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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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The Group Finder feature we've discussed for the near future is definitely single-server only.


This is good news, but what about the PvP community? I've gotten to know a lot of great players over the past few weeks because we don't have cross server PvP queues!


The mind set of some players in a match these days is hard enough to deal with as it is. Make it cross faction and it will go to "mid camping" like in World of Warcraft. I guess trophy farming in swtor. If people know they will more than likely never see their group members again, what makes them want to listen to directions or communicate at all? We have these problems already, cross server will only intensify the issue.


This will also just destroy the community. With a complete lack of world PvP how else are starting guilds going to meet new people and recruit for PvP for when ilum / areas are added in? I personally don't want or need insta queue games being priority over an active community and immerse world, but unfortunately it seems being completely phased out. Game breaking for me.


How long do we have to wait for these things? 8 man rated war zones only? Are we supposed to crap on our war zone rating getting used to having 4 new players in a match we are not used to having? Without any practice in regular war zones? Win : loss ratio means a LOT to some people, myself included, and if this is the approach, its a really bad one in my admittedly non-professional opinion!


Also if you do decide to bring ilum back, start from scratch. Hoth, tattooine, and ilum are hideously ugly maps with the terrible "snow" and "sand" textures and non-active planets( another issue entirely ). Voss is a beautiful planet, I think you should make it look like that.

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Just look what it did for WoW


In WoW you dont need any real person to play anymore. It feels like a singleplayer game today that has mmo gameplay. The dungeon and raidfinder prevents you from the natural ways of finding friends in an onlinegame by playing with them.

In WoW you dont find mates to play with you are forever alone there today sins the dungeonfinder.

You can activly look for a guld or mates but you dont need to and even worse i noticed players being annoyed and flaming people looking for groups on chatchannels to "go use the f****ing dungeonfinder".

Everything that was great about fionding new friends in WoW is gone for me.


So it's fine to hold mine hostage? With that mentality it's just gonna cause people to gun for you which they are in droves atm. It won't effect you what so ever anyways. I ran server runs with a mixture of guildmates and rl friends all the time when I was in college and the X-LFD came out. It wasn't difficult at all, just be patient and it's very easy to form groups. For the rest of us that are unable to form groups due to the various legitimate reasons, we'll be able to enjoy the game as well.


Most players will enter an mmo alone without rl friends and without a guild.

Where is the need of finding friends or a guld if there is a one button finder that prevents all the social awkward people from even interacting?

Think out of the box and not only whats great for you to save 10-20 minutes of time but destroying the whole reason of playing an mmorpg, the interaction with other players.

please think about if not skyrim or league of legends is the better game for you with the needs you have. (this is not a bash i love both of those games thats why i recomand em.)

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Where is the need of finding friends or a guld if there is a one button finder that prevents all the social awkward people from even interacting?


Without that button some people cannot interact at all with others to group, that is a fact. Low populations servers and server imbalances couldn't survive without those tools and is one of the reasons why WoW is the leader in MMORPG's and other games are copying them.


Now, is X-LFD good for everybody? Hell no, lets be honest about that. However most people use the X-LFD cause it works beautifully, especially for guilds filling slots. I'd be up for banning X-LFD on certain servers or finding solutions that work. In WoW you can party up with your friends from different servers and group with them again and again, you can even raid now and pvp! How is that anti-social?

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Look Sinsur, the last thing I want to do is ruin your game/hobby for you. For some people like yourself, for legitimate reasons the X-LFD ruined WoW for you but for others like myself it made them game playable and amazing. I really hope we can both find some common ground so one of us doesn't feel like they have to leave Edited by Touchbass
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single server LFG tool is stupid. and if that's all they go with it's just another poor design decision and why the game isn't near the numbers they wanted.


because no one should have the option because of the arguments of the vocal minority....good job Bio..no really.

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In WoW you can party up with your friends from different servers and group with them again and again, you can even raid now and pvp! How is that anti-social?


Because those that don’t want it are the awkward ones who cant make friends.

They want you to be forced to party with them.



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single server LFG tool is stupid. and if that's all they go with it's just another poor design decision and why the game isn't near the numbers they wanted.


because no one should have the option because of the arguments of the vocal minority....good job Bio..no really.


Single server LFG options have been shown not to work, WoW and Rift both wasted tons of development time only to give up and introduce a full cross server tool.

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For those that are against X-Server LFG or LFG in general, how do you propose getting around the real problem behind the call for LFG tools, being that the great silent majority of ToR players have zero interest in socializing, forming communities, grouping, and pretty much doing anything not solo?


Hell, some of them even asked for the ability to have all their companions out at the same time so they could do flashpoints solo.


I want a LFG tool because I am a social player. I want it because I want to socialize and get in groups and do group content.


In this game, "community" is a fiction. You are trying to protect something that does not exist and never will, based on the Legacy enhancements. I'm asking for the tool so that I have a good chance of finding a group in a game that supports and rewards anti-social, single player game play.

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The problem is, too many people blame the tool and not the users.


Was it the LFG Tool that made that player give you abuse and act like a dick to you?

Was it the LFG Tool that made that player ninja an item?

Was it the LFG Tool that made that player terrible at their class?




You can give a man a stick, he could use it to make a fire to keep himself warm or he could wander around smacking people in the face with it.


Just because people misuse a tool does not mean that it was the fault of the tool.


Also just to note, in the very few Flashpoints I've managed to get a group for whilst levelling here, nobody spoke a bloody word the entire way through despite my efforts to be sociable.


On WoW when the LFD tool was around, I actually met my guild through it and joined them because we had such a fun time and they were so sociable. I transferred server and had some of the best times with them.



What would you think would happen if they introduced an I win button for everyone on rolls for example ? Or an ability to kick anyone from a group without voting ? Would the total amount of griefing be higher or lower than before it was introduced ?


In these 2 examples it's still the players who act bad if they use it for griefing, but BW has set the stage for it to happen in the first place.


I know I'm exaggerating, but it's just to show that you can in fact change how people will behave in an mmo.

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Yes, they aren't the primary target market.


Yay, the debate is over! According to you, x-realm isn't for raiders, so mmos with x-realm must not be for raiders either. If it has x-realm, then its a game for you. If it doesen't have x-realm, then its a game for me.



So it's fine to hold mine hostage? With that mentality it's just gonna cause people to gun for you which they are in droves atm. It won't effect you what so ever anyways. I ran server runs with a mixture of guildmates and rl friends all the time when I was in college and the X-LFD came out. It wasn't difficult at all, just be patient and it's very easy to form groups. For the rest of us that are unable to form groups due to the various legitimate reasons, we'll be able to enjoy the game as well.


I'm not the one who is asking online game makers to develop their games to fit into my schedual and real life needs as though they are the same as everyone elses, you are.


You say theres "various legitimate reasons" you can't get groups in this game but at the end of the day theres only one reason, your own priorities. In your last post you made it clear that procreation is one of your priorities. You also made it clear that it takes a mmo village to raise your children as you're finding yourself "punished" over your own priorities I.E. children when developers of these games don't fundamentally change the purpose of their game to include a CoD style lobby and that magically "won't effect anyone what so ever anyways." Thats like being the man/woman at work who thinks they deserve dibs schedualing requests up and over your co-workers because you have kids and they don't. Many of us have seen that person at our jobs.


You say "lets find a compromise" but you don't really mean that as your arguments are disingenuous and absolutely self centered. The only compromise that might leave both of us playing the same game for any long period of time is if they set aside a small minority of servers to not go x-realm and they don't start nerfing all the content associated with the tool. I won't use x-realm, and if it effects my game like you've promised it won't, I'll be part of a demographic BW can't keep while catering to you.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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The only compromise that might leave both of us playing the same game for any long period of time is if they set aside a small minority of servers to not go x-realm and they don't start nerfing all the content associated with the tool. I won't use x-realm, and if it effects my game like you've promised it won't, I'll be part of a demographic BW can't keep while catering to you.


I skimmed the nearly 50 pages on this thread and couldn't find a single instance of someone calling for cross-server lfg AND nerfs to current content. Most people like a little difficulty. As I've stated before, the difficult part of group content should NOT be assembling the group. I fail to see where cross-server lfg prevents you from forming groups the way you're doing it now. In wow I usually post that I'm going to be chaining randoms and ask if anyone wants to come, and I see quite a few others doing this as well. If they do, great. If not, at least I don't have to sit there and spam chat for hours trying to find a group.


I really can't help but feel that the reason most (note: not ALL) people are against cross-server is their desire to create an artificial barrier to group content. It's kind of ironic to use the community argument to exclude people from seeing content and getting gear.

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Just to add a useless anecdote to this thread:


On my first character, I managed to do most heroics and hit every levelling flashpoint.

On my second character, I didn't do a heroic after Dromund Kaas and hit most flashpoints.

Doing my third now, no heroics after Dromund Kaas and no flashpoints after Black Talon.

I'd like to do fps and heroics, but I have spent hours typing "LFG..." with no result.


Supposedly, my server (Shadow Runner) is lightly populated and is haemorrhaging players. Supposedly. I can't say for sure. What is for sure is that people who are there are so put off by the drawn out and disappointing search for groups that they do not bother with group content. I'd ask those who are concerned about the impact on 'community' how they think such an impact could occur when people barely interact in group content to make that community.


I've seen posts asking for server merges and posts asking for a x-server LFG tool. I think that both will likely prove to be necessary.

Edited by Legather
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I really can't help but feel that the reason most (note: not ALL) people are against cross-server is their desire to create an artificial barrier to group content. It's kind of ironic to use the community argument to exclude people from seeing content and getting gear.


Of course, because things like "I don't have the time" and "my real life is too busy" are "ARTIFICIAL" barriers right? I can't help but to feel as though you want others' entertainment to revolve around your real life's priorities. Most mmo developers are indeed making those concessions and this is why all mmos have slipped into this weird socialistic mediocracy. Its kind of ironic that you can lose at even a game of solitaire but the prospect of not "seeing content and getting gear" aka not "winning everytime" is pure blasphemy to a growing number of people who play mmos today. So you can stop the "you're trying to hold a brutha down" nonsense at anytime.


Look, a liberal guesstimate would be tops around 20 HM FP runs to get everything you want outside of raiding. Are you telling me that you can't manage finding 20 runs in this game without tools additional to what the game already has to help you? If your answer is no you cannot, then let me point to people like myself who currently play this game around 4 hours a week because thats all the post HM FP content has to offer outside of a mindless PvP grind.


That said, BW can either focus on x-realm tools or focus on actually having a reason to need them imho. The problem with finding groups in this game is its a short ride at the end thus most people who have been lvl 50 for a month have no reason to be online and looking for groups and no amount x-realm tools is going to solve that.

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Yay, the debate is over! According to you, x-realm isn't for raiders, so mmos with x-realm must not be for raiders either. If it has x-realm, then its a game for you. If it doesen't have x-realm, then its a game for me.





I'm not the one who is asking online game makers to develop their games to fit into my schedual and real life needs as though they are the same as everyone elses, you are.


You say theres "various legitimate reasons" you can't get groups in this game but at the end of the day theres only one reason, your own priorities. In your last post you made it clear that procreation is one of your priorities. You also made it clear that it takes a mmo village to raise your children as you're finding yourself "punished" over your own priorities I.E. children when developers of these games don't fundamentally change the purpose of their game to include a CoD style lobby and that magically "won't effect anyone what so ever anyways." Thats like being the man/woman at work who thinks they deserve dibs schedualing requests up and over your co-workers because you have kids and they don't. Many of us have seen that person at our jobs.


You say "lets find a compromise" but you don't really mean that as your arguments are disingenuous and absolutely self centered. The only compromise that might leave both of us playing the same game for any long period of time is if they set aside a small minority of servers to not go x-realm and they don't start nerfing all the content associated with the tool. I won't use x-realm, and if it effects my game like you've promised it won't, I'll be part of a demographic BW can't keep while catering to you.


I completely agree with you.


And the reason it's so hard to find groups in this game is because of the mentallity people coming from games like WoW have. If BioWare sticks to their guns and refuses to implement cross server, I think, well, I hope, the habit will be broken. Communities will grow and people will again be much happier to respond to requests.


However, the low pop server absolutely needs to be addressed. I have 10 people max on any given planet, no matter what day or time. And yes this includes the fleet.

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You want the game to fail? People are going to start leaving once they get to 50 and realize it's too hard to find a group for FPs/Ops on their ****** low pop server.


Actually, the lvl 50's who didn't have a problem getting groups to begin with now have set Ops groups and don't run FPs anymore leaving it harder for those who came in late or slow levelers to find a place to be. Open transfers + guild recruitment forums per servers would alleviate that problem quite a bit.


IMHO, if you're saying the game will fail w/o x-realm lfg then the game has already failed.

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Just to add a useless anecdote to this thread:


On my first character, I managed to do most heroics and hit every levelling flashpoint.

On my second character, I didn't do a heroic after Dromund Kaas and hit most flashpoints.

Doing my third now, no heroics after Dromund Kaas and no flashpoints after Black Talon.

I'd like to do fps and heroics, but I have spent hours typing "LFG..." with no result.


Supposedly, my server (Shadow Runner) is lightly populated and is haemorrhaging players. Supposedly. I can't say for sure. What is for sure is that people who are there are so put off by the drawn out and disappointing search for groups that they do not bother with group content. I'd ask those who are concerned about the impact on 'community' how they think such an impact could occur when people barely interact in group content to make that community.


I've seen posts asking for server merges and posts asking for a x-server LFG tool. I think that both will likely prove to be necessary.


It's a good thing they've already announced a same server LFG tool then, eh? Hence the toppic of this thread..

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I completely agree with you.


And the reason it's so hard to find groups in this game is because of the mentallity people coming from games like WoW have. If BioWare sticks to their guns and refuses to implement cross server, I think, well, I hope, the habit will be broken. Communities will grow and people will again be much happier to respond to requests.


However, the low pop server absolutely needs to be addressed. I have 10 people max on any given planet, no matter what day or time. And yes this includes the fleet.


I completely agree with you on server populations, but why shouldn't server populations be low reguardless of how many subs they do or don't have?


Now I know they put alot up in production of this game but my answer to the server population problem would more more along the lines of

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I completely agree with you.


And the reason it's so hard to find groups in this game is because of the mentallity people coming from games like WoW have. If BioWare sticks to their guns and refuses to implement cross server, I think, well, I hope, the habit will be broken. Communities will grow and people will again be much happier to respond to requests.


However, the low pop server absolutely needs to be addressed. I have 10 people max on any given planet, no matter what day or time. And yes this includes the fleet.


There is no going back.

You even admit low pop servers are a problem.

You need to keep up with the competition or it will wipe the floor with you.


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I also oppose cross-server grouping. Yes it is quicker, I will give you all that. HOWEVER what it often means if that you'll rarely meet the same player twice. Even if you DO manage to build a friendship with someone cross server you won't be able to talk to them or play with them except on the random occasions you bump into them.


It is far more healthy for a player to play with members from their own community, with whom they have a fighting chance of building a friendship - and enhancing their game experience. Playing with nameless faceless strangers isn't half as much fun and where everyone groups via an automated tool it can be hard enough to meet people without the added complication of a cross-server element.

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Playing with nameless faceless strangers isn't half as much fun and where everyone groups via an automated tool it can be hard enough to meet people without the added complication of a cross-server element.


That's your opinion, which is fine. However, many people feel the exact opposite, and that should be fine too. Again, a cross-server lfg option is just that, in option. You can use it or not.


Of course, because things like "I don't have the time" and "my real life is too busy" are "ARTIFICIAL" barriers right? I can't help but to feel as though you want others' entertainment to revolve around your real life's priorities.


Quite the opposite actually. People shouldn't be required to group based on my schedule, and I shouldn't be forced to group around others schedules.


Its kind of ironic that you can lose at even a game of solitaire but the prospect of not "seeing content and getting gear" aka not "winning everytime" is pure blasphemy to a growing number of people who play mmos today. So you can stop the "you're trying to hold a brutha down" nonsense at anytime.


That analogy only works if you're referring to the act of finding a group and not the group content itself. Some groups succeed, some fail. Given the difficulty of most of the FP's I've experienced I'd say most succeed. However, I would have no problem if my group was unable to overcome the difficulty of the FP. That said, FORMING groups should not be a struggle. The issue isn't with having time to run the FP, it's that the amount of time needed to find a group can vary from 30 seconds to hours.


All that said, I still can't figure out why people are opposed to this as an OPTION. I think giving players an option between single-server and cross-server would solve most problems. So my question is, what could you possibly have against something that is completely optional?

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You're guessing quite wrong. Cross-server Warzones are coming.


So the format that encourages rivals and camaraderie through competition is getting x-server which in turns kills said interactions (hard to build those types of connections with people you only see once a week), yet the unchanging boss fighting format that requires little communication or knowledge of other players doesn't?


I've understood the logic of every decision you guys have made 'til now (not necessarily agreed with, but understood the logic) but this just baffles me.


I guess I'll just take solace in the fact there aren't many aussie servers so our pvp community should survive. That's assuming you don't stick us in a battlegroup with the US and negate the only thing we need a good ping for.

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I don't think enough concurrent users are on NOT to make it cross server, unless you want people waiting forever. PVP queues are long for the same reason. BW should focus on making the game as accessible as possible. The "community" argument doesn't hold much water for me since the game is mostly solo. It's not like EQ where you were leveling with a full group of people all the way to cap.
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********. I think you're a fool on the forums and I'd think you're a fool in game. I'm on HoG and my character name is the same as my forum handle. Where is my consequence? Who is going to black list me for being "disrespectful"?


1) Click on the word "thorizdin" under your profile pic.

2) Copy the word "thorizdin" to clipboard

3) Click "Add thorizdin to Ignore List"

4) Log into game. Select above server from list. Roll a character if one doesn't already exist.

5) Type /ignore thorizdin


The process of blacklisting isn't that hard, really. Step 4 is the tough part, all else is easy.


Granted, not a lot of people will do this. But someone who continues to be an ****** will most likely end up on a lot of ignore lists, over time.

Edited by Soultranna
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