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10 Good
  1. I shouldn't be forced to roll a particular faction because the developers spent all their effort making it obviously better. It should be balanced - it's an MMO, not a SP RPG.
  2. i7, 16gb ram, evga 560ti and the zone still drops me to 10 fps. But performance is hardly the issue at hand, here. It's blatant and callous disregard for their game and faction balance.
  3. Well, for starters, I wouldn't market one faction better than the other. And two, I wouldn't give that market-favored faction better versions of the skills. And if I WAS that much of a moron, that I did do that - I'd bolster the underdog in the zone. Or not allow one faction more players to be in the zone than the other at any time (I personally like the Tenacity approach better than population locking, but w/e).
  4. Why are we trolls, idiots or whiners for wanting a slightly balanced game?
  5. It's not just the imbalance. It's the favored faction getting better skills, a world zone tuned to their favor, tuned to their higher numbers. How come I have to deal with complete callous disregard for faction balance because I want to be an underdog? That's what this is evolving too, complete and utter disregard for the balance of their game. I do not honestly believe Bioware can say, with a straight face, that they thought this through - between the desire to play Sith, and adding better skills, and not doing anything to support underpopulated factions. At least Blizzard TRIES.
  6. Good one, Bio. We fell for it, silly us. Now do the intended changes to Ilum you planned so we can play it. You had your kicks and laughs. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/195/screenshot2012011812102.jpg/ (Wait - you're saying you actually thought this would work? Oh... Oh.)
  7. Eraste

    Trauma - Reasoning?

    Yes but the problem - in WoW - for example, is you can take a player down to near death and a skillless healer that S-keys and clicks can walk by and pop a heal off for 90% of his HP - regardless of MS. I like a more balanced healing stance. Healing doesn't add fun, it's annoying. That still even happens to some extent here. I can beat someone down and even with my healing debuff they can still get topped off by a wondering healer.
  8. There's enough space. There's no need to have your companion bar out because you can't use it when it matters anyway. The only issue I found is I had to put a couple keys on a different bar, throwing my organization off. Sure, pressing R is easy, but it's way off over there on that right bar with nothing but quick travel and my speeder
  9. This is the problem, if people keep leaving because the game needs work and they'll 'come back later' then eventually there won't be enough people to support the game, and there will be no 'later'. And I don't want this game to fail anytime soon, because I'm not going back to WoW. I'm actually having fun now in War Zones - and Sentinel is the most gear dependent class.
  10. I like it more than WoW in most respects but it needs a ton of fixing - which I know they're working on.
  11. One strong mob? Three shot. What's up?
  12. Beat me to it. Can't take you seriously now. The UI is fine for PvP. However, there is no PvP in this game.
  13. I paid for this game to play it not to stand around chain cc'd endlessly worse than WoW's is. This PvP is a million times worse in this state. If it wasn't for PvE I'd be back to WoW already and I think that game is boring as hell now.
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