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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Khem val is totally useless and needs to die painfully.


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Really, what purpose does he serve? His DPS is crap, and unless you spend 200k gearing him out in oranges every five levels, he is the squishiest and single worst tank in the known universe.



Can we either toughen him up or jsut remove him from the game? His constant emo bullcrap would be tolerable IF HE WASN'T USELESS. Unfortunately, this is not the case, making it either stupidly expensive, or impossible to level as a sorcerer. If you're thinking of making one, I would strongly suggest against it unless you have bags of money to throw at khem for gear, or perhaps if you're just a masochist and enjoy dying constantly because khem gets one shot on every pack of mobs with a strong in it =.=


Emo? no sorry Khem Val doesnt cut himself and whine in a corner... i'm pretty sure he stares at you and thinks " lunch " all day. As for being useless i was syntheweave and kept my khem in blues and he was fine...

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Gear him and he won't suck that goes for most companions apart from healer companions if you don't put your companions in good gear they will suck. I used khem val from 1-50 on my sith assassin and sith sorc and leveling with him has been smooth.


Heck my bro leveled to 50 with jaesa and he was a sith marauder he put jaesa in good gear they rocked any enemy that came to them.


Companions are not simple pets if you don't gear them like how you gear you main character THEY WILL SUCK.

Edited by lokdron
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I have a hybrid specced dps sorcerer and I used Khem Val as my primary companion from the start to the end with no big problems. Never bought him expensive gear, only took the prizes got from completing the missions and just a few nice loot drops.


Maybe I'm just that awesome then...

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thousands of Sorcs are a-okay with khem while leveling.. you, alone, find him to be not good. who do you think is correct? the thousands, or the 1?


as much as i hate L2P chants.. i don't see alot of options. i rolled khem from lvl 8 or so all the way to 47 when i got Xalek (final companion). i went to the extreme keeping khem geared which was easy with the pvp lvl 20 and lvl 40 sets; especially at 40 he had a full set of oranges and the off pieces were purple.


khem and all companions.. like any player in this game is entirely gear based. the better the gear - the better the performance. gear your toon and your companions. it's the mechanics of the game; you can't NOT do it and hope to be as good as the rest of us who do.

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1.) Use melee dps characters to offtank mobs

2.) release/mount speeder to reset their health every fight

3.) profit


tanking companions all are useless in the later stages of the game. Their defensive abilities are not actually that much greater then those of the dps companions, and they still have to get health back almost every 2nd/3rd fight.

The only time I ever tanked something myself was when shockfrozen water was available, because refilling my health was quicker then resummoning a companion even. As it stands, tank companions are useless in this game outside of very special applications. (heroic bosses etc.)

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I used khem for everything bar the last fight in my storyline.



I found his primary weakness was , he dies when exposed to multiple gun users, so i normally grab half of them before I send him in.


I have been playing as a corruption sorc though, may be different for DPS sorc or assasin.

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the only reason i agree with the OP is the fast that i didnt gear up Khem. even my gear is crap on my sorc until right before the patch. i am healing spec but use ashara instead. i find its a very good combo as she keeps thier attention and you bubbble her when needed. if you keep your companions geared with the same lvl gear that they are they will serve you well.
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Really, what purpose does he serve? His DPS is crap, and unless you spend 200k gearing him out in oranges every five levels, he is the squishiest and single worst tank in the known universe.



Can we either toughen him up or jsut remove him from the game? His constant emo bullcrap would be tolerable IF HE WASN'T USELESS. Unfortunately, this is not the case, making it either stupidly expensive, or impossible to level as a sorcerer. If you're thinking of making one, I would strongly suggest against it unless you have bags of money to throw at khem for gear, or perhaps if you're just a masochist and enjoy dying constantly because khem gets one shot on every pack of mobs with a strong in it =.=


With Khem (and actually most companions) you're better off shielding and hotting him and letting him drop down a fair way, and fight as well, and use your stuns and interrupts etc so you keep mobs locked down, and that's more effective than just healing your companion after you let high-damage abilities get off.

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I agree with the topic starter, Khem Val is just crap, i can't comment on the other tanking companions, but i am speccing in the Madness Tree and even though the tooltip on the bubble ability says 'absorbs a high amount of damage' it indded doesn't absorb alot of damage, i would say mediocre amount of damage, since a strong takes out the shield in 3 seconds, making the shield itself useless, unless its used to keep someone alive long enough for some heals to be cast.


The real solution to this heroic solo thing is to make places where these heroics take place to remove the use of the companions, just like how pvp does, that way, no one will be solo'ing them, then they can give back the tanking companions their vitally required armour bonus.

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With Khem (and actually most companions) you're better off shielding and hotting him and letting him drop down a fair way, and fight as well, and use your stuns and interrupts etc so you keep mobs locked down, and that's more effective than just healing your companion after you let high-damage abilities get off.


Ok, if people used this strategy, they will be just sitting there, waiting for the stuns to go off of cooldown, which is a minute......which bad, those are meant for the elites, not everyday encounters.

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Khem has been an excellent tank for my Sorcerer. Maybe gear him better? Every time there is an option to select stuff for him as a quest reward I've taken it and it seems to be working out fine for me.


I personally would gear my Khem Val Better, but the problem is, i hate crafting, so i would need to rely on the GTN for gear and guess what? its virtually empty, except for level 40-50.......so all the 11-39 players are on their own with gear.

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If khem is sucking for you that means you have not geared him properly. I used him from 1-50 without any problems I did not buy the level 40 and 20 pvp gear for myself I got it for khem then he began tanking everything.


You need to treat the companions like actual characters not pets since if you don't get em they will suck and you will have a hard time.

Edited by lokdron
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I spent a total of 15k on 3 oranges and picked up the orange vibrosword from DK. Khem Val is fine for me though I haven't gotten Xalek or the healing comp yet. I'd rather have Khem than Andronikus or Ashara.
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Level 30 eh?


I used Khem from 7-35. I never actually liked using Revel (I was dps specced) and used Ashara from 35-38 before switching back to Khem.


If you're DPS specced then Khem is the best choice (Revel or Ash if you're healing specced). He's not bad but you need to have blue armouring on him withing 3 levels of you. Example if you're level 30 he should have AT LEAST Blue Guardian 11. Purple Armoring 12 would be best. Prioritize the head, chest and leg pieces because they have the best amount of armor.


This should help.


Around level 40 you get a healer - just wait 10 more levels and you should be good- k?

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