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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

At this point, is it even possible for republic to come back?


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Your team should address it by capping additional bases before attacking middle.


They have advantages because they won them.


Gonna hazard and guess and say this is from an empire player viewpoint.


Ilum count: Republic 27, Empire 64

Veela 6:04 EST


Imps control Ilum! so weird! Your argument boils down to, hey, you should be at a even fight 3:1 no problem!


Also attacking middle? We can barely leave our base without getting swamped. I havn't been able to step foot in middle in WEEKS.

Edited by phdeeznuts
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Some servers it's real bad, but on my server it is not. Pubs only have slightly less people.


But w/e, rerolled Pub on a few servers.


All I can say is.....story sucks, gear looks terrible, and GTN prices are absurb.


Really awsome way to encourage re-rolls guys....by selling low level gear for insane prices. We are talking up to 6x the cost on Empire. Really? Yes, I am going to pay 40k for that crappy lvl 21 implant....haha, as if. Feel free to continue to gouge newbs and marvel why no one wants to play Pub on your server. :)

Edited by fixit
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theres no coming back, imp side is funner, the class quest are generally more interesting (ive played 2 repub characters to mid 30s), republic has better people though they just need to get organized. I have a guild that went full republic because of this. ~15 people switched and ever since then, republic wins more on our server because teamwork is important
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Some servers it's real bad, but on my server it is not. Pubs only have slightly less people.


But w/e, rerolled Pub on a few servers.


All I can say is.....story sucks, gear looks terrible, and GTN prices are absurb.


Really awsome way to encourage re-rolls guys....by selling low level gear for insane prices. We are talking up to 6x the cost on Empire. Really? Yes, I am going to pay 40k for that crappy lvl 21 implant....haha, as if. Feel free to continue to gouge newbs and marvel why no one wants to play Pub on your server. :)


Republic GTN prices fluctuate wildly because there is a lack of competition in a lot of markets. If anything that's a bonus to anyone that wants to edge into any crafting market.

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Some servers it's real bad, but on my server it is not. Pubs only have slightly less people.


But w/e, rerolled Pub on a few servers.


All I can say is.....story sucks, gear looks terrible, and GTN prices are absurb.


Really awsome way to encourage re-rolls guys....by selling low level gear for insane prices. We are talking up to 6x the cost on Empire. Really? Yes, I am going to pay 40k for that crappy lvl 21 implant....haha, as if. Feel free to continue to gouge newbs and marvel why no one wants to play Pub on your server. :)


A lot of items are actually cheaper Republic side on my server (I play both.) 25k for a level 50 mod, and 80k on Empire-side. But yeah, there's not much of a market on Republic-side.

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Nothing is inherently preventing a comeback from the lower population side.


Empire on Ilum can get 120 valor per kill, republic is lucky to get 60 a kill

Oh wait ..


What's going on here? All they way back in DAoC they figured out you give a realm point bonus to the underdogs .. why did they forget and do the opposite?

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Your team should address it by capping additional bases before attacking middle.


They have advantages because they won them.


Spoken like a Imp that isn't facing a horde of 30 vs 10 lol.



I wish for one moment that you could log on as a Reb on some servers and try and do what you just stated here. Saying it and doing it are entirely different matters.

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So, roaming group of 20 Republic kills 8 random people at each node. Empire just recaps each node as the Republic leaves, or 40 merge on the Republic and kill them.


I mean, are you seriously arguing that 20 people can hold 6 nodes from 45 people? You might as well say that 8vs3 is fair in Alderaan because 1 person can hold each base.


Yes this is what he is arguing because Imps don't want anything to change. They like the easy Valor grind. Hell I don't blame them. I took advantage of it on my 50 Imp as well. I was getting 160 a kill and it was easy.



Why would they want anyone lobbying for change when on the servers with severe imbalances Valor gain is easy mode.

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I know on my server it's pretty even. It just depends on the time of day/night. The repubs seem to have the advantage earlier in the day and later on in the evening/night. They have 2-3 really good 4 man premade groups that run constantly and even when we do win on the Imp side, it's usually a good battle the whole match. Granted, there are times we curbstomp them, but they do the same to us.


As for Ilum, I think we still hold a slight advantage on that.

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the problem i am seeing is the rate that the republic and empire gain valor is very unbalanced on my server we are facing groups for 5-8 battle masters and on the republic side we have 1 or 2 we have 7 war heroes on the empire side already i know that does not make a difference in gear but it does show that the empire is gaining valor at a much higher rate then the republic and it is hard to get the ilum daily's done in a decent amount of time so the republic skips them most of the time and almost never finish the weekly's


Oddly you do not see any Imperials posting how unfair or the lack of equal opponents do you?

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Can't speak much to world PvP as I don't much bother with it b/c of the imbalances but in WZ here recently it's gotten better on Jedi Covenant server. My win rate has certainly gone up to the point where PvP feels less of a burden. There are still days where we might get destroyed but that's usually when you run into the premades and your team is in quest gear. But across the board I am much more pleased with my win vs loss rate compare to a month ago. Where it used to take my 3 to 4 hours just to get my 3 wins for the pvp daily, I can now usually knock it out in and hour or less so that's good progress.


Really? Cuz I've been 2/3 on my daily for almost a week. I need to be getting in the games you're getting into... PvP on the republic side is just straight up annoying -_- I'm just glad I have a PvE guild to keep me sane.

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Over on HOG rep are really starting to get its act together and win alot of warzones....in open though, numbers are killing us ..


HoG Republic never had problems beating Imperials in WZs; however, the population is falling on Republic side which is making PvE and World PvP harder to do.

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Republic GTN prices fluctuate wildly because there is a lack of competition in a lot of markets. If anything that's a bonus to anyone that wants to edge into any crafting market.


That would be true if people on my server actually used the GTN... WTB Server Transfer to Ajunta Pal ASAP.

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Estimates are that populations are 3:1 in favor of empire


Empire on Ilum can get 120 valor per kill, republic is lucky to get 60 a kill


In warzones its undeniable that the average win rate on empire is higher due to gear differences


I frequently see average HP's 2-3k higher on empire side on any given WZ.


All these factors are compounding, is there any possible change that can actually reverse the trend rather than just allowing the trend to further compound?



There's no point in being republic on a pvp server, its just too obviously outmatched


you should read " At this point, it is possible for Bioware to come back?

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I play a sorc healer and after sitting in illum with no pvp for the past few days i decided to try out a jedi since that means all the world pvp i could ever want! Made it to level 10 and q'd a warzone, got voidstar, came out of the spawn room and a guy was planting a bomb, oh no sweat ill just instant shock him and toss a dot, go to shock (or whatever the jedi one is) and watch as this glob slowly comes out of the ground then hesitates then travels 20+ meters to hit him, and well he got the plant, said screw that right there and logged off him. On my imp thats an easy stop, on the jedi however that spell alone feels like it takes an hour longer that the sorc one. Who know how many more of those major differences there are but im not sticking around to find out.
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I play a sorc healer and after sitting in illum with no pvp for the past few days i decided to try out a jedi since that means all the world pvp i could ever want! Made it to level 10 and q'd a warzone, got voidstar, came out of the spawn room and a guy was planting a bomb, oh no sweat ill just instant shock him and toss a dot, go to shock (or whatever the jedi one is) and watch as this glob slowly comes out of the ground then hesitates then travels 20+ meters to hit him, and well he got the plant, said screw that right there and logged off him. On my imp thats an easy stop, on the jedi however that spell alone feels like it takes an hour longer that the sorc one. Who know how many more of those major differences there are but im not sticking around to find out.


A few. Your situational awareness and timing need to improve to be capable. I'm sick of force throw (or whatever it's called) leaving me with a vanished opponent and a stone hanging in midair (with appropriate cooldown, of course).


Finally saw the imbalance with the turrets for the first time in ACW - we lost by 5 points and neither side ever controlled the middle - as far as I could tell, the caps occurred practically simultaneously and the Imps, I'm sure, got a good laugh from the match.

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My self I rolled imp with my guild, mist of them de-subbed. So I have a level 41 Jedi shadow now . Have had some of the best PvP on it as I can hunt imps as I level up.


Belsavis so far is the first planet I have not seen a tun of imps on. I have to go looking for them. Few L50s but nothing my level.


If you are looking for open world PvP its hard to beat playing a pub. It's allways there.

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WoW had a 2:1 Alliance:Horde ratio for a while. Then a bunch of Alliance rerolled Horde and that trend started compounding till it was something around 1:1.5 Alliance:Horde. Then the trend reversed yet again and it was 1.25:1 Alliance:Horde. Each time the difference was smaller. I suspect the same will happen here if Bioware gives incentive to roll Republic. Bring on the Wookie Smugglers.


:w_mad: Rip off Arm Due to Loss :w_mad:


10 sec cooldown

Does 2136-3209 damage to an enemy target instantly and applies a bleed effect.

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I rerolled to Republic. I played a Sorcerer, and playing the most popular class by far on the most popular faction got old to me. However, I will say that it is easy to see why the Empire is so popular. Their stories, the look of their abilities, and the way their gear looks blows the Republic away. Pretty much everything about the Imperial side is cooler. Edited by Cereyeth
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I rerolled to Republic. I played a Sorcerer, and playing the most popular class by far on the most popular faction got old to me. However, I will say that it is easy to see why the Empire is so popular. Their stories, the look of their abilities, and the way their gear looks blows the Republic away. Pretty much everything about the Imperial side is cooler.


yeah, the inherent bumbling bureaucrat look of the republic will need to be cooled up. If anything stuff like telekinetic throw needs to not be so bad looking :|

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Pubs do just fine on my server. I solo and group queue and they win 9 out of 10, but they almsot always run premades. They have no problems with Ilum either....couldn't even take central base at all today because they had it on lockdown.


I'm on Infinite Empire btw.

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