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Everything posted by Riddlyn

  1. Been here since pre-launch(didn't get in BEFORE launch day though) and me and my wife have just unsubbed. BUT...we will be back if they launch the new content later in the year. Additional class story paths and new quests are a must for us. I know its a catch 22 situation, if i unsub until more content comes out they might not make said content cause we unsubbed! But there has to be more to it than the same quests basically 4-8 times when i start new characters. Got to have more AND more freedom and variety!
  2. Or was it 3.1...hummmm.
  3. "...Hell, I've still got the shovel around here somewhere." Nice reference there Lyer! And I could handle a new Star Wars 'flight' sim type game...been too long imo.
  4. Yeah, he's not responding cause he's back under the bridge waiting for the goats...
  5. Oh I have been begging the makers for years(just let me roll with it for now) to allow turrets to be operational for party members! Everyone jumps on the smugglers ship, his experience is just as it is now but lets say you have a dorsal and ventricle turrets as well as a tailgun. Up to four could enter one ship and all get to experience it...sounds like Heroic4 type missions! OOoooohhh!
  6. BING! Thats why in my book Vent is far superior to anything that comes with the MMOs themselves. The price is very small, I had a 10 person one I think it was like $11 for three months...IF I had wanted to split it between the 7 folks I gamed with, they would have laughed at me but, thats like .45 cents a month per person. Dirt cheap! If it cuts down on bugs raring their nasty heads...just keep pushing the voice chat on down the line.
  7. I am all for 'locking' oneself as PvE only. Don't let me help or hurt others outside my group...thats why I picked a PvE server. I don't need or want to PvP in this game...I have a wife to beat me about the head, don't need it in game too.
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