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Just dinged 50; what a sham.


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My first 5 WZ experiences (all Huttball) have resulted in the enemy team scoring 5 points quick, then farming for 12 minutes. I have no PVP gear and going up against Battlemasters is insanity.


I'm asking because I really don't know: How am I supposed to gear up if I can't even get a kill, let alone win a match? I've heard the horror of Ilum and as a result, haven't even traveled there yet.


Seriously, there's nothing fun or enjoyable about getting smashed in 3 seconds every time you leave the spawning area. It's really frustrating to see Battlemasters camping right on your goal line waiting for you to jump down to them for a quick death or desert the group.


Is there any hope for a fresh lvl 50 in PVP? I'll appreciate any advice.



Illum isn't that bad, I went there Saturday night on my lvl 43 and only died once in the hour I stayed. Just dont go there alone and you'll be ok.

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WoW has made ******* out of most gamers today.


"Oh no, my fresh 50 is dying in a game that has zero penalty for dying....oh the humanity."


That is what it basically boils down to now a days. People get all butthurt they die in a video game cause they think they're oober fantastic.


I just got my sniper 50, and I'm playing a Sniper, so that should tell you the crap I deal with.. in the first week of getting 50, I've managed to get a full set of Cent armor (cept for belt which I use armor mech for)


Do BM's cream me fairly hard? Yes... most certainly.


Do premades role over me when i'm solo? Yeap....


Does it bother me? Nope.. they played their toons, they put in the work, if I could just join the game and wreck them it'd be completely pointless to even bother with your character.


So in closing, suck it up.

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And this attitude is why endgame pvp in most MMOs sucks monkey balls.


You mean the attitude of having worked on your character so you should be more powerful then someone who hasn't?


You mean... basically an RPG?


Let me guess, You got pissed when you were a little kid when your level 1 warrior wasn't as powerful as your brothers level 6 Mage in D&D

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I agree with the OP. The system is broken and needs to be fixed. I gave up on my 50 and just rolled an alt.


I have heard this so many times, loads of players do this simply because they can't face being farmed over and over and over while they grind the tokens.


10-49 is far more fun than 50 pvp and thats not the way it should be.

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silly people dinging 50, don't you read the forums.


seriously it's easier to just re-roll again, 10-49 is where the best pvp is at.


Well, I'd say ~32-49 is where it's at. That's where you have some class defining abilities starting to come into play.


14 at a bare minimum, for sprint.

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You mean the attitude of having worked on your character so you should be more powerful then someone who hasn't?


You mean... basically an RPG?


Let me guess, You got pissed when you were a little kid when your level 1 warrior wasn't as powerful as your brothers level 6 Mage in D&D


The WoW method of removing the competitive nature of PvP through gear gating just isn't good PvP, period.


Games like DAoC (crafted gear best in game) and Guild Wars (gear irrelevent) had no gear barriers. "Grind X amount of time before you're allowed to start enjoying PvP" is what WoW brought to the table.


WoW wasn't the most successful MMO because it added a gear grind to PvP. It was the most successful because leveling to cap didn't blow giant chunks as it did in all real persistent world MMO's before it (excluding UO).


People that argue for maintaining gear gating in PvP aren't real PvP'ers to me. I hear it and I picture some guy in his mom's basement eating frito's and typing angrily as he spills Mt. Dew on his keyboard.

Edited by _Marou_
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I still say they need a system that allows players to join the 10-50 bracket, but in that bracket remove all expertise and apply a debuff to bring those people with better gear down to the stats of the lower level players. Similar to the current buff that is applied to everyone from 10-49 in warzones.
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Maybe my point was communicated poorly. I like the game. I like the challenge. I like satisfaction of a win. I didn't intend to come across as QQing.


Imagine playing SC2 without levels (leagues). If I'm diamond and they throw bronze my way, where's the fun for either of us? I'm just going to smash you every time. And that has NOTHING to do with gear. That's just pure skill.


I'm new to MMOs, so my perspective is probably different from yours, I just wasn't prepared for total annihilation. If that's what it is, then I'll suck it up and do my best.


And to the guy with the high school football reference, there is Frosh, JV and Varsity. Precisely so the 9th graders don't get smashed by Varsity Seniors.


Maybe there should be an "Elite" level for PVPrs that us noobs can aspire to attain through hard work, grinding and lots of practice.

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You mean the attitude of having worked on your character so you should be more powerful then someone who hasn't?


You mean... basically an RPG?


Let me guess, You got pissed when you were a little kid when your level 1 warrior wasn't as powerful as your brothers level 6 Mage in D&D


How quickly people forget how much "work" went into those Battlemasters. Beating up level 10's before brackets removed the 50's. Kill trading on Ilum...


Yeah, that's a ton of work.

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My first 5 WZ experiences (all Huttball) have resulted in the enemy team scoring 5 points quick, then farming for 12 minutes. I have no PVP gear and going up against Battlemasters is insanity.


I'm asking because I really don't know: How am I supposed to gear up if I can't even get a kill, let alone win a match? I've heard the horror of Ilum and as a result, haven't even traveled there yet.


Seriously, there's nothing fun or enjoyable about getting smashed in 3 seconds every time you leave the spawning area. It's really frustrating to see Battlemasters camping right on your goal line waiting for you to jump down to them for a quick death or desert the group.


Is there any hope for a fresh lvl 50 in PVP? I'll appreciate any advice.


It does suck. You should be able to straight buy centurion gear. It's not that bad a grind to full centurion gear. 2 weeks of wzing. Doing your dailies.


You'll need to do Illum to. No matter how crappy.


I highly suggest you ops group with a guild. You'll get your kills. If your republic it just takes way longer.


Honestly, illum for republics isn't that hard. If you can wake up early. Central is usually owned on our server at like 3am-10am. If its not usually we have enough of a presense to get our daily/weekly done.


I personally hate Illum. 150 is a dumb number. Mainly since its kills. Not fight 150. Its get a kill credit. Pick up a trinket at central that equals a kill.


Why not just fight 150? Only have valor as a bonus?


Anyways. You'll gear. Just know the champ bag drop rate for tokens is garbage.


I've gotten 1. I've opened a LOT of bags.

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Alright, I just finished a huttball match where we lost 2-1 and it was great fun. I got 5 medals, 21 kills and delivered over 100K in damage. I don't really mind losing as long as there is competition. What I described in my OP was clearly "no contest", and that it happened 5 games in a row was very discouraging.


If I can get a few balanced and challenging games in like this, it makes it worth it.


To those of you that responded with suggestions and advise, thank you very much!


BTW, off topic: Is there ANY other way to get merc comms other than that silly 3 to 1 exchange? I've been reading these forums and haven't been able to find a clear answer. Sometimes they can be found in chests, sometimes not, etc...

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Guildie started a merc and hit 50 2 days ago, he's got full centurion and several champ items. I've never seen people go from greens to epics this fast in any mmo. He had 1000/1000 coms saved up so the second he dinged 50 he had a bag in his inventory and 5 from coms. Now he's pumping out 300k damage a game.

Stop. Crying.

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Guildie started a merc and hit 50 2 days ago, he's got full centurion and several champ items. I've never seen people to go from greens to epic this fast in any mmo. He had 1000/1000 coms saved up so the second he dinged 50 he had a bag in his inventory and 5 from coms. Now he's pumping out 300k damage a game.

Stop. Crying.


Thanks.. I'm wiping tears now.

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Every time losers do this in Huttball, I get my team to stay behind our goal line. This is a huge advantage for you picking off fools who decide to attack your group. Sometimes they even have the ball carrier come near the goal line and I or my teammates knock him past to end the match.


The only time I got farmed (which I didnt) for the full 10 minutes was when they stayed at the ball spawn, so yep both teams doing NOTHING for 10 minutes. One team at our spawn, the other at the ball spawn. So stupid of those kids.

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Correction: Adults have nothing to prove. Since they play games for fun only they won't be satisfied until there is a fun way to gear up your character at 50.


Play the game, that's how you gear up.

Buy a champion bag while leveling, have 1000/1000 saved up.

Hit 50, 6 bags. Grab your daily/weekly quests, head out to ilum, finish weekly. 4 more bags.

150 centurion coms and 70 champion coms without ever setting foot in a 50 warzone.

Que with some friends who are geared, finish warzone weekly, 4 more bags.

Day 1 of being 50 you'll have opened 14-16 champion bags (depending on commendations from warzones) giving you a possible total of 240 centurion/112 champion. Enough to get your entire centurion main set and a couple champ items, maybe more if you got lucky and got an unassembled item.

They could not make this easier for you people.

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Buy a champion bag while leveling, have 1000/1000 saved up.

Hit 50, 6 bags. Grab your daily/weekly quests, head out to ilum, finish weekly. 4 more bags.

150 centurion coms and 70 champion coms without ever setting foot in a 50 warzone.

Que with some friends who are geared, finish warzone weekly, 4 more bags.

Day 1 of being 50 you'll have opened 14-16 champion bags (depending on commendations from warzones) giving you a possible total of 240 centurion/112 champion. Enough to get your entire centurion main set and a couple champ items, maybe more if you got lucky and got an unassembled item.




If you ding 50 on Friday, you can be quite competitive by the end of the weekend.

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Play the game, that's how you gear up.

Buy a champion bag while leveling, have 1000/1000 saved up.

Hit 50, 6 bags. Grab your daily/weekly quests, head out to ilum, finish weekly. 4 more bags.

150 centurion coms and 70 champion coms without ever setting foot in a 50 warzone.

Que with some friends who are geared, finish warzone weekly, 4 more bags.

Day 1 of being 50 you'll have opened 14-16 champion bags (depending on commendations from warzones) giving you a possible total of 240 centurion/112 champion. Enough to get your entire centurion main set and a couple champ items, maybe more if you got lucky and got an unassembled item.

They could not make this easier for you people.


Took me about 3 days to become competitive in PvP because I saved up comms and did the dailies weeklies with my guildies. At no point prior to dinging 50 did I expect to be able to compete, I knew I would be outgeared and therefore prepped for it.

Edited by Meluna
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