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why is no one playing operative??


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Yes maybe a little over-nerfed but still pretty decent at bursting/killing healers. I have been solo pugging BGs for a couple weeks now as a BH healer and was jumped for the first time by an OP yesterday and I didn't even know how to react it was so rare...




operatives are not terribad so roll one im tired of seeing the same classes :D

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I see tons of operatives being played on my server.


Though the class admittedly isn't for everyone. After playing a Carolina Parakeet spec Powertech, I cannot make myself play the Operative. The amount of utility and mobility that I lose, I just can't live with.

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True, they might suck at 50. Perhaps unlike OP, I never plan to find out.


Well, they dont "suck" in the very meaning of the term but... i often find myself thinking "why am i playing this char again when i can login with my Sorc and be more effective at just about anything?!"

Edited by Leszor
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I've been playing a concealment operative since day1 of this game and despite of all the nerfs, i still love my class. Just completed my BM set today and tbh i dont remember the last time i did under 300k dmg on a full warzone game:) i don't mind being seeing as a lesser class from ppl as long as you can prove them wrong.


Btw, iam speaking clearly as a pvp player, in pve there is no doubt in my mind concealment dps is lacking and is doing poorly compared to any other dps class.

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People need to state what server they are on. When the dude that started this thread, he makes it seem like its happening across all servers. Theres been all kinds of classes on my server Beregen. Not huge amounts of any one particular class.
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the geniuses at failware took operatives, the squishy, low sustained dps, but powerful BURST dps class and nerfed their burst dps to mediocre.


so now you have a squishy, low sustained dps, mediocre burst dps class.


therefore there is currently no point playing an operative when a merc/sorc can do everything (survive, dps, heal) better than them.


if you play a merc/sorc you also have the added bonus of people actually wanting you in groups too.

Edited by Evuke
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I still love my operative btw, medicine -lethality hybrid.


It's really the only viable way to play it right now. Conceal/Leth have worse damage and less utility than basically every other DPS, and Medicine has worse Burst, worse utility, and worse AOE healing than Merc/Sorc.

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Passable at PVP but still probably the weakest class (although my Hybrid does decently enough.) Pretty poor at Endgame PVE due to poor sustained damage and squishy melee limitations without any proper movement skills.


Hmm, I wonder why not all that many people are rushing out there to level their scoudrels/ops to 50? Currently there is no real reason to make a Scoundrel/Op if you are interested in being hyper-competitive. Mostly BH/Sorcs with a few Assassins for stealth utility is just so much stronger.


In PVE take one Sniper for the buff and solid ranged dps, a Juggernault as your main tank then add 3-4 Sorcs and 2-3 Bounty Hunters. In my PVP dream team I'd at least take one Operative along with a Darkness Assassin (a very fun and nasty pair fighting out of stealth together with the Op offhealing) but then the rest of the team would again be BH and Sorcs.


Operatives/Scoundrels are by no means useless or broken, well geared ones played well can make useful contributions... they'll just never be as amazing as another equally geared class in the hands of the same player.

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