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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Open World PvP is ALIVE!!!!!!


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Ignore the haters that won't do anything if they're not chasing a carrot. They're the same people that will complain that the world doesn't feel "alive" enough for them, while kill trading on Ilum and magically teleporting from planet to planet through warzones.


There's nothing wrong with calling out the opposing faction, and on most decent servers you'll draw a level capped opposition and have a great time.


God forbid someone should do something without gaining valor. You know that +6 stat bonus you get to a secondary stat on a Battlemaster item is so good, it's just hard to walk away from the valor grind.


Sounds like you had fun, which is all that counts : ) If you like OWPvP for now you've got to take matters into your own hands to create the fun. Eventually BioWare might make some game changes to make it more viable, but for now, the fun's up to us and our ideas.

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A little off topic:


Ilum has three key problems:


1. Unbalanced sides

2. Engine performance is truely sad

3. Only PvP incentive are items


Problem 1 is pretty much unfixable. You can only mitigate it by giving the players some incentive to join the weaker faction.


Problem 2 is fixable but takes a lot of work to redesign the engine without breaking it.


Problem 3 will hopefully be fixed with 1.2.0. ;)

Edited by rainbow
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I will be valor 50 when I will have lvl 50 and on start I will have centurion and champion equipment on me from comms and bags (not full but few pieces). In few days I will start gathering Battlemaster stuff.


This statement makes everything else you've said suspect in my opinion. In the very least I think you are seriously underestimating how long it will take you to get to Battlemaster. I can't remember the exact number of Valor points in all levels between 50 and 60, but from 59 to 60 it takes about 46,000-47,000 valor (I just hit Battlemaster the other night so that is the only number I remember)... so for arguments sake lets estimate it takes 40,000 Valor across all 10 levels. So that's 400,000 Valor to go from Champion to Battlemaster. Lets say you are as beast as you think you are and you win EVERY game you play with like 10 medals... which will get you around 1,400 Valor per game. 400,000/1400 = 285.71 games to get you from Champion to Battlemaster. You said

Yesterday for 2 hours I played around 8 WZ
so thats about 4 games per hour. 285.71/4= 71.42 hrs to go from Champion to Battlemaster or just under 3 days... 3 full days of nonstop pwnage losing 0 games and always getting 10 medals. Lets imagine for a moment that you are not in fact that good and you only get 1,100 valor per game.. that puts you at 400,000/1100=363.64 games/4=90.90 hrs.. or 3.78 days. Thats 3-4 days of straight non-stop win every game play. What is more likely is that you would spend about 5 hrs a day doing wz's (at most)... so if you never lose and always get 1100 to 1400 valor per game it would take you about 14-19 days. Now you start factoring losses, warzones that end early or you get into late (so you only get like 500 valor), etc. and that number starts to climb even higher.


So by this logic, I call BS on your "in a few days I'll start gathering BM stuff"... riiiight. (If you can do this in a few days, videotape it all, post it, and I will publicly apologize for questioning your beasthood!)


Also, I think your logic on how if Pubs don't go to Ilum it makes it easier to grind gear for the Imps is completely wrong. In fact, I would guess the opposite is true. I have no hard numbers, but I would guess that competing with 10-20 other Imps all scouring central Ilum for the same 2-3 armaments is WAY slower than some good healthy, balanced pvp. It takes more time to get dailies and weeklys done just grinding armaments (there are only a few for the entire planet) plus you get 0 Valor from armaments... so by pubs being absent from Ilum, I would say that it actually slows the imps down on the gear grind.


These faults in your logic make me think that you have no idea what you are talking about. Plus, there are battlemasters in the pic that the OP put up... what gives you the impression that they get pwned in Ilum and WZ all the time anyway? They have obviously played a LOT more than you (reference the math above: 71-90hrs at a minimum AFTER lvl 50).


My guess is you were one of the Imp's that this guild pwned and you are mad. But I could be completely wrong and you are that beast... to which I say video tape your beasthood and shut me up.

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Well done to the OP.


These kinda things is what this game needs for open world pvp, imo there isnt enough hatred between the factions. When I am levelling and I see a Jedi, I will attack no matter what level it is, thats exactly why i chose a pvp server.


Its a shame to see so many people comment about 'no valor or rewards', personally I couldnt care less that I dont receive valor for killing a Jedi, if I wanted to grind valor I would just join a rather boring and predictable warzone.


Hopefully in the future, people will be more proactive in trying to ignite world pvp.

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Well done to the OP.


These kinda things is what this game needs for open world pvp, imo there isnt enough hatred between the factions. When I am levelling and I see a Jedi, I will attack no matter what level it is, thats exactly why i chose a pvp server.


Its a shame to see so many people comment about 'no valor or rewards', personally I couldnt care less that I dont receive valor for killing a Jedi, if I wanted to grind valor I would just join a rather boring and predictable warzone.


Hopefully in the future, people will be more proactive in trying to ignite world pvp.


You'd attack a player 10 levels or more above you? ;P


Well in all fairness, the people commenting about 'valor' and 'rewards' have a basis of comparison - warzones. If there was no PvP-System where rewards were given and there was no warzones, then open world would in fact thrive more. Obvious statement is obvious.


But because there is a rewards system for a particular content that is also more even in terms of competition, people would rather do that. It's human nature to want something out of time spent whilst having a chance to compete, otherwise why bother.

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To all the haters..


PVP is fun with or without reward. I like getting gear, but the gear grind doesn't make PVP more fun... PVP is already fun. But I'm sure if you really like PVP you already know this and if you only like PVP for rewards hopefullly you'll grow out of that or just go back to memorizing pre-scripted fights (read RAIDS/OPS and Hardmodes).

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I'm sure this was fun for a bit but in all honesty I think camping for hours is bordering on harassment. I know that if it were me I would not enjoy paying my sub just to get farmed by higher level players while I'm trying to level. I play on a pvp server and I enjoy it. Camping is for mediocre players in my experience. I work 55+ hours/week and the nights I do get to log on I for one would be completely turned off by this and would really have no desire to do this to other players. Like I said, you wanna do this for a 1/2-45 mins because you think it's fun, more power to you. Camping for hours is just being an *****hole.
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The amount of fail born of the gear-grabbing wow generatiom here is insurmountable. People have genuinely forgotten or do not know what proper world pvp is. I'm on your server and I'm Imperial. And I congratulate you.


For once, the game actually felt like a war and not a grindfest.

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I'm sure this was fun for a bit but in all honesty I think camping for hours is bordering on harassment. I know that if it were me I would not enjoy paying my sub just to get farmed by higher level players while I'm trying to level. I play on a pvp server and I enjoy it. Camping is for mediocre players in my experience. I work 55+ hours/week and the nights I do get to log on I for one would be completely turned off by this and would really have no desire to do this to other players. Like I said, you wanna do this for a 1/2-45 mins because you think it's fun, more power to you. Camping for hours is just being an *****hole.


LOL, Totally like this guy! :) Point made and simple. Cannot say it better myself!

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The amount of fail born of the gear-grabbing wow generatiom here is insurmountable. People have genuinely forgotten or do not know what proper world pvp is. I'm on your server and I'm Imperial. And I congratulate you.


For once, the game actually felt like a war and not a grindfest.


Soooooo, did you go to Hoth and fight back then?

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I blame BW for making world PvP absolutely crap. Who got the bright idea of making PvP servers where you gain nothing by killing other players outside WZs? This sort of stuff would bring alot of people if BW actually rewarded players for doing it, right now they are discouraging it.


This is the problem...all the care bear "pvpers" who need a "reward" for pvp'ing. The reward is killing. The reward is having fun. Why is everything about getting loot or some meaningless e-peen stat?

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LOL, Totally like this guy! :) Point made and simple. Cannot say it better myself!


Can you camp an SP on anything other than a PVP Server? If you have limited time play on a PVE Server. Personally I find the PVP Servers disappointing -- I've been ganked once on a quest... I was hoping for more (seriously).

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Heya. Mature post, so thought I'd reply.


The fact is, this is a game, and games should be fun for all.


By camping on a port-in and the immediate med-centre is not fun imo. It might be all jolly and fun for the few that have decided to take part in the camping, but for anyone else who's traveling to Hoth for any particular reason will find it frustrating and stressful because they simply cannot do anything except die.


If all their quest are on Hoth, what should they do? Roll on a PvE server? What about those that actually enjoy PvP? They are still going to struggle unless they are well equipped, have enough friends etc.


The point is, camping port-ins is an unfair system. I support enemy base PvPing btw, so don't think I am against that, but I don't think it's fair game-play if you cannot even get onto a planet without dying. I do think the immediate area upon arriving at a planet and it's related taxi NPC and med-centre should be within a shielded safe area. It doesn't have to be a big area, just enough for people to have a stand and at least enables them to move around the giant map by means of taxi.


I get what you're saying about back in the day with WoW. But like the mobile/cell phone of 15 years ago vs the phones of today, more and more people are playing MMO's and they are not all hardcore gamers. Back then you had MMOers playing MMOs, now you got the average Joe playing too.


But the average Joe might like PvP in open world. Take me for example, I love PvP in open world, but am no way a PvP hard-core player. Also, I run a small guild as opposed to a massive one on a PvP server. I would be seriously stressed if I could not even get onto Hoth to do questing, or even compete.


So would you not agree, that perhaps port-in camping and med centre camping is perhaps a bit OTT when it comes to Open World PvP?


I used to run a small and PVP focused guild in SWG -- I prefer small guilds. So I empathise. However. We also had strong alliances with other guilds and if one of ours was being camped or one of our allies was -- we put the call out and then go and liberate the base / med center / cantina -- whatever / wherever. This kind of intense allegiance made the game community tighter which kept people playing years.

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I'm sure this was fun for a bit but in all honesty I think camping for hours is bordering on harassment. I know that if it were me I would not enjoy paying my sub just to get farmed by higher level players while I'm trying to level. I play on a pvp server and I enjoy it. Camping is for mediocre players in my experience. I work 55+ hours/week and the nights I do get to log on I for one would be completely turned off by this and would really have no desire to do this to other players. Like I said, you wanna do this for a 1/2-45 mins because you think it's fun, more power to you. Camping for hours is just being an *****hole.


I think the aim wasnt to camp lower level players, but try and force level 50 imps to come to Hoth and get back the space port... It used to be that when a higher level would camp you, you just ask guild members to come to your aid, this then could turn into a full on battle of 20-30 players.


IMO there is a lack of pride and association with regards to factions, it used to be that when a town was taken, it was almost like a civic duty to go and take it back. What i dont understand, what do these pvp players do, who have great pvp gear? Surely they dont just do warzones all day.


The sad thing is, BW have created some stunning and iconic planets, players go there for a few hours and then never return. Tat is a good example, vast deserts, sand people, Mos Eisley etc etc.


FWIW I dont advocate camping, and imo the idea of world pvp isnt to camp players who are much lower.

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The most fun I've had in game so far was some sweet revenge killing that my friend and I got into on Tatooine.


My friend was waiting for the Jawa Balloon so he could get the Blue Matrix Shard Datacron. So he rolls up to the spot and two mid 40lvl Pubs were also waiting for the balloon (he is a lvl 50 bountyhunter). He's decides to be cool (he probably could have killed them both alone) and emotes/says "we cool?" to them indicating that he has no problem riding with them to the datacron. They reply "yeah" and so they wait for the balloon. The balloon arrives, they all get on, and the balloon pulls out. They wait just far enough so he cant get on the balloon again and then one of the ******es hits a knockback and throws him off the balloon. Now if you are not familiar with this balloon, it takes like 40 min for it to come back around.


We were on skype together and he tells me about this... so of course I come running. So we go to the spot where the datacron is and wait. I go stealth (my main is a lvl50 madness assassin) to scout and he waits in a little village just by the datacron site. By the time the balloon finally gets to the datacron there are 2 lvl 50 pubs and 3 lvl 30'ish pubs waiting on the ground beside the jawa transport that the datacron is on. We see the guys (who blew my friend off the balloon) jump down, pull their buddies up and they all collect the datacron.


So by this point they have 2 50's, 2 40's, and 3 30's. We wait for them to jump down and roll in. We commenced to laying waste to them ALL. Then we teabagged and camped their corpses for a good solid 20-30 min.


Valor gained=0, Commendations gained=0, Gear looted=0

Making those fools pay for their insolence= priceless

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long text about people getting knocked off the ballon on tatooine


Remember that happening to one of my friends too... what they missed at that stage was, that they had thrown a juggernaut off the balloon. So he went for the crawler, force charged into them when they jumped down, kicked one off the crawler and killed the other BEFORE they could activate the datacron. :p


However that has nothing to do with camping a med center.

Edited by rainbow
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If you took their spaceport....doesn't that mean IMPS could only pop in randomly, and along with your character popping in before the screen was already loaded....


...on a level 40 planet.


I dunno, I want to say congrats, but it just feels like abuse, much like the IMPS did to PUB on ILLUM.

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So tonight, guild Exile, took the sith spaceport on Hoth. We denied the entire planet to the sith for hours and hours. Any sith that came in died fast and could not get away from the base or us. Anyone that had to leave hoth had to use their fleetpass.


This message to you idiots out there saying this game has no openworld pvp....i call BS. Man up...get a couple of ops together and go take an opposite factions spaceport. This is called denial of resource.


We had hours of fun. The sith tried to shake us from the planet, but we took them all out.




Next time, try taking a level 50 objective where people can actually collect and give you a challenge before you come crow about your "awesum PvP skillz0rs".


You can call taking a sub-50 planet open world PvP and "denial of resource" all you want, but it's just griefing if there's no real way for the other side to fight back. It makes you and your guild look like a bunch of scrubs who can't actually win anything against a group of similar size and gearing.


You are either an exceptionally good troll, or a zerging failure of a player on the non-zerg side. I'm inclined to believe the latter before the former.

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I used to run a small and PVP focused guild in SWG -- I prefer small guilds. So I empathise. However. We also had strong alliances with other guilds and if one of ours was being camped or one of our allies was -- we put the call out and then go and liberate the base / med center / cantina -- whatever / wherever. This kind of intense allegiance made the game community tighter which kept people playing years.


Aye, I get what you mean by the tight knit community. And to me, that was what the whole point of the alliance and adversary phases prior to game launch... but it's not worked out for my guild that way.


Upon getting assigned to a server - The Ravager, the guilds we were aligned with jumped ship because they got the pre-conceived idea based on theory crafting that our server would be over-run with Russians who are apparently well known for their PvPing and were worried also about the language barrier. So they jumped ship and went to another server before the game even begun. Their fears were unfounded as the server seems perfectly fine in respect to the community but it also meant we were now on our own.


So we've not been able to maintain any sort of community relations with other guilds at this early time in the game as we're busy building our own guild. But then saying that, not all my members are PvP-mad either. They just liked the guild set up which is casual and fun and took part in both pvp and pve on a casual and fun level and yes, that can include Open World PvP too.


On that casual and fun note, we're not the kind of guild to just make all our members gather into one area at a moments notice to tackle a huge crowds of PvPers who's idea of fun is to camp port-in areas. We're trying to encourage the guys into PvP, that kind of instance imo puts more people off it!


Whilst the 'Exiles' can boast about PvP being alive and whilst the supporters in this thread will argue that these people are in fact encouraging open world pvp, I wonder how many of those supporters will take it upon themselves to actually organise a team to counter the attackers. Are they willing to travel to Hoth on their own and fight mass hordes of pvpers? Or are they just happy to see others making an effort and willing to watch and hope others jump on before they too join the fray?

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