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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Not an MMO?


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This was not an isolated incident.


Last night I decided to start a new character for giggles and because nobody wanted to run CWG or Maelsreom.


So I get a ways through tython and get the chamber of speech quest. Seeing that there was 45 peoe on the planet I felt like getting a group would be fairly easy....


... It was not. For a 2 plus heroic nobody wanted to do it for hours?!?!? What's wrong with this community? CoS takes like five minutes! And then I tried to get people to kill that champion droid with me and that failed as well. Nobody even said anything in chat the whole time I played.


Also, I saw someone walk over to look at the droid for a bit so I shot them an invite and made sure to stand where they could see me. This was during the process of asking in general chat so I didn't want to be redundant and whisper them. They promptly declined.


Why are people playing this game if they don't want to do grouP content?!?!




Edit: So, do you think that there should be greater incentives to do group content? Should group content have summon to location abilities?


I could see no downside in implementing the aforementioned improvements.

Edited by Fomby
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Simple answer, people want to trat the game like wow. If they dont have a system where they can click a button, be ported, and go half afk through the quest/FP then they arent interested.


It's 100% a player problem and not a game problem. Unfortunately it's not likely to ever change.

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I would have most likely grouped with you if I was on the quest and you were asking politely.


I find the heroics fun and sometimes challenging if you do not have the right composition/level.


They are also right in the middle of the questing zone.


/1 works fairly well more often than not.

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It used to take 5 mins tops to find 1-2 people for a quest in WoW provided you're not hanging around in an empty zone.


Yet this game doesn't encourage you at all to make group quests and FPs while levelling. Happily for you anyone can solo a Heroic 2+ quest with a companion.

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It used to take 5 mins tops to find 1-2 people for a quest in WoW provided you're not hanging around in an empty zone.


Yet this game doesn't encourage you at all to make group quests and FPs while levelling. Happily for you anyone can solo a Heroic 2+ quest with a companion.


I wish I could see your death counts trying to solo some of the FPs and Heroics at level.


I'm guessing it was very very very very very very very very very very very high.

Edited by Azzras
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well, certain other game, found the way to get people to do quests, since any quest that had elites, they were skipped, they removed all the elites from questing and problem solved, guess BW hasn't figured that out


I skip heroics, all they do is slow you down trying to find enough people for them

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well, certain other game, found the way to get people to do quests, since any quest that had elites, they were skipped, they removed all the elites from questing and problem solved, guess BW hasn't figured that out


I skip heroics, all they do is slow you down trying to find enough people for them


So it is lazy players then that just want to fast track through the game?

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I'm shocked. I would have declined too.


Yeah. If some random spaz is jumping up and down in front of me I generally think they're some kid with ADHD who has neglected to take his meds, and grouping with such an individual is more trouble than it's worth.

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I wanted to post one of those smart assed "In B4 someone blames WoW" shots but it seems someone has already blamed WoW. Poor WoW, responsible for every other game's shortcomings.


This. It's ridiculous that WoW, a video game, gets blamed for nearly everything that has to do with MMO's (and in some cases, video games in general) these days. Did World of Warcraft break into your house and kill your family? Steal your favorite Darth Vader figurine?


Seriously, it's not WoW's fault that you can solo to lv.50 in this game without even blinking. It's not WoW's fault that Bioware made a single player game with poorly slapped on multiplayer options.


Call me a WoW fanboy if you want, I haven't played the game in over a year and I'm not going back. Some of you people really, really need to let it go. It will be ok, I promise.

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Why are people playing this game if they don't want to do grouP content?!?!

Chamber of Speech is easily solo'd once you get your first companion.


The simple reality is leveling is usually a solo event, especially in this game. The entire leveling experience is wrapped around my story. Why would I want to mess up my story for a quest I can easily solo?

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Chamber of Speech is easily solo'd once you get your first companion.


The simple reality is leveling is usually a solo event, especially in this game. The entire leveling experience is wrapped around my story. Why would I want to mess up my story for a quest I can easily solo?


I'd love to see your death count also if you think you can easily solo every Heroic.



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I'd love to see your death count also if you think you can easily solo every Heroic.




It's not that you can solo them, it's that you don't have to do them. There's absolutely no reason to group up and do a Heroic, unless you like wasting your time. They're no different than normal quests, and offer rewards you'll replace quickly. It's the same problem with Flashpoints.

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It's not that you can solo them, it's that you don't have to do them. There's absolutely no reason to group up and do a Heroic, unless you like wasting your time. They're no different than normal quests, and offer rewards you'll replace quickly. It's the same problem with Flashpoints.


All gear is soon replaced while leveling, so why bother with quest rewards at all?


I find the heroics a nice break from regular quests. Even met some new people along the way. Joined a good guild because of them. Enjoying socializing with my fellow gamers.


Such a waste of time.

Edited by Azzras
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Simple answer, people want to trat the game like wow. If they dont have a system where they can click a button, be ported, and go half afk through the quest/FP then they arent interested.


It's 100% a player problem and not a game problem. Unfortunately it's not likely to ever change.


yup hit the nail on the head sadly :(

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This was not an isolated incident.


Last night I decided to start a new character for giggles and because nobody wanted to run CWG or Maelsreom.


So I get a ways through tython and get the chamber of speech quest. Seeing that there was 45 peoe on the planet I felt like getting a group would be fairly easy....


... It was not. For a 2 plus heroic nobody wanted to do it for hours?!?!? What's wrong with this community? CoS takes like five minutes! And then I tried to get people to kill that champion droid with me and that failed as well. Nobody even said anything in chat the whole time I played.


Also, I saw someone walk over to look at the droid for a bit so I shot them an invite and jumped in front of them for a while. The promptly declined.


Why are people playing this game if they don't want to do grouP content?!?!


People didn't want to drop what they were doing and rush to group up with you.




Who says they weren't already DOING group content?

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This. It's ridiculous that WoW, a video game, gets blamed for nearly everything that has to do with MMO's (and in some cases, video games in general) these days. Did World of Warcraft break into your house and kill your family? Steal your favorite Darth Vader figurine?


Seriously, it's not WoW's fault that you can solo to lv.50 in this game without even blinking. It's not WoW's fault that Bioware made a single player game with poorly slapped on multiplayer options.


Call me a WoW fanboy if you want, I haven't played the game in over a year and I'm not going back. Some of you people really, really need to let it go. It will be ok, I promise.


They blame WoW... then they imply SWTOR is innovative.



Edited by Sizzurps
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Simple answer, people want to trat the game like wow. If they dont have a system where they can click a button, be ported, and go half afk through the quest/FP then they arent interested.


It's 100% a player problem and not a game problem. Unfortunately it's not likely to ever change.


This response seems to be the answer. I'll second this.

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Simple answer, people want to trat the game like wow. If they dont have a system where they can click a button, be ported, and go half afk through the quest/FP then they arent interested.


It's 100% a player problem and not a game problem. Unfortunately it's not likely to ever change.


Probably true for many.


I've just played enough MMOs in the last 12 or so years to know better than to PUG.

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