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Design decisions and why the game engine hurts TOR


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I disagree with the majority of the OP's post.


He seems to be more about, "I want it all now" and instant gratification and how he would like to go back to WOW than offering real debate on things.


The majority of his post wasn't even about the game engine. Just another rant for several paragraphic comparing SWTOR to WOW and how he has to travel and why he can't get to another planet instantly.


It was worth a laugh to read how he would personally change things to the way he likes them but as an overall change to the game most of the OP's post was just fluff.


The engine


Works great for me and the guilds I've run with. I run it all on high settings and have raided everything through HM and moving in to NM. So far so good as far as I can see it.




Has always been a joke since WOW and the days before. You talk of imbalance as if BW could do anything about it. You can't force people to play a side and the only real complaint there is underestimating how much people wanted to be darkside. Nothing BW could really do about faction balance. It couldnt be controlled in WOW and certainly cant be controled here. Adjusted with server transfers at best but I doubt many take that.


PVP has it's issues but it's not the engine.




You didn't like the designs? I did. For the first set of raid type encounters there very good. They gradually get harder and harder from Normal to hard mode to Nightmare. Just as they should. It's a good transition for players in a new MMO.


After raiding Hardcore in WOW for the past 6 or more years. SWTOR has a good start on operations and while there are some bugs. The operation itself is good design wise.


Flashpoints are also a good length. Again, the OP just wants things faster and faster and then will most likely complain about how short things are. It's not enough there is little trash in operations before you get to boss fights(EV I'm talking about you specifically) now there should be little trash in FP's as well.


Another personal request than has nothing to do with the game engine but wanting something done faster and quicker and most likely easier. Another Instant gratification request to be ignored.




so far I like it. They have fixed more than they have broken and continue to work on existing bugs and none of which are just game breaking - Some are bad but not game breaking.


I like to patching so far.




Personal request at best and everyone has one. Everyone wants something different from appearance issues. Get in line but at the end of the day it's not even a big deal.




I already mentioned a little about this but you cannot get from one planet to the next with some time. While I'm not fond of the multiple transitions, it's not bad. Takes some getting used to but if I could teleport everywhere I would like that either.


The travel time is decent. I can make it anywhere I want in a couple mins and thats no different from any past MMO.




What can I say, I love them.


The craft, tank, heal, DPS, gather mats and there great to have.


They will never take the place of a real player and trying to duo a FP with 2 real players and 2 companion is at best silly. Especially knowing compansion cant use turrets and are not as good as people.


Sounds like the OP brought pain on himself and at the end of it couldn't handle it cause he lost. The hurdle was just to high or some things are not meant to be done with less than 4 real people. Take your pick but its not a game problem. It's the OP's personal wants getting into the mix of good design and messing it up.


The Story


It's all personal based. the 3 I'm doing I love. one of which I know someone didn't care for. It's like readying a book. Some like it, some don't and the scale can be anywhere in between.


Same with side quests. I like them, knew they would not be as good as the main story and yet, they were good enough.


One my second play through I still listened to the story as well as my third. The only story I skip is dailies.


So again, your letting your personal wants get in the mix of good design for the masses and just on an individual bases.


I'm finding the entire leveling process better than any MMO to date and I don't think there is one I've missed in the past number of years. Some parts are better than others and some I didn't even like but overall it's very good.




As if speech bubbles would make a world of difference in my game play. If they never happened, I'd still play and sleep well at night.


Guild system, clearly something coming and not needed at launch. I'm good with that.


Carrick stations is pretty crowded as a social station/area. I see no problem with it as it is the center of it all. I can't expect to have huge amounts of people at the bar in taris or any other planet now can I.


So far I'm good with it.


Space Combat


We got what has always been announced. If you expected more then you ahve not been keeping up.


Sure we all want more more and I bet thats the next expansion but what we have now is a minigame and has always been hyped as a minigame.


It's a fun minigame and kills a little time. It's better than fishing and offers a side bit of fun.


Putting it in was a good design I think.




You have to much "ME ME ME" in your post and how you want things as if 1.7 million others want the same thing when clearly it's simply not true.


You want a faster game (probably cause your a console FPS shooter game where things are a little more fast paced and instant and are cayrrying that over to this game) However thats just a guess.


A few things I can agree with you on (bugs, PVP problems) but thats really about it as the rest is just personal wants that I don't 100% agree with.

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They will just move the Goal posts again like they have been doing since launch. :rolleyes:




Keep moving the goal posts. It won't be F2P in 6 months. So they will just move it back. 1 year, 2 years, 4 years, etc.


The OP spends most of the time ranting about what he/she expected in a MMO and their disappointment its not there. Its not really about what the game does well or what it doesn't. There is some of that there but its mostly a rant about that THEY wanted.


Its not really worth anything in the long run as it gives nothing constructive.

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You have to much "ME ME ME" in your post and how you want things as if 1.7 million others want the same thing when clearly it's simply not true.



And how exactly different is your post? I see me me me everywhere. You even know what do all of 1.7m subscribers want. Hehehe

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Good post OP.


the engine IS crap. My computer can run pretty much any other recent game but it struggles to keep 15 FPS in warzones. It is very frustrating.


"Upgrade your computer!" I hear. First I find it unacceptable to have to upgrade for this. The graphics aren't even good! Two, read the "horrible FPS" thread and you'll find multiple users that upgraded their graphic card and had NO improvements on FPS.

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Well writen post completely agree with everything specially the part about the game engine, they had 200 MILLION DOLLARS to work with, yet they decided to pickup a free engine and slightly modify it, this is beyond understanding, hell even some F2P games decided to build their own damn engine to get the performance they need out of it, instead they burned 200 million on voice overs -.-
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Well writen post completely agree with everything specially the part about the game engine, they had 200 MILLION DOLLARS to work with, yet they decided to pickup a free engine and slightly modify it, this is beyond understanding, hell even some F2P games decided to build their own damn engine to get the performance they need out of it, instead they burned 200 million on voice overs -.-


Filled with so much...lack of thought...


Not sure where to begin....head hurts from reading...

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Bioware and EA failed to adhere to the fundamental basics of computers.



In most cases you get what you pay for. Like a decent PSU fo ra computer, or a GPU, or even a CPU, you get what you pay for. Without proper research too you also may pay too much for an inferior product.



Someone dropped the ball many times over. But then again, I just visited the Hero ENgine page, the main reason all this exists is answered in the selling points of the engine. Greed and laziness.





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Edited by karnyboy
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People keep bumping this? Let it slip off the front page like all the other "I quit" posts. It's not well written, its not on point, unless you agree. Sadly echo chambers are what people are looking for. You can leave, thousands like you can leave, the game will roll on. I know it's hard to imagine we soldiering on without you but it will happen.
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GW2 is going to hurt this game but Tera comes out May 1st and that is going to kill this game. Tera uses the Unreal 3 engine and the graphics and gameplay are amazing to see plus it runs the game smooth. Anyone curious about it go signup for the beta and look for yourself. SWTOR had potential but they dropped the ball with a horrible game engine and lack of major features missing from this game. Edited by Denerio
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Estimates are that SWTOR cost any where from 200 to 300 million. They should have only voiced over the main story lines and utilized a proven engine like Unreal Engine 3 or the CryENGINE. That way they could have focused much more needed time on environments and other various features.


Now consider this game.... 11 coders and the UDK... 11 months...





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Estimates are that SWTOR cost any where from 200 to 300 million. They should have only voiced over the main story lines and utilized a proven engine like Unreal Engine 3 or the CryENGINE. That way they could have focused much more needed time on environments and other various features.


Now consider this game.... 11 coders and the UDK... 11 months...





Oh what SWTOR could have done with those engines or this one from Blade & Soul which i look forward to like a child --

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GW2 is going to hurt this game but Tera comes out May 1st and that is going to kill this game. Tera uses the Unreal 3 engine and the graphics and gameplay are amazing to see plus it runs the game smooth. Anyone curious about it go signup for the beta and look for yourself. SWTOR had potential but they dropped the ball with a horrible game engine and lack of major features missing from this game.


It's a console game lol



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I was defending this game on the forums, up until this weekend...


I spent the weekend playing Skyrim, Halo:Reach, and MW3. I've also been closely following a certain beta...


Coming back to SWTOR was...painful. It was only after taking a break from the game that I realized I was really only here for the Star Wars. It's a damn shame, because I've been looking forward to this for so long.


OP is right on :(

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My system is i7-920cpu / 12G RAM / GTX560ti gpu with 30" Monitor...and, this is the ONLY GAME that heats my system...nothing I've played yet hurts my system, but this game does.


The ENGINE is terrible, and something BW should've foreseen - its limitations and its demands.


There is no excuse.


I am going to stay 1 more month to finish getting my alts to 50, then, bleh. No more.


OP is correct, and post was very well written. I love Star Wars, and wanted a SW MMO just as much as everyone else. I have no ill will for BW, but I tried...I cancelled after 1st paid month, and decided to resub for a bit longer to at least know I got all alts also to 50...then, couldn't take it anymore.


It is an awesome single-player game, until you have to repeat everything again for the alts (in spite of their own unique storyline) just to level...and, so on...


I'm trying to last, but I don't think I'll make it :(

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Tera is not a console game and that will destroy this game come May.




No tera is just a fail game that even flopped in ASIA, then it really has to be bad if it flops in asia, just saying, releasing tera to EU and NA is a last ditch effort to make some money before the 3 law suits takes em to the bank for good, stealing the source codes from Lineage 3 along with concept arts etc then adding it to Tera sure was a smart move.

Edited by tkshinoda
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GW2 is going to hurt this game which it will but Tera comes out May 1st and that is going to kill this game.


I'm not happy with SWTOR at present but I don't see how Tera is going to pose much of a threat. For all its flaws, real or imagined, SWTOR is still Star Wars (a lot more Star Wars than STO was ever Star Trek, IMO) and lots of folks reeeaaally like Star Wars. Tera? I'd never even heard of it until people here started mentioning it.

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I found this ironic. Posted just today...


Game Performance Issues:


As much as I would love to be able to plunge right back into the world of Tyria, ArenaNet still has plenty of work ahead of them before Guild Wars 2 is ready for launch.


Specifically they need to iron out the game’s performance issues. I played on both my powerful desktop PC and a capable gaming laptop, both of which struggled with the game on anything other higher than the lowest graphics settings.
Cranking up the quality resulted in horrid frame rates, and massive world versus world battles between dozens of characters caused both systems to slow to a crawl
. ArenaNet just needs to fine tune game’s engine, finding the right balance between beauty and playability.



Seems other games have issues too.

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I found this ironic. Posted just today...


Game Performance Issues:


As much as I would love to be able to plunge right back into the world of Tyria, ArenaNet still has plenty of work ahead of them before Guild Wars 2 is ready for launch.


Specifically they need to iron out the game’s performance issues. I played on both my powerful desktop PC and a capable gaming laptop, both of which struggled with the game on anything other higher than the lowest graphics settings.
Cranking up the quality resulted in horrid frame rates, and massive world versus world battles between dozens of characters caused both systems to slow to a crawl
. ArenaNet just needs to fine tune game’s engine, finding the right balance between beauty and playability.



Seems other games have issues too.



That's in "massive world versus world battles". Not a 16 person Warzone or a Fleet with 30 people.


As for the fantasy nay-sayers...well...at least they function reliably.


Like it or not, when something new comes out, all of the hardcore players, those who complain here on the forum and those who don't, will leave.

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I found this ironic. Posted just today...


Game Performance Issues:


As much as I would love to be able to plunge right back into the world of Tyria, ArenaNet still has plenty of work ahead of them before Guild Wars 2 is ready for launch.


Specifically they need to iron out the game’s performance issues. I played on both my powerful desktop PC and a capable gaming laptop, both of which struggled with the game on anything other higher than the lowest graphics settings.
Cranking up the quality resulted in horrid frame rates, and massive world versus world battles between dozens of characters caused both systems to slow to a crawl
. ArenaNet just needs to fine tune game’s engine, finding the right balance between beauty and playability.



Seems other games have issues too.


The difference is one is in beta and the other one went live.

Edited by Razot
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