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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Interrupts not locking out healers and healers in general.


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So, lately I've noticed that whenever I kick a Sorc or BH healing, they get interrupted and just immediately cast another heal. I realize the interrupt skill only locks out that 1 ability, but why even bother having that? Kick (for Sentinels) at least should lock out that entire school, like every other MMO. It's hard enough taking out a healer in pvp, unless they are incredibly bad.


Currently I am wearing full Champion + Columni Pants, I average 200-350k in most WZ"s (when focused more on the objectives, sometimes over 400k if I just go for healers 100% of the time.. But, the problem w/ expertise currently is even if you cancel each others rating out, healers still always get the +% over everything. So if I'm running 12% Expterise currently and the enemy is, our damage and reduced damage is cancelled out, but the healer will still be at an advantage w/ +12% healing. I think the Trauma debuff needs to be 50%, not 30% also.


If that isn't enough, healers need a change over all. Too much CC, can't lock out the healing school, decent damage over-all w/ gear that buffs damage AND heals. Most MMO's healers have to have a +healing set or such and suffer on damage, this isn't the case in SWTOR.


I'm not really complaining about the Sentinel class, since it's very strong in my opinion. Great survivability, great damage, and tons of utility... But, why do Troopers/BH's get a knockback immunity and a class completely dependent on melee not get this talent? Though, that is completely off subject.. just complaining here.


My aggravation is also from playing Republic, where we do not have nearly enough healers compared to the Sorc obsession that the Empire has. Too many games have been 6/8 players being Sorcs, 4/4 Sorc/BH, sometimes even full 8/8 Sorc and 8/8 BH teams. Argh... /rant


TL;DR version: Healers are too powerful, Empire has too many healers compared to Repub, interrupts don't work properly.

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Notice you did not include Smug/Ops healers in the list.


Maybe thats cus you interrupt us and it's GG. And also fact that a sent/marauder can pretty much insta gib us too.


Not so for the other healers as you stated.


Only thing to do now is.....nerf Agents and smugglers again!

Edited by fixit
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So, lately I've noticed that whenever I kick a Sorc or BH healing, they get interrupted and just immediately cast another heal. I realize the interrupt skill only locks out that 1 ability, but why even bother having that? Kick (for Sentinels) at least should lock out that entire school, like every other MMO. It's hard enough taking out a healer in pvp, unless they are incredibly bad.


If that isn't enough, healers need a change over all. Too much CC, can't lock out the healing school, decent damage over-all w/ gear that buffs damage AND heals. Most MMO's healers have to have a +healing set or such and suffer on damage, this isn't the case in SWTOR.


My aggravation is also from playing Republic, where we do not have nearly enough healers compared to the Sorc obsession that the Empire has. Too many games have been 6/8 players being Sorcs, 4/4 Sorc/BH, sometimes even full 8/8 Sorc and 8/8 BH teams. Argh... /rant


TL;DR version: Healers are too powerful, Empire has too many healers compared to Repub, interrupts don't work properly.


Hard to take out a healer unless they're incredibly bad??


I don't think the healers are the problem here, buddy.

Edited by AntoniusDelitan
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nope. This would completely cripple a healers ability to survive a sustained attack. Anyone who is correctly using interrupts can already beat most healers pretty easy, this change would completely cripple healers in pvp.


Or, they would have to judiciously use CC and LoS to get a heal off? Juke cast maybe? Common skills used in other MMO PVP that apparently BW didn't think was necessary ( although they thought 4 times the amount of CC was).

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TL;DR version: Healers are too powerful, Empire has too many healers compared to Repub, interrupts don't work properly.


No, you are not supposed to be able to solo burst a healer.


Also the interrupt resist on commando healers is 15 seconds on a low CD. And they do need that ability. They're the most immobile healer.

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Notice you did not include Smug/Ops healers in the list.


Maybe thats cus you interrupt us and it's GG. And also fact that a sent/marauder can pretty much insta gib us too.


Not so for the other healers as you stated.


Only thing to do now is.....nerf Agents and smugglers again!



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I 'used to be' a healer, full champ gear Merc healer, this game punishes healers soo much it was no longer fun so I don't play him anymore. Its ridiculous how easy one melee dps can lock me out of my only heal without a cooldown and kill me.


Every warzone people would mark me up and be attacked by 3 people, no ability to escape, no way to heal myself much less heal my team. Its simply not fun to be a healer, a couple other friends who were healers have respeced to dps just so they can get medals and help the team.

Edited by voigt
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Interrupt healers main heal and they are either dead or completely unable to sustain their team anymore making them useless. They need buffs not nerfs >_<


For every MMO I've played (UO, Shadowbane, DAoC, EQ, EQ2, FFXI, Vanguard, WoW, Rift, Aion, Darkfall, WAR and EVE), it's always been as a healer. This is the first one that I've genuinely NOT wanted to heal because the devs have basically set things up to always be an uphill battle that relies on your opponents being mentally handicapped rather than based upon your own skill and planning. I've respec'd all my healers(I have all 3 empire side) to DPS and am having enough fun to tide me over to Tera or GW2.


The thing that has ensured that I will be unsubbing when those comes out regardless of what the devs fix? Their complete lack of communication towards healers. Seriously... go check the healer boards, they are filled with wonderfully well written posts with math and clearly explaining faults along with possible solutions(which are remarkably balanced) and what has the dev team offered us? Utter silence.

Edited by DrekorSilverfang
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The only thing making it hard to kill a healer is their team using cc. =p If just as many people were helping you kill the healer then you wouldn't have made this post. If you mean they're getting no help and it's just you vs them 1v1... then it's a l2p issue... even my tank spec jugg could 1v1 healers down.
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The only thing making it hard to kill a healer is their team using cc. =p If just as many people were helping you kill the healer then you wouldn't have made this post. If you mean they're getting no help and it's just you vs them 1v1... then it's a l2p issue... even my tank spec jugg could 1v1 healers down.


Exactly... people complain that it takes them 30 seconds or longer to bring a healer down, and they scream nerf.... OBLIVIOUS to the fact that the healer died eventually and they have >80% health...

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The trauma 30% heal debuff was put in pretty much for this reason. If they made interrupts lock out all heals, then they would have to remove the 30% heal debuff. So one or the other...weaker heals and weak interrupts or strong heals and strong interrupts.



Notice you did not include Smug/Ops healers in the list.


Maybe thats cus you interrupt us and it's GG. And also fact that a sent/marauder can pretty much insta gib us too.


Not so for the other healers as you stated.


Only thing to do now is.....nerf Agents and smugglers again!


And are you kidding me? you need to l2p, i can solo sorc/sage healers fine, BH/commando healers take a long time to wear down because of the bubble that makes their casts uninterrupted but when that wears off they will eventually die.


Ops/smug healers can NOT be solo'd by a mara/sent. Between their HoT's and all their CC they can always escape to cast a heal.

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Most classes have what....


(1) Interrupt

(2) Stun

(3) Sleep/Break on Damage Hold

(4) Knockback


... at least four methods to stop heal casting.


(1) interrupts one method of healing for 4 seconds

(2) after that you can stun and shut the player down for around 4 seconds

(3) your first interrupt finishes cooldown, you shut heal off the third time

(4) a sleep/break on damage hold can be used next for at least 5~6 seconds more

(5) your interrupt is again, ready to use, so shut it down for 4 extra seconds

(6) and then a well-timed knockback will stop another round of casting

(7) and your interrupt is ready again



I can shut off healers for at least 30 seconds when all of the above powers are ready to be used. If not, I can at least cut the heal efficiency down to less than 50% of what the healer would normally be able to dish out.


If the rest of the teammates still have not wrapped up the fight by that time, then it is their

crummy damage/lack of focus fire that is to blame, not enemy healing.






What? You need to save all the stuns and sleeps and stuff for some other purpose?


Then that's your own choice to not really commit to shutting a healer down,

Edited by kweassa
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Ops/smug healers can NOT be solo'd by a mara/sent. Between their HoT's and all their CC they can always escape to cast a heal.


You also need to learn to play or maybe spec correctly.


Good marauder/sent will crush me in no time flat even with 684 expertise, 5.2k crits ftw! Note worthy sent just smacked me with one, mere minutes ago.


And how does a heal agent escape a marauder/sents too? We have no sprint, KDs, roots, leaps, pulls, etc. So tell me how we are supposed to escape when all you have to do is leap? HoTs, yes super powerful hots that tick for 660 every 3 seconds, not like you can hit two attacks for 2-3k non crit in that same time. Ok, I give you a tip then: they stun you with 6 sec one, wait it out. Leap! When they flash bang, you are now at 100% resolve; break the CC and then proceed to kick the crap outa them. It's not like they can fight back or anything, won't even dent a geared player in the slightest.


Also we only have one hard cast heal. Interrupt it and we are screwed. Oh I can bait with diag scan but anyone with half a brain knows its a suck heal only used to trick baddies. You are not a baddie are you? Ok give you another tip, you see agent smuggler castin and the bar is going down rather than up? Ignore it and win!


I am going to assume a few things: 1) You have no clue how to play or spec a mara/sent effectively, they do require a bit of skill to shine after all. 2) You have next to no PvP gear at all and more than likely a fresh 50 wearing greens.


But w/e, I concur.



Edited by fixit
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I did not include Smug/Ops because I think they are the more balanced healers. You can shut them down w/ 1 or 2 people, how it should be... You shouldn't need 3 people to shut down a healer, this isn't WoW. Also, I've played many MMO's and healed in all, this is the first I've seen w/ so much CC on 1 class type. WAR, RIFT, WoW, and other misc. MMO's give healers a few options to survive and escape, SWTOR gives Sorcs/BH's way too many tools to CC. You can say I'm bad at my class, but I'm one of the top Sents I've seen and have a strong Sentinel community on my server which we all discuss new options and playstyles. The problem is I've gotten a BH down solo to 22% easily, then if they get 1 heal off I've seen them easily go back up to 100% health in 1 heal. Dispatch them? Can't... their bubble saves them everytime.
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Got to learn the right skill to inturupt, and when to do it. It is different with each healing class. I play a merc healer, and I can basically stand up 1v1 for a very long time- Long enough for help to arrive (or for more enemies). You do not have to kill the healer to be effective. Here is how you kill a healer, say a merc


Make sure they do not have supercharge gas ready. Then inturrupt their long cast heal, the one w/o a cooldown. For the next 4 seconds they (panic) only can cast one heal, with 10 second cooldown. When the 4 seconds is up, they should not be dead, and they will try to heal with the skill you inturupted. Stun em. There is 4 more seconds. If they break out, they can land a heal, but your inturupt will be up again soon. If they do not break, pound on them, and inturrupt the next long cast heal. They will be stuck with using that longer CD low damaging heal, and probably near death at this point


The above is 12 seconds where they cannot cast their big heal. If they pop shield, pick a new target. If they have supercharge gas and they use it, find a new target. You wont get anywhere for the next 10-20 seconds if they use either (its true, those cooldowns make ys near immortal for a short time when used right). So come back later, as both take time to get ready again.


You don't need to kill a healer to be effective. Scaring them to use cooldowns is enough. And then come back to clean up the wounded deer. Killing a healer (merc) without CD's available is far easier. I know, I play one.

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I did not include Smug/Ops because I think they are the more balanced healers. You can shut them down w/ 1 or 2 people, how it should be... You shouldn't need 3 people to shut down a healer, this isn't WoW.
You don't need 3 people. You need one person with a brain.


Also, I've played many MMO's and healed in all, this is the first I've seen w/ so much CC on 1 class type. WAR, RIFT, WoW, and other misc. MMO's give healers a few options to survive and escape, SWTOR gives Sorcs/BH's way too many tools to CC. You can say I'm bad at my class, but I'm one of the top Sents I've seen and have a strong Sentinel community on my server which we all discuss new options and playstyles.
If you're a sentinel and can't force a healer to heal only himself until he's out of resource and then kill him... i'm sorry but you ARE bad at your class.


The problem is I've gotten a BH down solo to 22% easily, then if they get 1 heal off I've seen them easily go back up to 100% health in 1 heal. Dispatch them? Can't... their bubble saves them everytime.
No... they didn't go to 100% with -50% healing in one cast. What, you didn't use Crippling Throw? See my above statement about being bad at your class... Edited by AntoniusDelitan
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You don't need 3 people. You need one person with a brain.


If you're a sentinel and can't force a healer to heal only himself until he's out of resource and then kill him... i'm sorry but you ARE bad at your class.


No... they didn't go to 100% with -50% healing in one cast. What, you didn't use Crippling Throw? See my above statement about being bad at your class...


I like this guy... he speaks truth... that said...



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