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Not an MMO?


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Simple answer, people want to trat the game like wow. If they dont have a system where they can click a button, be ported, and go half afk through the quest/FP then they arent interested.


It's 100% a player problem and not a game problem. Unfortunately it's not likely to ever change.


I'd agree with you here.


People want the fastest rewards/hour they can get. Creating a group and chatting to someone requires more effort than just running along to the next quest.


Same with LFG tools.


Sure, you could spend time forming relationships with people in your own server, inviting those you've run content with to friends lists and forming groups easily in the future……. but it’s easier to push BioWare to create an auto grouping tool that requires no communication and thus, no content that involves coordination to complete.


I see this game taking the route of WoWs x-server ways and I shudder.


They started off x-server in BGs in WoW too…… then they added them to Instances.

Edited by stem
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Games have to adapt to the way players want to play not the other way around. There is no such thing a player problem.




Really ?This is exact thinking what is killing this game , destroying wow etc.. lol.

Tell me one game where you do not have to adapt ? Tell me one place in life where you do not have to adapt ? Why this should be other way aroun in MMO ?

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Really ?This is exact thinking what is killing this game , destroying wow etc.. lol.

Tell me one game where you do not have to adapt ? Tell me one place in life where you do not have to adapt ? Why this should be other way aroun in MMO ?


Adapt and overcome.


Semper Fi

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Really ?This is exact thinking what is killing this game , destroying wow etc.. lol.

Tell me one game where you do not have to adapt ? Tell me one place in life where you do not have to adapt ? Why this should be other way aroun in MMO ?


Because this is ENTERTAINMENT that I am PAYING for.


Not a second job.

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Because this is ENTERTAINMENT that I am PAYING for.


Not a second job.



ok so lets all play GTA and whine how we cannot finish cuz we cannot adapt for camera setting or anything else :D

Lets play starcraft and we can not adapt cuz I do not want to see the research thing there its to much trouble :D


So lets play pokemon ohh no wait youo got to think there too and adapt. What can we play guys ?


All games has their rules you have to adapt to. Those are created by their devs.


Did not mention BG2 or planescape torment probably too much difficult :D

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all I have to say is.. for the amount of time you spent trying to find a group for those you could have just soloed it. I mean all the starter planets heroics are soloable (with a companion around lvl 8+)


Because they are meant as tutorials...

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all I have to say is.. for the amount of time you spent trying to find a group for those you could have just soloed it. I mean all the starter planets heroics are soloable (with a companion around lvl 8+)



well it is kind of hard to find a group when you have like 10 ppl on some planets in prime time. Also doing quests probably give you more xp and more things as well. There is no apropriate reward for time and trouble to run hc when you compare it to normal questing.

Alltough you miss quite a lot but nobody wants to search for group every 30 minutes when it takes so god damn long.

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This was not an isolated incident.


Last night I decided to start a new character for giggles and because nobody wanted to run CWG or Maelsreom.


So I get a ways through tython and get the chamber of speech quest. Seeing that there was 45 peoe on the planet I felt like getting a group would be fairly easy....


... It was not. For a 2 plus heroic nobody wanted to do it for hours?!?!? What's wrong with this community? CoS takes like five minutes! And then I tried to get people to kill that champion droid with me and that failed as well. Nobody even said anything in chat the whole time I played.


Also, I saw someone walk over to look at the droid for a bit so I shot them an invite and jumped in front of them for a while. The promptly declined.


Why are people playing this game if they don't want to do grouP content?!?!




Edit: So, do you think that there should be greater incentives to do group content? Should group content have summon to location abilities?


I could see no downside in implementing the aforementioned improvements.


While the points you bring up are solid (and summon to group will have no effect to lessen the points you make as by your own report, no one would even respond to you. They were not responding saying "naaa thats to far outta the way man", they simply (most likely) were playing with chat closed off and yaking away to the same 2-3 people online in vent for guild. Welcome to the WOW and post WOW era of MMORPGs. Isnt it grand???? :mad:


As for sending invites with out saying a word and jumping up and down infront of people?


Well that not only get invite declined but you put on ignore to be honest!


If you cant ask before hand, I know I will not group up. And the minute you started jumping up and down in front of me your name would hit the ignore feature for stupid behavior.


Always send a tell if your want something from this player specifically.


Just thought Id mention that as thats how your post reads


Social activity is dean in this game. Treat it like a single player rpg and you will have a much better experience in game.


PS: CoS and the droid are both soloable at lvl 10 with your companion. So that also might be part of issue in getting people to join in.

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Personally, I found a planet needs at least 65 players on it if I expect to get responses to asking in general chat, for precisely the reasons someone else has already detailed in this thread.


It's 100% a player problem and not a game problem. Unfortunately it's not likely to ever change.
It's both.


BW made more than a few concessions to uber-casual solo players, and the end result is a lack of incentive to run the group content.


Why would I bother waiting around on a planet, spamming chat, whispering other players, asking if they want to group up using ten times as many words as are necessary for fear that they're uber-casual and will just instinctively withdraw from other human contact if it doesn't come in 19th century Victorian-era RP speak, etc....


When I could just go quest some more and get comparable rewards for half the effort in about the same amount of time (or significantly less time if on a dead server).


I really like running group content, but I'll only waste so much time trying to get a group together.


The game was obviously designed for a matured playerbase some years after release. It's an approach that doesn't even work all that well for 7+ year old WoW, but it's a backwards approach to a fledgling MMO.


Because this is ENTERTAINMENT that I am PAYING for.
If you don't want to put in any effort, might I suggest a movie, a book, or television, instead of any sort of electronic game? Edited by Ansultares
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I don't think the OP's example is indicative of players' overall willingness or ability to group. I think it's more likely that most people do the 2+ group starter planet quests with their companion and aren't so compelled to PUG there.


The FPs and 4 group heroics are another matter. That's where your server pop and time of day can make a huge difference.

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We have just become a gluttonous consumer base, Just like the obese person that would rather eat 10k empty french fry calories instead of a nice fine meal. Most of us just devour our way through the easy portions of the game, never taking our eyes off the plate to talk with our friends. If it takes any effort or time at all we aren't interested.Once we are stuffed sick and unfulfilled then we blame the chef. It's our culture and It's sad. Edited by Derfmiolleh
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Why does anyone believe that it is really a deeper issue like "gluttonous consumers" or "people used to wow"


The heroic quests offer no real benefits long term, And are in essence very similar to every other quest in the game... just with harder monsters, or some kind of "boss" (which is basically a Larger version of some other kind of monster we have already seen).




Really it's that simple.... There is no deeper reasoning... No its not because we are used to WoW or are lazy...


It's *********** pointless to do them at all unless its really convenient.. seriously think about it.


Some people who haven't played enough video games to be desensitised to pointless tripe, may be stimulated by those quests and find them fun... But really... There is no reason to bother guys... Just skip them... Do a flashpoint...


It is not at all a matter of not wanting to group.


Playing in a group to me is wayyy more fun... No denying it. That's why I enjoy flashpoints. Heroic quests? Pain in the butt to get a group together and when you consider the time it takes vs the reward you receive.. Its common sense... DUH DON'T BOTHER IT'S POINTLESS DERP?


Does that mean I'm lazy and anti social and should go back to WoW? **** no it doesn't.





Edited by KurleyKilla
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Really ?This is exact thinking what is killing this game , destroying wow etc.. lol.

Tell me one game where you do not have to adapt ? Tell me one place in life where you do not have to adapt ? Why this should be other way aroun in MMO ?


Your line of thinking is why MMO developers think they can get away with releasing games that lack basic features that most players expect. Adapting to a lack of standard features is not the same as learning a new game. And this has nothing whatsoever to do with life. I have to adapt in life all the time, but I don't play games to be subject to the rules of life.

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While the points you bring up are solid (and summon to group will have no effect to lessen the points you make as by your own report, no one would even respond to you. They were not responding saying "naaa thats to far outta the way man", they simply (most likely) were playing with chat closed off and yaking away to the same 2-3 people online in vent for guild. Welcome to the WOW and post WOW era of MMORPGs. Isnt it grand???? :mad:


As for sending invites with out saying a word and jumping up and down infront of people?


Well that not only get invite declined but you put on ignore to be honest!


If you cant ask before hand, I know I will not group up. And the minute you started jumping up and down in front of me your name would hit the ignore feature for stupid behavior.


Always send a tell if your want something from this player specifically.


Just thought Id mention that as thats how your post reads


Social activity is dean in this game. Treat it like a single player rpg and you will have a much better experience in game.


PS: CoS and the droid are both soloable at lvl 10 with your companion. So that also might be part of issue in getting people to join in.


I see how that could have been read like I was being annoying. When I said I jumped in front of them, I merely meant I got into their field of view,(so they knew I was already there and they didn't have to wait) I didn't actually jump around, I just stood there.


And this was during the time that I was asking general chat of they wanted to help with it. So I feel like sending a whisper would have been unneccesary since it was obvious what I was wanting to do.

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Why are people playing this game if they don't want to do grouP content?!?!


Simple answer is that BW wants it that way. They do not encourage grouping. As has been said over and over again and proven true, there is no need to do any group content to advance your character so people don't do it.


SWTOR is just not an MMO. MMO-Lite maybe, but that's as far as I'd dare go in describing it.

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Simple answer, people want to trat the game like wow. If they dont have a system where they can click a button, be ported, and go half afk through the quest/FP then they arent interested.


It's 100% a player problem and not a game problem. Unfortunately it's not likely to ever change.


This pretty much sums it up (except for the whole "half afk through flashpoints" thing, which was an opinion of the person I quoted; have played WoW for years and the amount of afkers and bads I've encountered using the LFG tool has been very miniscule, at best). It's why a LFG tool is inevitable here and will, at least as far as usage goes, be an incredible success (like it is in other games).


The days of EQ are over; MMOs aren't for socializing and friend making like they used to be (not because people wanted to do that, let's be honest; it's because games like EQ made it impossible to do anything without a group; it was forced socializing, nothing more).

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thats a crock if ever heard it. games like EQ 1 that had zero community tools other then chat thrived with groups. it was directly related to the content being designed with grouping in mind. If swtor content required you group to lvl or accomplish quests people would be grouping with out a doubt. If wow required grouping like it did in vanilla people would be grouping , currently every MMO goes for ease of access to content , like we are stupid children. MMO'rs have evolved we play what content they create its not a player problem its adesign problem dont blame the players we did not make this game 90% solo.


In EQ1 we were also content to sit at a zone entry and spam LFG until some group had an opening. WoW is indeed to blame in that it provided an environment that you could actually solo in for everyone not just a few classes.


Early WoW had lots of group content as well, and during its lifecycle has removed more and more of that in favor of characters getting to max level solo in virtually no time with zero effort.


I'd lie if I said I do not have a lot of nostalgia for how EQ1 did things, but at the same time, could I go back and do that again? I am doubtful.

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The days of EQ are over; MMOs aren't for socializing and friend making like they used to be (not because people wanted to do that, let's be honest; it's because games like EQ made it impossible to do anything without a group; it was forced socializing, nothing more).
Speak for yourself.


I never played EQ, but group farming is fun wherever I've done it.


Early WoW had lots of group content as well, and during its lifecycle has removed more and more of that in favor of characters getting to max level solo in virtually no time with zero effort.
Which is fine for a matured game (or at least, we could argue it).


It's not at all the right decision for a fledgling MMO.

Edited by Ansultares
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Oddly enough thats more or less the requirements of an MMO.


Yep. Not sure where everyone equates "Massively Multiplayer Online" to "Must Group and Socialize."


MGSRPG? Did I just coin a new game!?!? Doesn't matter, a game like that wouldn't hold 500k subs. ;)

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