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you know you have 2 classes that no one plays right?


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So how do you feel about operatives and scoundrels ? are you happy that you nerfed this class to extinction. I mean ..i made the mistake of rolling it as a main ..since no one plays it .."i thought hey ..i'd play it ..mmo's usually leave the least played class unchanged " ..i was one of 3 operatives in my 140 man guild..now we all rerolled sorc. Yup 70% of ur population playes sorc ..how do you feel about this?
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Truthfully we got plenty of agents around, yes there's a ton of SI's, but truthfully i enjoy playing a BH or trooper or agent more and ive rolled all cept for a Jedi C.


and for Dragon Age Origins. played a warrior and tanked the end dragon solo, screw the magic user.....lol


So basically screw what the majority is playing just find what you like, anyone that's played a mmorpg knows the second we start liking something to much its gonna catch a Nerf....lol just how it is.

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honestly i am having a hard time continuing on with my scoundrel.


the main reason i made him was to be a healer character if i needed one, and never really intended him to be my "main character".


however when you look over the healing abilities of the class, it looks to be quite possibly the most boring class to play in any game ever made.


i mean you could sum up 99% of your healing with 3 abilities.




you press your HoT button once in a while to maintain the buff.

if you have 'upper hand' you press emergency med pack.

if you do not have 'upper hand' you press underworld medicine.



...and thats pretty much it.




...and no matter how i try to look at it, i just cannot fathom it ever being fun to follow people around pressing those 3 buttons endlessly.

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So how do you feel about operatives and scoundrels ? are you happy that you nerfed this class to extinction. I mean ..i made the mistake of rolling it as a main ..since no one plays it .."i thought hey ..i'd play it ..mmo's usually leave the least played class unchanged " ..i was one of 3 operatives in my 140 man guild..now we all rerolled sorc. Yup 70% of ur population playes sorc ..how do you feel about this?


Translation: Damn you BW for nerfing my fotm and forcing me and my friends to re-roll another fotm class.

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Working as intended.


You realize Bioware is the creator of Dragon Mage: Origins, right? You know, the RPG with two somewhat balanced class and a third mage class that was basically a god throughout the game?


or adepts in mass effect 1, or infiltrators in mass effect 2...

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TL/DR, but...


This is a Star Wars game. I rolled a Trooper and played for for twenty minuets until I said "What the hell? Where's my lightsaber?" Then I went back to playing my Jedi.


which is too bad, because imo the best books in the EU setup are the x-wing series by michael stackpole and aaron allston, and there is no jedi goodness in any of those 9 books

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We can talk again when I hit 50 with my alt but as far as I see - Operative is very nice. We still pack a punch and we are the ones who decide how, when and where we want to fight.


On my server (new one nad still low populated) I see Sorcs, Bounty Hunters and Maruders. I almost never see Jug and Operative. I can count them on my fingers. Most of the time I'm the only Operative. Sometimes there is one more. I see snipers from time to time.


But vast Majority --> Sorcs, Maruders, Bounty Hunters - in that order.

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I still face both lvl 50 operatives and scoundrels that make me say uncle I have recent screens where they not only dominate the charts but damn near wipe the floor with who ever goes after them. Looks like it maybe something behind the keyboard then the class themselves love my ops easier to level than my SIN by a mile just 25/26 having a blast. Edited by LordbishopX
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Operatives/Scoudrels are still basically the only class that can realistically hurt a well geared tank in pvp, even with a gear disadvantage (an operative/scoundrel in centurion/champion is way scarier to a tank class than basically anything else in full battlemaster gears, by a factor).


In PvE, even after the nerf, an undergeared scoudrel is basically the only melee class who can pull their weight in hardmode operations. That is, a scoudrel in daily gears can pull off enough damage to avoid enrage timers. Ranged classes can too, but other melees are a liability until they're properly geared. No DPS meters, but pugging every class combinations for hardmode ops. thats the conclusion it comes down to.


Leveling a scoudrel dps myself right now. I've never seen first hand a dirty fighting one in PvE and Im not good enough to theorycraft from the skill tree, so I'll just try it and see :)

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or adepts in mass effect 1, or infiltrators in mass effect 2...

You sure about that first one? 'Cause my Shock Trooper Soldier had 100% uptime on Immunity. I was walking into Krogan Battlemasters with my assault rifle trigger taped down on Insanity and coming out unscathed.

Never played an Adept tho, were they better?


Anyway, half the team that's working on this game are ex-Mythic employees, so I'm sure that means something will be done eventually. Right?

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You sure about that first one? 'Cause my Shock Trooper Soldier had 100% uptime on Immunity. I was walking into Krogan Battlemasters with my assault rifle trigger taped down on Insanity and coming out unscathed.

Never played an Adept tho, were they better?


Anyway, half the team that's working on this game are ex-Mythic employees, so I'm sure that means something will be done eventually. Right?


I think comparing the balance of a single player game (where it doesn't really matter) to an MMO is kind of pointless anyway. You can certainly say that they didn't balance those games well, but they didn't have to. Also keep in mind it's a completely different team (as in, the team that's working on Mass Effect 3, not TOR). Remains to be seen what's done here.


They were pretty quick to jump on operatives/scoundrels when the complaints came in. They've left sages/sorcs alone, so it suggests either they're in love with those classes (doubtful) or they look at more than just forum whines.

Edited by hadoken
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which is too bad, because imo the best books in the EU setup are the x-wing series by michael stackpole and aaron allston, and there is no jedi goodness in any of those 9 books


except when Corran(who is in your sig btw) discovers he has the force.

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I just LOVE how many people cry about Sorc/Sage, as a Full Pyro PT Sorc/Sage is a free kill for me, Yet the ONE class that people say sucks Mara/Sent makes me hit release......L2P issue if your having problems with sorc/sage. I parked mine at 50 because it was super boring....My PT is a one man arsonal.....
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