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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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The Legacy system is joyless, mechanical and little more than a blatant cash sink that most people will never fully make use of. All the really good features, aren't even in the f***ing game yet! It says coming soon in 1.3? F*** YOU. Not that it matters, I'd have to grind dailies until I hate the game just to afford any of it.


Worse yet, the same God d*** graphical bugs and performance issues are STILL around. Issues from f***ing beta are still around.


I'm getting real sick of Bioware over-hyping mediocrity.


I had an issue while doing the latest "world event" an hour ago, where my character just stopped animating. He was still attacking, but didn't move. Even force leap did the damage and I never left the spot I was standing. I also spent half my time online, invisible. Which happens every time I play.


I was a staunch supporter of this game but I'm almost completely out of s***'s to give Bioware. Mass Effect 3 didn't help.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Nope. I unsubbed as well.


They really dropped the ball with 1.2. While they should have focused entirely on fixing the few things that were wrong or needed polish, they instead added a load of crap that too few people care about, while changing existing things much more than necessary, ultimately messing them up.


This update felt like a good old fashioned SWG update (not the CU or the NGE, but pick any one of the other updates that screwed up more things than it fixed)



BW: FOCUS! Polish what you have, make it work BETTER, not different. Adding useless crap doesn't help: now you have even more broken things to worry about.


30 free days doesn't help either.


It's a shame - a GRAND shame. I loved BioWare, I loved almost all of their games. *sigh*

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Legacy system has zero use to me since both servers with my lvl 50's are empty ghost towns and I had to make new character on server that everybody are squeezing into because of the same problem.

No cross-server dungeon finder.

Game client is very badly optimized, for a low cartoon graphics game it wrecks the PC worse then Crysis 2. Hideous loading times, pvp lag.

Lots of bugs that nobody seems to be interested in fixing, lots of them known from beta.

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Plenty of things to work on.


1.2 brought in some bugs but hopefully in some days all will be fixed.

I am suffering this sound one when I go to new Novare Coast WZ and after it in all game.


New content is kool. I play a lot of SWTOR so I need updates to keep me interested.

I hope the free 30 days does not affect improvements and new content. I prefare to pay for a game that breaks the barrier.


Well done also for today Raghoul plague surprise.


Legacy looks kool. For those that say that is nothing it all depends from Bioware.

IMO they have a monster in their hands which can turn out pretty interesting, or just a useless marketing schism. It all depends on them.... How much a family the Legacy can become.


I am ok with the graphics, but not so much with lag which gets a bit annoying in crowded area. But with 1.2 I felt improvement on Fleet ship at 100+. Tatoone was a bit better to Ilum for this, but not by much.

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I hate endgame. HATE...IT! Hate dailies, hate raiding, hate farming credits, hate imbalanced pvp, hate the whole "we'll keep you busy with garbage gameplay so you keep subscribing" metric, etc. Thus I do not do endgame, tho I have tried all of the above just to see what it's like in this game...exactly like every other cookie cutter MMO.


Still like playing alts. It's the only thing the game has going for it....but that's getting old too.

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Used to til 1.2


pvp is ****ED, The experience, the money, the commendations, the medal system making people farm meldas instead of playing the game to win again.


So now pvp'ers can't really level on their alts, can't really get any money so they need to farm pve dailies and gearing up is worse than hell. So yeah, unsubscribe and will play from time to time until the free time they gave us runs out unless they fix it.

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A quick thought on the poll:


The question can be taken in at least two different ways:


1. Is the game enjoyable to play in its current state? A yes vote means that you like the game. A no vote means that you do not like the game.


2. Do you think that the game should stay the way it is now? A yes vote means that you do not support changing the game too much from its current form. A no vote means that you think the game would benefit from some major changes.


One could answer the first question affirmatively and the second question negatively or vice versa. I would not answer both questions the same way. I answered yes because I read this to be asking something like the first question. It occurs to me that if others were doing the same there would be an overwhelming sample bias in favor of those who like the game, as frequenting the forums of a video game you do not like enough to play is neither rationally explicable nor healthy behavior and I have difficulty believing that over half the people here would do that. I assume that I read the question incorrectly (or at least differently).


If you are actually asking something more like the second question, I change my vote to no. I enjoy playing games set in a persistent world with other people, but I do not want to rely on doing things in groups with others to improve my character. This game needs options for high-end gear acquisition outside of raiding and PvP, preferably with heavy amounts of presence to allow for solo/duo gear progression without undermining or trivializing the existing flashpoint/operation gear progression track too much.

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I'll be here until it's not fun anymore.


When I leave I won't be responding to threads on the SWTOR forums because I will have, well, left.


Until then, I'm enjoying the game and the world event currently in progress.

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I liked it a lot better prior to 1.2. Just like so many other mmo games where the developers decide to swing the nerf bat really hard in the first big update, they made everyone angry, including those they were trying to appease.

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Yes, I like it very much at its current state. BUT, many others who did not find the game as good as I did, left the game and made a lot of servers essentially empty. And now, players who love the game have to suffer for that.


I really think that what they should be prioritizing right now is the server population - to somehow MERGE servers with minimum bad PR, OR to allow FREE server transfers FROM FULL AND EMPTY SERVERS ALIKE (The Fat Men, er players on the Fatman server and other full servers are complaining about server queues, while majority of the other servers are lucky to even have just 100 players on peak hours). Some low-pop servers may have to be dissolved completely and transferred/merged to another server. Bioware knows that they need to do something like that, but doing so will give the game a BIG RED FLAG - that the game would appear to be a failure that it needed to merge servers in less than six months. This debate has been going on and on, so I'm not gonna talk about that in detail.


I love the game, but I can't enjoy it fully as an MMORPG if the MMO part is starting to fade away - just because some players did not do their research on the game, or their personal expectations weren't met.


Sigh. May the Force prevail. Cheers, BW.

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Customer service/support is a couple steps below AT&T.

Lack of a mouse-over macro system. A healer's job is unglorified as is, so why not make it just outright suck more.

Lack of communication/full disclosure of changes in patch notes. Scared to tell us the truth?


Denial of dead servers and unwillingness to do anything about it.

Edited by Aora
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