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How Voidstar ties are determined. Answered!


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to be honest, I can't actually recall winning a tie at all in recent weeks.


it's entirely possible that both sides record a loss.


I had briefly considered that the emp side might win ties, but the picture I reposted above discredits that hypothesis.


Whatever the actual tie-breaker, it's unsatisfactory in it's current "hidden" form. We need to have a tie-break criterion that we know, and functions as designed. It doesn't matter what it is. In Huttball, we know the ball carrier decides ties, and in the last seconds of a match we can play to that. But Voidstar? We simply don't have any way to try and swing a draw in our favour.

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The guy up there explained it but it a long winded way. SO here it is concise:


Team A Atacks and gets 6 minutes.


If Team B cannot get past team As accomplishment in the time Team A did it in then Team A wins.


So whoever attacks first has an advantage because the other team needs to score at least 1 more point than them to win. Ties will always go to the attackers.


And this is supported by the screenshot of the guy because you can see that they were the attackers round 2 and this is why they lost.

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So whoever attacks first has an advantage because the other team needs to score at least 1 more point than them to win. Ties will always go to the attackers.


And this is supported by the screenshot of the guy because you can see that they were the attackers round 2 and this is why they lost.


This is also wrong because if you look at the screenshot of darth eclipse on page 3, they were defending on round 2 but they lost...


So the 2 only viable options are the rng or both team lose.

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So whoever attacks first has an advantage because the other team needs to score at least 1 more point than them to win. Ties will always go to the attackers.


And this is supported by the screenshot of the guy because you can see that they were the attackers round 2 and this is why they lost.


Did you look at last screenshot posted by Darth_Eclipses? Losing team was attacking 1st round, had more objective points, less deaths, more kills, more medals and they still lost. So far all sorts of theories to control tie breaker have been proven to be false. This leaves only coin toss. Also 0-0 victory or defeat in Voidstar is not display error, at least in lvl 10-49 bracket victory counts for daily quest and defeat does not.


From what i've seen, If you defend first, you win if it goes to a tie.


I've never seen attackers win in a tie.

On the first page on this topic is screenshot showing 0-0 loss for the team that was defending 1st round and attacking 2nd round.

Edited by Tarifa
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Only reasonable answers so far is RNG or both teams lose.


This hasn't happened to be much, but the times it has, I have lost the round. Can anyone confirm if it's possible to win when this happens?

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EA outsources their customer service to Egypt/India.


This is why most of their responses are canned answers and I've never seen a screenshot of someone having a legitimate conversation with a GM.


It's a fair bet that very few of them play the game, let alone know its intricate details.


I had an in game conversation with a GM, after having a question answered incorrectly and auto closed on me. I made a new ticket, with "DO NOT CLOSE THIS TICKET" as the first words in it, and basically berated them for terrible customer service. A few days later, a GM responded to me in game and we had a nice chat.


To sum up, most of the "Protocol Droid" CSR's, do not know jack about this game and copy paste the same responses over and over. To get real answers you need to demand them.

Edited by punkniner
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IMO, you don't need to calculate all this crap like defender points, kills etc. to determine the winner in a tie situation.


If first gates remain intact in the end of both rounds - victory goes to 1st round attacking team.


Yes, BioWare, it's that simple.

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IMO, you don't need to calculate all this crap like defender points, kills etc. to determine the winner in a tie situation.


If first gates remain intact in the end of both rounds - victory goes to 1st round attacking team.


Yes, BioWare, it's that simple.

well it goes to first round defending team so it is that simple!

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