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I subbed for 6 months, heres why


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I genuinely love the game. I cant get enough of it. Raiding is a blast. Huttball is the best instanced pvp map I have played in an mmo. The story element makes the game sooo much more interesting than any other mmo I have played.


Ive been playing mmos for 10 years and have never had as much fun as I am having now.


So for those of you also sticking around for the foreseeable future, what are the things you enjoy the most?


and can we please limit the negative posts from the unsatisfied few? theres other threads dedicated to complaining.

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Im with the OP.


Been around MMOs for 10+ years and plan on staying.


I too love this game.


Sure, its still a bit rough around the edges and needs some more social content and minigames (Pazaak, racing...). But all in all its a fine game and less bugs then most MMOs in the first few months.

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Glad you are enjoying the game. Myself, I feel like the game is ok, but 'just' ok, and while I am willing to give bw time to improve it. I honestly doubt they will come even remotely close to what my expectations of a quality MMO are. However, each persons taste is different.
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Loving the game. I am also subbed for 6 months. Main reason what keep me playing.


Voice over + Bioware story telling + Starwars IP = Freakin Awesome

Extreme attention to detail in combat and effects

Amazing envoriments

I have my own freakin starship!

Companions are freakin awesome

Leveling is actually fun



I could keep going, but I'll leave it at that for now.

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I wish I subbed for six months... but didnt have enough money at the time.


Not too fond of pvp, not because it sucks, but its just not my thing.


I am playing and will continue to play because I love the story. I have finished the imperial agent and jedi consular (both light side) and found them both to be extremely entertaining and poignant stories. I am currently in the middle of the Troopers story and its been pretty good so far.


I am not much of an MMO fan (5 years of Runescape as a child scarred me a bit), but I LOVED KOTOR one and two. I love Biowares characters, and the setting they have created in the Star Wars universe. Revan, Carth, Bastila, HK 47, Kriea, Mira, Atton, whether created by Bioware or not, these characters have left archetypes behind that are seen in TOR, as well as mark the creativity and depth of characters we see in TOR.


While in middle school and high school I adored these characters, in the future I shall hold Vector, Kaliyo, Nadia, Qyzen, Tavus, M1-4X, SCORPIO, and Kilran all close to my heart and imagination. Bioware has satisfied me as an avid fan of sci fi and star wars, and I couldnt care less what some neck beard has to say about threat meters.


I am thrilled to know that I have only scratched the surface of this game, as I have yet to see the Knights, Warriors, Inquisitors, Bounty Hunters, Smugglers, or Troopers story all the way through, and I simply cant wait to.

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Loving the game.

Voice over + Bioware story telling + Starwars IP = Freakin Awesome


Yes and No, Voice over is indeed a good thing although some Voice acts are mediocre at best.

Bioware story telling, well Dragon Age Origins was good story telling, Dragon Age 2 was a disgrace for everyone caring about story...same goes with Mass Effect which was great but Mass Effect 2 was a disaster.

Oh yes and anyone being a bit deeper into Starwars lore can't enjoy this game since there are a lot of flaws


Extreme attention to detail in combat and effects


If you like rainbow effects and animations who don't match your actual doing then i guess you could like it.


Amazing envoriments


Sorry but where are those amazing environments? All i see is repeated and reused unoriginal areas. There is even no day and night cycle. Not to mention the graphics...which are ermmmm....



I have my own freakin starship!


With 0 customization options and absolutely no use except from space missions and travelling...



Companions are freakin awesome


There is close to 0 interaction with the companions...another feature added without being developped seriously...

Leveling is actually fun


Leveling is "fun" when you lvl your first character, after that it becomes boring since there are no alternative leveling areas.


Don't get me wrong i'm not a hater, i still enjoy the game but i think people need to stay realistic on what they write.

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Yes and No, Voice over is indeed a good thing although some Voice acts are mediocre at best.

Bioware story telling, well Dragon Age Origins was good story telling, Dragon Age 2 was a disgrace for everyone caring about story...same goes with Mass Effect which was great but Mass Effect 2 was a disaster.

Oh yes and anyone being a bit deeper into Starwars lore can't enjoy this game since there are a lot of flaws




If you like rainbow effects and animations who don't match your actual doing then i guess you could like it.




Sorry but where are those amazing environments? All i see is repeated and reused unoriginal areas. There is even no day and night cycle. Not to mention the graphics...which are ermmmm....





With 0 customization options and absolutely no use except from space missions and travelling...





There is close to 0 interaction with the companions...another feature added without being developped seriously...



Leveling is "fun" when you lvl your first character, after that it becomes boring since there are no alternative leveling areas.


Don't get me wrong i'm not a hater, i still enjoy the game but i think people need to stay realistic on what they write.


Now see, posts like these make me wonder whether or not I myself distinguish fact from opinion when I write.

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Yes and No, Voice over is indeed a good thing although some Voice acts are mediocre at best.

Bioware story telling, well Dragon Age Origins was good story telling, Dragon Age 2 was a disgrace for everyone caring about story...same goes with Mass Effect which was great but Mass Effect 2 was a disaster.

Oh yes and anyone being a bit deeper into Starwars lore can't enjoy this game since there are a lot of flaws


I liked the lore/story in ME1 ME2 and Currently SW and IA (lvl 50 SW, lvl 12 IA).


If you like rainbow effects and animations who don't match your actual doing then i guess you could like it.





Sorry but where are those amazing environments? All i see is repeated and reused unoriginal areas. There is even no day and night cycle. Not to mention the graphics...which are ermmmm....


Um, do you know about development? If you do, then you should know this... Everything gets repeated.


With 0 customization options and absolutely no use except from space missions and travelling...


Character selection has a fine amount, not in game besides ship. Maybe pick your character wisely?



There is close to 0 interaction with the companions...another feature added without being developped seriously...


Wrong? About like what 20 quests (guessing here) per companions plus more added on with content.


Leveling is "fun" when you lvl your first character, after that it becomes boring since there are no alternative leveling areas.


WoW really has "more" zones when lvling lol. Please, do they need to add a different zone for each class?


Don't get me wrong i'm not a hater, i still enjoy the game but i think people need to stay realistic on what they write.


Ill bite.

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I've been around awhile as well. I'm having a blast despite some obvious voids in the experience right now. The critics need to realize how HUGE this game is and forego the shaky content while it gets ironed out. I'm starting a second character rather than play a lot of PvP or kill trade at this point, so yeah, I acknowledge some things need work, buta little realism is in order.


After doing the bonus series's (sp?), getting through some HMs, and gearing up for PvP I have a solid appreciation for Bioware's work so far. I'll pay to see what comes next without hesitation.

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I genuinely love the game. I cant get enough of it. Raiding is a blast. Huttball is the best instanced pvp map I have played in an mmo. The story element makes the game sooo much more interesting than any other mmo I have played.


Ive been playing mmos for 10 years and have never had as much fun as I am having now.


So for those of you also sticking around for the foreseeable future, what are the things you enjoy the most?


and can we please limit the negative posts from the unsatisfied few? theres other threads dedicated to complaining.


hi friend


i subbed for 2 months and after just 1 month playtime i planned to add my subscription to 12 months. the reason is because i enjoy everything in SWTOR.. so far i play Republic side , so here's my take on this game (disclaimer: this is my own personal opinion).. so far i take slooow, leveling alts, crafting. trying all class and AC combo.. my highest is 32 Vanguard Tank and 31 Commando gunnery..


- love all the differet AC per class , my main is a tank vanguard (light) and a commando gunnery (dark), leveling them together. cant get enough of trooper.. its suprising to know that the trooper storyline is different for dark and light choices...


- love all the class so far, i got all Republic class with different AC. trying out the gameplay difference is fun with different AC.. so i roll 8 toon , 4 class and each different AC... this game is Alt-o-holic friendly (or at least its fun for me)


- love the different storyline between classes, between light and dark, between male and frmale toon, the numerous or humorous or callous responses that i can choose in conversations..


- love the flashpoints.. i ran all FP repeatedly and solo the or duoing them with friends and companions.. i hope bioware will add a good LFG system so the Flashpoints will get utilized more.. never get bored in flashpoints, every FP got a nice theme to it, Esseles ship boarding party, HammerStation the Asteroid Cannon, Athiss the Sith ruins, Mandalore Raiders the hijacking theme, Cademimu the city themed FP.. cant wait to see the rest of FP and OPs


- love the voice over quest ... not only this immerses me into the story better but the character also feels more alive.. i cant believe how many combination of conversation i tried and still i dont know everything.. one of the reason i choose to put my $15 monthy to SWTOR


- i love the crafting in SWTOR, all my toon got different type of crewskills and i support each other with my own crafting.. expensive to maintain? yes but in the end its rewarding.. i dont have to buy droid gear to gearip my m14x.. and i make my own heavy armour for my toon and her companions.


- another 4 class with its AC and storyline and companions awaits me on Imperial Side... Thavent tried Imp much except rolling IA and BH to lv11 and go do Black Talon ( im addicted to FP and black talon is almost as good as esseles, the best part of BT is i have to kill a nosy Jedi at the end)


- Companions. and their banter.. love them all.. even that tiny JK robot taphat hurl itself to attack lol.. Qyzeen is scary fun , M14x hilarious, Corso witty, Aric annoying, Elara uptight..


- Space combst !!! love it.. the simplicity and rewards are what keep me doing it for all my alts that got ships.. i dont need an X-wing simulator lol i prefer this on-rail rebel assault type.. cant get enough of it..


- many more undiscovered stuff and i love exploring the planets to its strange corners... tatooine is my fav.. nar shadda is fun and darker planet-wide city as coruscant is a beautiful but rotting capital city..


The last MMO as fun as SWTOR was LOTRO..


cannot list anymore .. these just off my head lol


TLDR : im casual, im altoholic, im having great FUN, so i subscribe for 1 year. No i dont want to go back to Pandaria, bored with Fantasy Theme..


IIRC : Blizzard representative (blue poster) said that most ppl in WoW are casuals and they play less but their subscription last longer than the hardcore players.

Edited by dprijadi
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I subbed for 6 months.


Plan to go through all the 8 different class storylines and that will take a while.

Also want to know the story for all the companions and that will take a long time too.

More than 6 months, for me.


Happily playing away.

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Playing the game, having fun. One does not need to dig in to the mechanics of the game and browse for flaws like a lunatic as long as one is happy with their experience.


That being said, I don't understand all the people who attack people who say they enjoy the game they are playing. It's not like the OP called you names or anything :D

Edited by Zortezurtek
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I genuinely love the game. I cant get enough of it. Raiding is a blast. Huttball is the best instanced pvp map I have played in an mmo. The story element makes the game sooo much more interesting than any other mmo I have played.


Ive been playing mmos for 10 years and have never had as much fun as I am having now.


So for those of you also sticking around for the foreseeable future, what are the things you enjoy the most?


and can we please limit the negative posts from the unsatisfied few? theres other threads dedicated to complaining.


If you would enable your FPS display (CTRL SHIFT F).... take some SSs mid-combat during WZs... and link them. Also, please post your specs.

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Just got another 2 months (longest period of time that I found for now). I am Swedish and this game is very popular here.

Also on a side note: Will I get flamed for loving this game? If yes, you should know this...I could really not care less what some 14 (or 40) year old virgin thinks :) If no, well cool that we agree :D

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I subbed for 6 months aswell OP.


I'm having fun too, though i'm not so much into raiding or PvP. For me it's more about the storylines and RP. The amount I play it'll probably take a year before I finish all 8 storylines.


I like a whole lot about the game. There's even bits I don't like too, but then I look forward to it getting better over the next year.


Don't let the haters get to you, they're the sort of people who'd never say anything like that in front of you. Plus it's very funny watching them trying to make themselves feel better about their lives by raging at random people showing a different opinion and enjoying the game. :D

Edited by Cormey
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I genuinely love the game. I cant get enough of it. Raiding is a blast. Huttball is the best instanced pvp map I have played in an mmo. The story element makes the game sooo much more interesting than any other mmo I have played.


Ive been playing mmos for 10 years and have never had as much fun as I am having now.


So for those of you also sticking around for the foreseeable future, what are the things you enjoy the most?


and can we please limit the negative posts from the unsatisfied few? theres other threads dedicated to complaining.




Does this game need improvements, yes! Will it get improvements, yes! That's all that matters to me. Its so fun to play right now. I'm leveling my second char right now. Best thing to do, then just sit there at 50.

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Agreed as well. I've played MMOs all the way back to Everquest 1. Played that for 6 years.


Ive seen games WAY worse after 6 months past release. This game is pretty stable for the most part, and most things work as intended. I remember when Everquest servers were down for a week straight.



I would like to see more raid-style content more FPs. etc

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Story. I mean, that's really it.


I'm tempted to just list the things I don't like / I have an issue with, but I'll respect your topic.


I like the class stories, and I like questing stories. I like that each-planet seems to have it's own inherent story.


Nothing past that is worth mentioning. They do nothing else worthwhile with the game.

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I am in love with this game I play 5-14 hours a day and have since early access started it's awesome I started eq back in kunark and been doing mmo's since but I have loved this one far more than any other. Although I have concerns about bioware's nerf strategy. I have always felt it is better to add to than take away.
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Yes and No, Voice over is indeed a good thing although some Voice acts are mediocre at best.

Bioware story telling, well Dragon Age Origins was good story telling, Dragon Age 2 was a disgrace for everyone caring about story...same goes with Mass Effect which was great but Mass Effect 2 was a disaster.

Oh yes and anyone being a bit deeper into Starwars lore can't enjoy this game since there are a lot of flaws




If you like rainbow effects and animations who don't match your actual doing then i guess you could like it.




Sorry but where are those amazing environments? All i see is repeated and reused unoriginal areas. There is even no day and night cycle. Not to mention the graphics...which are ermmmm....





With 0 customization options and absolutely no use except from space missions and travelling...





There is close to 0 interaction with the companions...another feature added without being developped seriously...



Leveling is "fun" when you lvl your first character, after that it becomes boring since there are no alternative leveling areas.


Don't get me wrong i'm not a hater, i still enjoy the game but i think people need to stay realistic on what they write.


Troll is troll I guess. Interesting how these are opinions yet you act as if you can argue them away?. Can't wait for all these hater's/troll's subs to run out so we don't have to read made-up garbage or non-construtive negative comments.

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