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  1. I would queue for this and subscribe to its newsletter, whether it was naked or not.
  2. I am unwilling to argue against any assertion of the form "NGE .. did not go well", but what issues, in particular, do you attribute to this particular change?
  3. Someday, somebody is going to make an FPS with 24+ significantly distinct character builds each of which have over 30 abilities at their disposal at the same time. Man .. that's going to be a fun game. Or an MMO* with purely skill-based PvP. That would be cool too. (* with the full set of abilities - 1 hotbar worth is kind of gimping the runtime complexity of PvP, although it does keep the character building side) Or they could just say "That's the way it is" and keep making games that are either marginally better or marginally worse than WoW.
  4. My theory is that it's supposed to be some sort of poetic justice that PvPers who eschew all PvE, crafting and gathering are forced to dress like clowns.
  5. When Qui-Gon Jin walks into view, we know he is a tough hombre because he wears golden robes with weird padding, like some kind of kendo rock star. When he switches to his PvP gear to duel Darth Maul, we can tell he means business because he looks like a feral shaman. When Obi-Wan ditches his episode 1 newbie robes and shows up episode 2 looking like some kind of steampunk samurai, we know he's the man now. .. or not. I would gladly take looking like a Jedi and risk being mistaken for a lowbie over being an obviously elite science-fantasy warrior clown from some unrelated story. .. Use the source material, Luke ..
  6. I use east/west. I understand that some people are a little slow at interpreting this, but it has the advantage that it is unambiguous in practice. If someone says "left" or "right" I know on my server that about 80% of the time they mean from spawn orientation and about 20% of the time they mean minimap orientation.
  7. 1. Remove expertise 2. Remove PvP gear too (or make it purely cosmetic) 3. Normalize stats in PvP Raiders are happy because noone can bring PvP gear to a raid because there is none. PvPers are happy because so what if someone brings raid gear to PvP - it has no effect. The only people who aren't happy are gear grinders who pretend to like PvP.
  8. Things I want from DDO raids: 1. Option to pass loot 2. Lock-in and the possibility of total failure. 3. Tiles
  9. I could use one more bar .. and the ability to stack them all at the bottom at about 2/3 the current size with no border.
  10. This thread made me happy I checked the forum before work today.
  11. Well, I don't think I want them to remove the current hutball .. but I totally want to play the game you are suggesting too. Maybe as an additional warzone, or a 1/3 chance for any given match.
  12. Actually .. just add a medal for being marked by the opposing team.
  13. Nothing is inherently preventing a comeback from the lower population side. Oh wait .. What's going on here? All they way back in DAoC they figured out you give a realm point bonus to the underdogs .. why did they forget and do the opposite?
  14. I do think hutball would be better without medals and rewards based entirely on the final score. For the others there is much less conflict between medal-oriented behavior and objective-oriented behavior.
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