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How Voidstar ties are determined. Answered!


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I also want to add that it really cracks me up that many people here are professing that Bioware uses some kind of extensive, complex logic to break a tie. No, they rushed the code and threw in a simple RNG. Why write lines and lines of code when you can write one line? They still RNG Champ and BM bags. Get real.


We are left with the following choices:


1. It is random.

2. It isn't random.


If it isn't random, that only leaves that Bioware is a) lying or b) clueless. Clueless being that they have no idea what is going on in the code. So for the random deniers here, is it a or b?

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That said (official response here requested!), what happens if both sides in Huttball have the same score, and at the end of the timer neither side currently has the ball? Who wins then? Random, too?

From what I've seen once, it'd appear that the last team who held it wins.

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Hi folks,


Unfortunately, it seems that our CS droids were in error when they responded to Ashania's original tickets and for that, we apologize.


Currently, in the event of a tie on Voidstar, the winner is randomly chosen. We are going to be improving this with 1.2, but in the meantime, that is how winners are currently chosen for ties on Voidstar.


Again, I apologize for any confusion and thank you for letting us know about this.



So what you're telling us, that if 2 teams never reach it past the first door, and one team could have more kills, more healing, more damage, more objective points they can still lose, just cuz? Someone went through the entire design process, an Alpha and a Beta test period, with what like 5+ years in devolpment? And they couldnt just figure out that the team that does and plays better, in the event of a tie due to no destroyed doors should win? Instead its just a random coin toss?

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Hi folks,


Unfortunately, it seems that our CS droids were in error when they responded to Ashania's original tickets and for that, we apologize.


Currently, in the event of a tie on Voidstar, the winner is randomly chosen. We are going to be improving this with 1.2, but in the meantime, that is how winners are currently chosen for ties on Voidstar.


Again, I apologize for any confusion and thank you for letting us know about this.



So you are saying there is a 50/50 chance in the event of a tie.... hmm well there is a 50/50 chance that I wont be playing this game if it isn't fixed along with the many other pvp problems.

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So what you're telling us, that if 2 teams never reach it past the first door, and one team could have more kills, more healing, more damage, more objective points they can still lose, just cuz?

I dont like toss wins myself, but your argument is useless.

If you are unable to get further then the oposing team, you are just as bad as they.

If your team cares about victory - blast the first door, farm you medals in the second chamber and secure your victory. Unwilling/unable to do that? Be happy with a toss win :D

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I dont like toss wins myself, but your argument is useless.

If you are unable to get further then the oposing team, you are just as bad as they.

If your team cares about victory - blast the first door, farm you medals in the second chamber and secure your victory. Unwilling/unable to do that? Be happy with a toss win :D


how about a better solution? IMPLEMENT A TIE



seriously, neither team made any progress, both teams are as bad as the other on offense/as good as the other on defense, neither team deserves to win or lose. why is the concept of a tie so difficult?

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So what you're telling us, that if 2 teams never reach it past the first door, and one team could have more kills, more healing, more damage, more objective points they can still lose, just cuz? Someone went through the entire design process, an Alpha and a Beta test period, with what like 5+ years in devolpment? And they couldnt just figure out that the team that does and plays better, in the event of a tie due to no destroyed doors should win? Instead its just a random coin toss?


Kills are not the objective of the game so the number of kills does not matter. Same with healing. Objective points should not count as they are not really accurate. If your team never bothers to even try to plant a bomb and the other team does and you stop them, you get more objective points.


It could be also argued that the team with less damage and heals and kills should win because they were able to prevent a superior force from reaching their objective.


You win by getting to the core faster than the other team. If both teams make it the same distance, using which team ran around spamming chat the most as a tie breaker would be just as fair as using damage, kills, healing or objective points.

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seriously, neither team made any progress, both teams are as bad as the other on offense/as good as the other on defense, neither team deserves to win or lose. why is the concept of a tie so difficult?


Well, it is difficult because of the upcoming rated wz - it demands winning. There is no need to implement a tie for non rated wz only.


Lets say, you are on defending side in the 1st round - if you've managed to defend the gates - you get a morale boost. But you have to proove you won the 1st round because your teamplay is better, not because your luck stat is higher. And you proove this by getting past the first gates (at least). If you fail - you loose the entire game. I think it will be fair.

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Well, it is difficult because of the upcoming rated wz - it demands winning. There is no need to implement a tie for non rated wz only.


Lets say, you are on defending side in the 1st round - if you've managed to defend the gates - you get a morale boost. But you have to proove you won the 1st round because your teamplay is better, not because your luck stat is higher. And you proove this by getting past the first gates (at least). If you fail - you loose the entire game. I think it will be fair.


so we should decide the winner based on the hypothetical morale of our our characters? really??? I must not be understanding your post....


BTW - the first tie breaker should be how quickly your cleared your final room, ie if both sides clear one door whichever side bomb the first door quicker wins.


second, in the event that neither team gets the first door, I think it should be kills. objective points is flawed because as stated above, it rewards teams not planting at all. kills, and knowing the tie breaker is kills, at least gives us something to aim for (kills) and avoid (deaths). simple, straightforward, and intuitive.

Edited by contacts
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For some reason I thought that whoever got farther first would win and that has been my experience when both teams have gotten through the same amount of doors. Maybe the RNG was lucky for me but if my team got to door two in 3 minutes and the other team took 4 minutes I won (for example). I find it odd to learn it is a RNG.
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  • 3 months later...

I thought I would revive this post after the answer from the Q&A.


Nyrdbyrd: People are always disappointed when they lose the tie breaker in a Voidstar match, as though it was incorrectly judged. Any chance you could clarify the tiebreaker rules for us?


Rob Hinkle (Senior PvP Designer): Excellent question! We've actually gone through a series of adjustments to improve this very system. As of 1.3, here is how a winner is determined in Voidstar: There are 6 checkpoints inside the Warzone - the 3 sets of blast doors, the bridge in the reactor room, the forcefields in the cargo room, and the datacore itself. The team that gets the furthest wins the Warzone. If both teams get to the same checkpoint, then whichever team gets to that point the quickest wins.


When the Warzone figures out that one team has already won the match (since they are the 2nd team on the attack and have exceeded their opponents’ progress, or have gotten to the same spot faster), the match will end immediately instead of playing out the rest of the game to a known ending.


Unrelated to the tiebreaker changes (but also exciting), we've made a change to the Hangar inside Voidstar to help prevent stalemates inside the first room. We've added a broken fence down a portion of the middle of the room, which obstructs movement but not vision. The intended result is that the defenders have to commit to defend one side or the other, and can't float between both doors quite so easily.


Yes, they have made many improvements to Voidstar (the best being it ending early) but what wasn't answered, and what I think the question eluded to in the first place, was about ties in the event of NOBODY getting through the first set of doors. The deciding factor for this has always remained random, and contrary to their belief, adding a little fence is not allowing all teams to get through the first door. Stalemates still happen.


Can we receive a proper answer to this question please, we all know about who did what fastest, that's fine. But what are the plans in resolving a true tiebreaker (nobody getting through the first set of doors.) as right now RNG is not cutting it.


Can it not be determined from collective objective points? the more marauders and powertechs you have? Anything but the RNG currently!

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I thought I would revive this post after the answer from the Q&A.




Yes, they have made many improvements to Voidstar (the best being it ending early) but what wasn't answered, and what I think the question eluded to in the first place, was about ties in the event of NOBODY getting through the first set of doors. The deciding factor for this has always remained random, and contrary to their belief, adding a little fence is not allowing all teams to get through the first door. Stalemates still happen.


Can we receive a proper answer to this question please, we all know about who did what fastest, that's fine. But what are the plans in resolving a true tiebreaker (nobody getting through the first set of doors.) as right now RNG is not cutting it.


Can it not be determined from collective objective points? the more marauders and powertechs you have? Anything but the RNG currently!


I hope you realize that the QA answer went into the mechanics of how-to win a Voidstar, but said nothing about how a tiebreaker, where neither team gets through the first door, is determined.

Edited by Evil_Santa
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I hope you realize that the QA answer went into the mechanics of how-to win a Voidstar, but said nothing about how a tiebreaker, where neither team gets through the first door, is determined.


Yes, that's what I was saying, and...?


Did you just read the fact I quoted the QA and saw that the thread (created before 1.2) was called 'How Voidstar ties are determined. Answered!' and assumed I was using the QA to show 'how voidstar ties are determined'?


Then more fool you.

Edited by Ashania
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I am going to ignore a lot of the derailing this thread has gone on. Speaking for teams that are going to end up 2k+ in ranked warzones. The higher tier you are the more likely no bomb will ever be planted. We have played higher tier teams on The Fatman already and I can honestly say this is going to become a lot more problematic if not fixed. The changes to the map layout are working as intended. It makes defending more of a challenge definitely. It does not guarantee a bomb plant against good teams though. So far we have quite a few members with only ONE loss in rated warzones due to this random choosing of a winner. RNG winners have no place in a rated warzone. This needs to be changed to a draw. Its that simple. Leave your random wins for regular warzones if you like. Remove random wins in rated.


In the case of a draw. No team rating points. Just a draw. Period. Noone gets a win and noone gets a loss. Please fix this asap Bioware. You're pissing off a lot of players with this.

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This RNG BS in voidstar has to go. We just ended a match with a draw (both teams are 1800 rated). -15 ranked points, which is equivalent to about 3 games worth.


Worse still, we outperformed the team in every single category. It's purely RNG.

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I'll repost what I posted on the guild forums a bit ago.....


On Jung Ma, our team (56-3: 1950ish rating) lost a coin flip to a team of 3 healers 4 Tank sins and a Marauder. They had 50 dealths to our 19. At the end of the match, the announcer said we had won(secured the datacore) and my daily went from 4/6 to complete, but we still got the loss.


Voidstar is terrible, but there is an easy fix: Make the doors on Voidstar(and Civil War for that matter) work like the nodes in Navare. The team that puts the hammer down the most will eventually win.

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