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Just dinged 50; what a sham.


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My first 5 WZ experiences (all Huttball) have resulted in the enemy team scoring 5 points quick, then farming for 12 minutes. I have no PVP gear and going up against Battlemasters is insanity.


I'm asking because I really don't know: How am I supposed to gear up if I can't even get a kill, let alone win a match? I've heard the horror of Ilum and as a result, haven't even traveled there yet.


Seriously, there's nothing fun or enjoyable about getting smashed in 3 seconds every time you leave the spawning area. It's really frustrating to see Battlemasters camping right on your goal line waiting for you to jump down to them for a quick death or desert the group.


Is there any hope for a fresh lvl 50 in PVP? I'll appreciate any advice.

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Perhaps you should have planned a little better in advance of hitting level 50 and saved some Merc & Warzone commendations. You are a fresh level 50 and expect to be able to hold your own with people in Champion and Battlemaster gear? It takes time and a little effort. There's not much that can be done if you are being 'camped' at the spawn, of course, but I am guessing that it isn't as terrible as you make it out to be.


PS: It's no different than dinging 50 in the morning and wondering why you keep dying and doing low damage on your first raid that evening.

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Even if he saved up 1 bag and 1000/1000 comms, and has level 49/50 Gear/Mods, he'll still be getting killed in seconds. You can throw on some baseline crap yourself though and try it yourself, if you are sure they are only dying in seconds because the players they are going against are so 1337 @ PvP.


Go ahead, for laughs. Put on 2 cent pieces, and a champ piece, along with some 49-50 trash from the Trade Market or crafting. What do ya need all that money you're hoarding for anyways? Then duel your buddy wearing his regular Champ/BM set. He will beat you if he button smashes auto-attack.


It's broken, denying it doesn't help the developers improve the game. Expecting players to play something broken for any length of time is unreasonable when this *GAME* is competing for leisure time with alot of other stuff.

Edited by _Marou_
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Pre-mades are limited to four players. Keep queuing, even solo, and you'll eventually be grouped *with* that team that's stomping you.


The first week or two at 50 is going to stink, though. The good news is that the gear gap closes more rapidly and predictably than it did in the past. You still have to get in there and get it done, though. The only short-cut is to form your own pre-made. Even with bad gear, four people who know how to play can win a whole lot of Huttball, assuming you include some sorcs to move the ball quickly.

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It's broken, denying it doesn't help the developers improve the game. Expecting players to play something broken for any length of time is unreasonable when this *GAME* is competing for leisure time with alot of other stuff.


Worst case-scenario, zero expertise vs full battlemaster is just under 13% damage given/ taken gap. That's significant. But 'broken' is a bit strong. You're unlikely to one-v-one that BM on your first day, but most battles are scrums. Moreover, the most common warzone (Huttball) is won by mobility and teamwork more than killing and healing.


You have a very broad definition of 'broken,' or you'd perhaps rather play an FPS with no gear progression. You're hardly alone in that. FPS's are quite popular. But most people come to an MMO expecting gear progression beyond cool-looking hats.


I know people tolerate gear grinds poorly now, relative to the EQ1 bad old days. But you can get a decent PvP kit together in a week, week and a half of steady play. Full BM is far off from that, of course, but full Centurion players compete quite well.

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you get like 75% of the valor/commendations for losing as you would for winning


suck it up, you do half the damage as them, what do you expect to happen


Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I'm not a poor sport, it's just such a huge disadvantage. I can take losing to a better team, but it just seems like the balance is way off.


I'm not here whining about how I'm going to unsub, I just wanted other people's take on this.


I did save warzone comms and bought the merc at 3 to 1. I have s crappy lightsaber with 13 expertise and some centurion comms that I can buy a relic with. It seems I'm a very long way from "gearing"...

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With my alt I played support basically until I could do otherwise. I did a 50 Sorcerer to see what all the fuss was about and being blown up in 3 seconds wasn't working for me. So, I just healed everyone, and in huttball I put myself in a place to pull people to win.


This went very good but it was tough at the beginning. A week later, doing HM Op's and normals I was basically 75% Rakata and 25% Champion. Now two weeks later I have all Champion and two piece Rakata bonus.


The first 3 days are hard but after that you should be pretty good to go on the offensive. Before that you have to pick and choose what you do.


If you don't have the chance to get Columi/Rakata, getting Centurion and Champion is so easy it's unreal.

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Worst case-scenario, zero expertise vs full battlemaster is just under 13% damage given/ taken gap. That's significant. But 'broken' is a bit strong. You're unlikely to one-v-one that BM on your first day, but most battles are scrums. Moreover, the most common warzone (Huttball) is won by mobility and teamwork more than killing and healing.


You have a very broad definition of 'broken,' or you'd perhaps rather play an FPS with no gear progression. You're hardly alone in that. FPS's are quite popular. But most people come to an MMO expecting gear progression beyond cool-looking hats.


I know people tolerate gear grinds poorly now, relative to the EQ1 bad old days. But you can get a decent PvP kit together in a week, week and a half of steady play. Full BM is far off from that, of course, but full Centurion players compete quite well.


That would be true if expertise was the only thing in play, but those BM and raid sets have far higher armor, damage, hps, and primary stat bonuses on them as well. Don't take my word for it though, by all means, test yourself. It's ugly, and really broken. Worse than being a fresh cap in WoW, and that is the main competition, eh?

Edited by _Marou_
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So what stopped you from pvping before you hit 50? Sounds like you expected all your baddass pve excellence to translate to the pvp arena. :)


The posters above said it best...should have saved coms/bought bag....que solo alot and you will eventually get on a premade team and win.


Since you describe huttball mostly I'm assuming your Empire....Ilum is great for empire...lots of people to group with to farm the repubs.


You shouldn't expect to get gear handed to you. It's a grind to battlemaster just like it was a grind to 50. PVP is not for the carebear pve mindset. Expect to get stomped.


I have an alt that will ding 50 next week....I expect it to be a grind.

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Yeah, that's what I'm doing. I'm not a poor sport, it's just such a huge disadvantage. I can take losing to a better team, but it just seems like the balance is way off.


I'm not here whining about how I'm going to unsub, I just wanted other people's take on this.


I did save warzone comms and bought the merc at 3 to 1. I have s crappy lightsaber with 13 expertise and some centurion comms that I can buy a relic with. It seems I'm a very long way from "gearing"...


oh i agree and I wasn't trying to insult you


i do about 900 damage on my primary attack, and i was inspecting a fresh 50 a few days ago and he did 550. literally i do twice his damage once you factor in expertise. there is no way he could beat me unless i was blind.


the thing is though, i've been playing at 50 for a month now. if there was no level cap, i'd be something like level 80, and he'd still be at 50. if this was the case, he would still be destroyed right? so just put up with it. after you hit 50, you still have a good 2 weeks to go before you REALLY hit 50. its the last leg of the journey :)

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Gear is a problem at level cap because it's too easy to obtain it. There's no mechanic that gates how much gear a player can get every week (i.e. WoW used to calculate rewards every week and it would take many weeks to get a single piece). The effect of this is that a new 50 will be going against an entire team that has gear.


This causes a lot of resentment, and is a hard pill to swallow considering it isn't a big issue in the 10-49 bracket.


If you do stick with it, you'll gear up fast. If you do the daily/weekly consistently, it takes 1 week to get full centurion and 2-3 weeks to get full champion. It was way more frustrating a few weeks ago when gearing was RNG based and WZ wins didn't count.

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So basically you graduatred 8th grade got to HS and found out the Seniors Football players can beat you up? Do your 4 years and then YOU can stomp the non geared incomeing Freshnoobs



And this attitude is why endgame pvp in most MMOs sucks monkey balls.

Edited by maradigamer
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I just hit 50 yesterday on my first toon since I was away from the game for the first month and a half. Maybe I've just gotten lucky but in these past 2 days I've gotten 5 pieces of Centurion gear and my Champion off-hand and I'm not having near the trouble that everybody else seems to be complaining about on the forums. Sure there have been a few losing games, and one game where I was dead in 2-3 seconds from jumping off the spawn and being camped but the majority of the time I've actually enjoyed it more than the lower tier PvP.


Maybe it's because I actually enjoy PvP and don't do it just to say I do and to feel cool.

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My first 5 WZ experiences (all Huttball) have resulted in the enemy team scoring 5 points quick, then farming for 12 minutes. I have no PVP gear and going up against Battlemasters is insanity.


I'm asking because I really don't know: How am I supposed to gear up if I can't even get a kill, let alone win a match? I've heard the horror of Ilum and as a result, haven't even traveled there yet.


Seriously, there's nothing fun or enjoyable about getting smashed in 3 seconds every time you leave the spawning area. It's really frustrating to see Battlemasters camping right on your goal line waiting for you to jump down to them for a quick death or desert the group.


Is there any hope for a fresh lvl 50 in PVP? I'll appreciate any advice.


It really sucks at the beginning, but not winning won't stop you from gearing up, even slowly.


Also, try playing at different times - on my server, the Empire kicks our asses during prime time and on weekends, but outside of those time frames winning is a lot more common.

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I'm pretty sure that no amount of queueing will get a person with the teams that're stomping you if they're on the other side.


That's true enough. I suppose I am reflecting how my server works. The Empire clearly outnumbers the Republic on VZ, which we see on Ilum. Warzones, on the other hand, are quite even. When I'm looking for my daily wins, they're more likely to come in Huttball, against other Imps, than in Civil War or Voidstar.


If you're stuck on a server with no good PvP guilds on your faction.. well, yeah. You're stuffed. Probably best to hope for server transfers, or reroll to one where your preferred faction is more organized.


Two faction PvP games walk a really fine line.

Edited by Oghier
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My first 5 WZ experiences (all Huttball) have resulted in the enemy team scoring 5 points quick, then farming for 12 minutes. I have no PVP gear and going up against Battlemasters is insanity.


I'm asking because I really don't know: How am I supposed to gear up if I can't even get a kill, let alone win a match? I've heard the horror of Ilum and as a result, haven't even traveled there yet.


Seriously, there's nothing fun or enjoyable about getting smashed in 3 seconds every time you leave the spawning area. It's really frustrating to see Battlemasters camping right on your goal line waiting for you to jump down to them for a quick death or desert the group.


Is there any hope for a fresh lvl 50 in PVP? I'll appreciate any advice.


I leveled to 50 and BM gear on my Marauder when level 50's in full champ/bm gear were mixed in with the level 10's. Over the last week, yes ONE WEEK, I leveled a Powertech Pyro from 1-50 and 50 valor.


  1. The sub 50 bracket is a JOKE, 99.99% of the players are TERRIBLE and don't have a damn clue as to what they're doing.
  2. I had 7% expertise rating at level 46.
  3. I had 15k health at 50.
  4. The very second I dinged 50 I had a champion earpiece and centurion implants/belt.
  5. Within 2 warzones I had centurion legs.
  6. Within 2 hours of dinging 50 I had both dailies done and my Ilum weekly done, which netted my centurion boots.
  7. Within 1 hour I had another champ bag, giving me a champion chest.
  8. I have 1300 Aim and 15.5k health less then one day after dinging 50.
  9. I regularly top the damage charts, usually 1.5/2x the damage of the next guy.
  10. I get 7-9 medals a match.
  11. My /played is: 3 days, 5 hours.


The problem is that the vast majority of players in this game have the first reaction of "omg QQ it's not me it's the game". The sad part is that they don't even want to improve themselves, they want to sit contently at terrible status and ask Bioware to make everyone else just as terrible as they are so that they can compete.




^ I didn't even do 1/2 of that and I was already wrecking face in the 50 bracket.


And this attitude is why endgame pvp in most MMOs sucks monkey balls.


No, it only sucks for you because you feel that you should have a win button. You can't stomach losing and you refuse to work through any adversity at all.

Edited by getdownsb
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