wish I could have found that when my hams were burning from torso shot. :eek:

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You are both very right and very wrong, I think...


Yes, SWG (in all it's incarnations, but let's call pre-cu the "real" SWG) had many, many issues.


Compared to SWG's launch, SWTOR's launch was off-the-charts good. The game wasn't done.


And yes, some systems were open to exploiting, the comprehensive macro system allowing for almost completely automated gameplay...


But, for all it's faults, it did offer something unique. It was the only MMO that ever gave me the idea that my character, that I created, inhabited a living, changing virtual world.


Problem is, people want the good, but aren't willing to accept the bad that comes with it. It's only natural, but it's what makes games like SWG practically unviable in today's gaming market.


Yes, shuttle wait times could be a b*tch. But they did serve a purpose. Crying "it's immersive" isn't going to win everyone over, I know. But, the fact that you were in a virtual world where you had to wait for shuttles had a number of effects: It strengthens the feeling that distance means something. It also creates natural "downtime" which you could use to chat to strangers, chat to friends/guildies, check your items, check the bazaar, re-organise your macros... etc.


Yes, buffing was necessary if you wanted to be competitive. Yes, there were lines. But, this created a level of social interaction I haven't seen in many other games. Even now, when I check in on SWGEMU every once in a while, I thoroughly enjoy seeing full cantinas and full medcenters.


Yes, getting training for your skills could sometimes take a while, especially for the more obscure professions. But again, it made you interact whith fellow players in a meaningful way.


Yes, some builds were vastly more powerful than others. But, as a result there was actual variation. And because you could always re-train to anything, you could simply follow the FOTM if you wanted to be "the best".


I don't have rose-tinted glasses when it comes to SWG. It needed a lot of fixing. However, at it's core, I still believe it was the greatest MMORPG ever made. The problem is that instead of fixing the issues (bugs and lack of content first and foremost), they changed the core... twice.


I had high hopes for SWTOR. I knew it would be nothing like SWG. I didn't even want it to be, it should be it's own entity. I don't think it's a bad game. Not at all. However, eventhough I like it, I find myself not playing. Not because of any actual issue... but just because I don't feel inclined to, for some reason. I don't mind the lack of end-game content. I don't mind the performance issues on my laptop. I don't mind any of the often-named "problems" SWTOR has. I just doesn't draw me in... It's just another game... and I'm to old and to busy to really enjoy "just another game" I'm afraid.


Back to SWG: people often say "the only thing that was good about SWG was the community". They forget, however, that the community became that good because of what SWG was. The way the game was set up created a meaningful community. People want this community, but they don't want forced interaction, wait-times, etc. You can't have it both ways, a game where you can always do everything instantly will by definition have a community that isn't very strong. It's simple really: If the other players don't matter to you... the other players don't matter to you.


I´ve read this post and realized i dont have to read further.


Well said.

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