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I like the way they wait until March(LEGACY?)


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However many feel the need to. It's an unknown number of people whose patience isn't high enough to wait. Pretty standard...there are those who are patient and there are those who are not. The impatient ones tend to have a frustrating time with new release MMOs. The patient ones...not so much.


The reason I stopped playing and will not be subscribing again has not one thing to do with my level of patience, It has everything to do with this being a poorly disguised single player game masquerading as an MMO.


I really enjoy playing both of my characters to level 50 as the stories where well presented but the time to hit max level took no time and next to no effort at all, The single easiest game I have ever played. If this was sold as what it actually is (A single player) I would not be so disappointed in the overall results of this game, I simply refuse to pay to play a game with 0 community on a dead server and that is too focused on single player stories rather than community focused activities like real MMO's provide.

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Ok, everyone is aware that companies need to make money, that being said, Legacy should have been in game at launch.


The march time period could have just as easily been promo'd with new raid content or a new planet.


I have read most peoples posting here and I don't disagree with what people are saying why there doing this.


I just feel that legacy should be out by now.

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Exactly. Do people think Bioware and other companies release new content out of the pure generosity of their souls?


Remember Bioware just cares about money, released a half assed game and forgot about the player base because they have no souls.




I agree with you, everything is about money, why make new content for just 'fun'? People seriously need to learn some things.

Edited by darthdoll
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Are there bugs in the game? Yes.


The sky sometimes turns green if I turn in certain directions in Tatooine. I'm told this is due to the memory leak issue.


Can I ignore the green sky and keep playing while the devs work to fix the issue? Yes.


If I decided to focus on what is broken, then I'd be irritated and unhappy.


"Your focus determines your reality" - Qui-Gon Jinn.

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Honestly, a three-month turnaround for the first big content patch is better than most recent games, except maybe Rift which seems to pump out new content on a monthly basis.


For giggles I looked up when the first big content was launched for WOW back in 2005. Lo and behold the Dire Maul patch came in late March.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All I can say is, Wow. There certainly is alot of hating going on. I enjoy this game if you dont, dont play. Its that simple. I have heard many people say it doesnt have this it doesnt have that. Oh well, Bioware cannot please everybody and if you think your that important get over yourself.


I only see this game getting better in the future.


I am still amazed that people seem to think companies should not be in this buisness to make money. Making money is what drives companies to make games and new content.


And if you honestly think they should give you more content or whatever your grip is, I just have one question for you. What have you done? Have you got your butt off the couch and helped anyone? Have you fed a homeless person? Have you volunteered time anywhere? Ever? The answer is probably no.


Sorry, the only reason I am ranting is I am sick of everyone wanting it their way right now.


BIOWARE good job, keep up the good work. I know you will work out the bugs and make this game better.


And to all the Haters out there. Stop it. Play or dont play. You made a conscious decision to purchase this game. nobody forced you to buy it. If you didnt do your research and find out that it didnt have what you wanted, thats your fault. Not the companies. Or was it that you couldnt wait, You had to get the game NOW. Your own selfish reasons caused you to purchase a game that you didnt like because you couldnt wait and read reviews or research it more.


Im done, Sorry for the rant.

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I don't like it as I see it as part of their plan, like most companies, to string together content/patches to maximize profits.


I'm not savvy on all mmo's but it makes sense to do it like this, for them, it also makes them look bad to anyone who pays attention. Especially those who were in beta or those who just read to see how much they haven't done. Talk about what can or can't be done all you want but the end result is the game isn't finished and has numerous little things wrong with it, missing or just implemented badly.


The worst part of this to me is the attitude of the people in charge letting things go as they are, not taking ownership of their mistakes or showing that they really care about the customers through continual contact with them. No 10 cherry picked questions with often vague answers doesn't count nor does locking topics to say "please use this thread to talk about stuff" while they 'monitor' it but don't actually participate in it.


Because I don't like it, the way they are running this game, I didn't sub and won't until more is added or I feel they change direction from taking advantage of people's love for SW, Bioware, or just other MMO.


MMO' s are never finished until they shut down the servers for the last time! Adding more content and making changes over time is what happens. That is how they keep us subscribing past the first month. Get used to it or get ready to complain until you decide you don't like this game and move on. Content patches and minor changes bring players back that may have unsubbed to check out the new things. Yes this is a business plan to keep players interested.

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The reason I stopped playing and will not be subscribing again has not one thing to do with my level of patience, It has everything to do with this being a poorly disguised single player game masquerading as an MMO.


I really enjoy playing both of my characters to level 50 as the stories where well presented but the time to hit max level took no time and next to no effort at all, The single easiest game I have ever played. If this was sold as what it actually is (A single player) I would not be so disappointed in the overall results of this game, I simply refuse to pay to play a game with 0 community on a dead server and that is too focused on single player stories rather than community focused activities like real MMO's provide.


So why are you on these forums if you're no longer playing? You quit....so quit posting. lol@u

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It's a conspeeracee I tell ya! Dang BW folks and their fix coinciding with....stuff! lol :D


If you are going to be snide, I would learn to spell (and I don't care if English isn't your first language, you are trying to use it to be funny - doesn't work)!

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Its more probable that they were using the time between xmas and march... to you know....

finish the Legacy system.



If it was released in XMas, when not finished, I bet you would be moaning even more.

Anyone who works in the IT Industry would know, that work on a project never ceases up until the release date.

They dont develop it, wait sitting on their hands for 3 months, and then release it.

They have a release cycle, and they work continuously to get the project/deliverable perfected until the release date - if there are show stoppers, they make a 'Go/No Go' decision.


Legacy system is not a simple system to impliment, you are talking lots of development, lots of test scenarios to perform to ensure that it works.

1000's of man hours.


Even scenarios you might not have thought off.


Eg - Have 5 characters on server, in my legacy, one transfers to another server - what happens to his legacy affiliation.

All of these scenarios need to be tested and signed off on.

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Its more probable that they were using the time between xmas and march... to you know....

finish the Legacy system.



If it was released in XMas, when not finished, I bet you would be moaning even more.

Anyone who works in the IT Industry would know, that work on a project never ceases up until the release date.

They dont develop it, wait sitting on their hands for 3 months, and then release it.

They have a release cycle, and they work continuously to get the project/deliverable perfected until the release date - if there are show stoppers, they make a 'Go/No Go' decision.


Legacy system is not a simple system to impliment, you are talking lots of development, lots of test scenarios to perform to ensure that it works.

1000's of man hours.


Even scenarios you might not have thought off.


Eg - Have 5 characters on server, in my legacy, one transfers to another server - what happens to his legacy affiliation.

All of these scenarios need to be tested and signed off on.



likely they would require a complete character server swap id think..to eliminate that issue.

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In the end, I think that the Legacy System will be cool, but it won't change how you play the game. So I think most people are putting way too much importance on this patch. The biggest thing you will get is the second flashpoint which will be the major content in this patch.


So In summary, I think people will be disappointed with the Legacy System, because it's not going to be totally implemented in March. There will be a lot of changes to the game, that will make people happier, but I doubt we will see any major content for this patch.


But if things continue this way, they may be announcing the expansion pack sooner rather than later.

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