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How Voidstar ties are determined. Answered!


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this. kills is only thing that matters in a tie. funny how we know the game better than biofail.


That's not the case. I've been on quite a few Voidstar ties with less kills and won.


Funny how people post their personal experience as fact on these boards and claim it's BioWare's fault if something doesn't add up.


This is like the people with bad bag luck who don't understand probability all over again.

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That's soooo stupid. We defended better than the opposing team and attacked better than the opposing team, they didn't even reach the final door where as we where fighting at it for ages, yet we lost despite them being no where near planting on the final door where as we had several tries before being interuptted.


That's a terrible system, you try the most and you lose.

Edited by LordRaeth
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I've read through this thread, and so far there appears to be no distinguishing factors for who wins - except for one that I've noticed in the posted pictures;







In all three of these examples the winner was the team that had more heals. It's the only consistent factor. Whether or not that decides who wins (and really, why would it?) is unclear, but it remains a possibility.



Found a picture in another thread, unrelated to the wins issue but which seems to support the above conclusion;




Equal doors opened. Winning side has about 200k more heals.

Edited by Viree
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I can't imagine noone has done this before, but with many people still confused as to how ties are solved in Voidstar, myself included; I have an official response on the matter.


The first time I sent an email asking this question I received this response:




Not helpful at all. (Everything i've ever sent an email/ticket about has always either not been an answer to the question, or a completely unrelated answer) So I then decided to reply, my first enquiry was clear enough, but this time I emphasised certain keywords and finally came back with this response:




So, the winner of ties is determined by who has the most accumulative objective points. So none of this 'those who attack first win' etc.


Now another question, how are objective points gained in Voidstar if you don't plant/disarm bombs? Killing people at the doors/attempting to plant?


I don't believe it.



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I've read through this thread, and so far there appears to be no distinguishing factors for who wins - except for one that I've noticed in the posted pictures;







In all three of these examples the winner was the team that had more heals. It's the only consistent factor. Whether or not that decides who wins (and really, why would it?) is unclear, but it remains a possibility.



Found a picture in another thread, unrelated to the wins issue but which seems to support the above conclusion;




Equal doors opened. Winning side has about 200k more heals.


Also not true -- lost a VS where we were the only side with healers at all...

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Only reasonable answers so far is RNG or both teams lose.


This hasn't happened to be much, but the times it has, I have lost the round. Can anyone confirm if it's possible to win when this happens?


I can confirm that you can win ties. We've done it many times, including last night.


And, they count for full wins, in terms of credit for quest completion, valor, and comms. All confirmed last night in a 0-0 tie which we "won".

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Will people please stop just posting random stuff? I have seen quite a few posts with "Attackers first wins" and "Attackers first lose"... This isn't a poll. Simply because you have won a couple ties as part of the team that attacked first, or for that matter lost when you attacked first does not mean anything for the general scope.


Someone else did what you did and didn't get your outcome. Don't just spout your opinion again try and patch the hole that has just been shot through your theory.

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So whoever attacks first has an advantage because the other team needs to score at least 1 more point than them to win. Ties will always go to the attackers.


I used to think that this was the way it worked until I started seeing the screenshots like the one a few posts up where they are clearly defending in round 2 (meaning they were the attackers in round 1) and still lost a 0-0 tie game. Maybe both sides do lose if it's a 0-0 tie. Has anyone ever won a 0-0 tie? I know I haven't.

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Yes. It's random.


yeah, thanks, I just went back and realized I missed a few posts with those screens of winning a 0-0 tie.


The only argument I'm seeing in this thread that the screenshot evidence does not dispute is that it's total healing that wins the tie. Are there any other screenshots that can dispute this?

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Interesting theory seeing as it was a person leaving the wz early that resulted in WZ not counting as a win.


yeah, that's kind of what i was thinking of


i don't actually think this is how it is determined, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if it was something equally ridiculous

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i'm going to laugh when it turns out to be something stupid like which side had a player zone into the WZ first


I guess it is something like this. Every other theory or official response has been proven wrong.


It is something very simple and stupid. Just like Warhammer Online contributions were.

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not to derail the thread, but i'd really like to see them add a 'sudden death' tiebreaker mode


something that will result in a clear winner or loser after a short interval of time ... rumble in the reactor core ..... you get the idea


After the main timer expires in the result of a tie, all doors will lock and no respawns will be allowed. Deathmatch tiebreakers ftw

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After the main timer expires in the result of a tie, all doors will lock and no respawns will be allowed. Deathmatch tiebreakers ftw


something like this, with an added mechanic that guarantees a definite winner in X amount of time even in the absence of kills


kind of like possession of the huttball does

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