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Bounty Hunters are OP as hell and on the top of the score board every match having an AOE that does single target damage to every person in it is ********


Its kinda impossible to determine which class is overpowered at this point. Even if you ignore the fact that were all low levels right now theres the unbearable lagg (which i do think impacts all the melee classes the most).

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this strongly reming me Warhammer online and Bright Wizzard after relase, hope they will not need 2 years to fix it


Unlimited POWAHH!! :D


I just hope things will balance itself out a bit once we get to higher levels and get all of our abilitys and gear. I dont think i have it in me to endure another Warhammer or AOC.

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On our server, it seems that most people are rolling the assassin...


I realize things might even out at higher levels... but they rip people apart at these lower levels.


Add to that, we're facing huttball more often than the others due to faction ratios... and assassins are king of huttball. On top of great DPS. Stealth, Sprint, and AOE knockback (into hazards and off ramps).


Not a QQ post, but I can't wait till the other classes catch up/even out.

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I play a sorc and I have to say I've actually been in the minority in most warzones.


Why people complain about IQ I have no idea..the gunner classes do way more damage than I ever do. Getting crit for 3-3.5k constantly if they decide they don't like me. Highest crit I've seen so far is 1850, granted only got to 14 so I don't have all my toys yet but I got to 22 in the beta and still barely broke 2k.


We are not "OP"..just focus us down quick like you would any caster.

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I know for a fact that the Inqs are helping the Empire win a lot more. But also because my server is full of people who don't know what they are doing in PvP on the Republic side. So I got placed on a crap server. Great.


Also I just have this to say. World of Stun and Pushback Craft. I feel like I'm playing WoW with all the stuns, and WAR with all the pushbacks.

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Ranged classes do a lot of damage when played well and at a desent level. Most people I see in warzones aren't even level 20 yet so are missing abilities.


Also the classes are mirrors of each other, so sith winning a lot more is not because of class imbalance. SI is the same as consular only with different looks, the abilities do the same damage, both classes are squishy vs a warrior/knight. It's purely down to a lot of republic players sucking :p


A lot of people will switch classes once they realize there will be no group spots for them at later levels :)

Edited by NasherUK
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JC/SI are squishy...


And melee WILL dominate endgame pvp for sure... you only need to look into the abilities and mechanic... they just mature later.


I know. I wasn't complaining about them being op. There's just a ton of them. I have a feeling powertech/vanguard is gonna end up being the strongest pvp class.

Edited by scrynen
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Funny thing is, if it were a different class that was wildly popular, like a bounty hunter, we'd be seeing complaints about rocket and explosives spam instead.


Also, seems the SI sorc population is actually dieing down a small bit this past day or so, after people realized they're actually pretty squishy and not doing crazy mad numbers. Just my observation though.

Edited by Felghast
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