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Choke point Not happy


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I love this game but i am not happy.. I have been on this class quest for 3 days.. I am level 33. I have finished all my normal quest. I am now stuck can`t finish my class quest and can move forward. This quest would not be bad if it did not reset and have to start from the beginning...



I am so frustrated i am about the leave this game only thing keeping me in is i do love this game..


Plz fix this quest or nerf it.

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Level 33 quests and you cant do it so its broken or needs to be nerfed.


What they should really do is tell you to get help doing it or gear your toon up to that level along with your companion gear wise. Maybe even use a stim (wait they tell you that already)


The last thing I can think of is learn how to play your class instead of asking for nerfs so you can do it.


So what quests is it?

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I love this game but i am not happy.. I have been on this class quest for 3 days.. I am level 33. I have finished all my normal quest. I am now stuck can`t finish my class quest and can move forward. This quest would not be bad if it did not reset and have to start from the beginning...



I am so frustrated i am about the leave this game only thing keeping me in is i do love this game..


Plz fix this quest or nerf it.


What are you doing that you can't solo your class quest?

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You are most likely not referring to a class quest. I have not heard of any class quests bugging, only planet quests.



If it did bug, please put in a game ticket and name the quest. Even if you have to abandon it to reset it, it should only be the current quest and not the whole chain.

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I love this game but i am not happy.. I have been on this class quest for 3 days.. I am level 33. I have finished all my normal quest. I am now stuck can`t finish my class quest and can move forward. This quest would not be bad if it did not reset and have to start from the beginning...



I am so frustrated i am about the leave this game only thing keeping me in is i do love this game..


Plz fix this quest or nerf it.


I have felt/thought the same way a couple of times while trying to solo my Class Quests. I understand that they should be a challenge but I sometimes think that they were either made too challenging or were not tested properly. What I really have a problem with is the fact that most of my Class Quests past about level 25 require me to be two to three levels HIGHER then the quest to complete. This suggests that Bioware was intending for everyone to bring others along with them. I say that is hogwash and it should not be that way. They are my (your) Class Quests and not someone elses. I should be the one that gets the feeling of accomplishment out of being able to do MY Class Quest alone.


With that said, I have found that most of those quests can be done solo.....providing you and your companion are geared correctly AND outlevel the quest. A certain amount of tactics come into play as well.

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I have felt/thought the same way a couple of times while trying to solo my Class Quests. I understand that they should be a challenge but I sometimes think that they were either made too challenging or were not tested properly. What I really have a problem with is the fact that most of my Class Quests past about level 25 require me to be two to three levels HIGHER then the quest to complete. This suggests that Bioware was intending for everyone to bring others along with them. I say that is hogwash and it should not be that way. They are my (your) Class Quests and not someone elses. I should be the one that gets the feeling of accomplishment out of being able to do MY Class Quest alone.


With that said, I have found that most of those quests can be done solo.....providing you and your companion are geared correctly AND outlevel the quest. A certain amount of tactics come into play as well.


This or they Where expecting you,re Companion to be kitted out in Uber gear (purple)

Edited by Lasarith
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What class are the quests are people referring to that are bugging out and/or needing to be two levels ahead to complete?


I don't have a lot of experience, I've only played my BH to 50 and my Sorc to 39 so far though I have other alts in the teens and twenties. I die more often with my Sorc because I'm typically two levels *behind* the quest I'm on.


You don't have to be perfectly geared to do them but you should at least be wearing greens and blues near your level if you don't have orange items with mods etc. Relics help too along with the previously stated stims. In fact, I'd forgotten about relics on my Sorc and was frustrated with a bonus mission where I had to kill an elite that was 4 levels above me. The relics *really* helped.


My Sorc usually dies once during her class or tough quests but that's mainly because the fight happens right away and I don't get enough of my prep work done and get interrupted so I can't recover the lost time. Then I die, do my prep work and go back in and I have always been able to beat it. The fights are tough to be sure but with skill management I haven't yet found one I couldn't do. Some of them do take very careful timing of abilities with cooldowns but yeah.



If it's just a matter of being bugged and NOT that the quests are too tough, try google searching it? I encountered one quest that has since been fixed on the BH but once I read the tips people were using to work around the bugs I was able to complete it.


I encountered another quest on my Sorc early on that was insanely tough for me, it was on Blamorra. I couldn't keep up with the adds. Not sure it was bugged but it felt like it. I followed the tips on the workarounds and was able to draw the boss away and beat it with the adds coming in at a pace I could keep up with.


I don't recognize the name Choke Point but if it really is bugged, you're probably not the first to deal with it. There should be some tips out there for you.

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You are most likely not referring to a class quest. I have not heard of any class quests bugging, only planet quests.



If it did bug, please put in a game ticket and name the quest. Even if you have to abandon it to reset it, it should only be the current quest and not the whole chain.


I assume you do not have an IA, then.


The Chapter 1 climactic class quest for Imperial Agent has a *massive* bug revolving around a LOS issue. It has been this way *since launch*. You can read the IA forums for details.


This bug is particularly hard on the Sniper AC, since the LOS issue forces most players to get up close to the Boss, which the Operative AC would likely do anyway, while the Sniper needs to maintain distance.


I am actually really boggled that a severely bugged Class Quest Chapter End does not get more attention, but I think IA is a lesser played class, and doesn't get the attention that others do. I really feel if Sith Inquiz had a bugged end of chapter quest, there would have been a lot more crying.


To the OP, if it's the IA quest that you are struggling with, there are work arounds for both AC's in the IA forum. If it's not, post a request for help with specifics in your AC forum.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Choke Point is a class quest for sith warriors, (either spec). It involves defeating at least 2 waves of enemies, not sure cos haven't finished it yet. If you die it resets. It's a pain in the *** and if anyone has an idea or tip both me and the original poster would be thankful.
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Choke Point is a class quest for sith warriors, (either spec). It involves defeating at least 2 waves of enemies, not sure cos haven't finished it yet. If you die it resets. It's a pain in the *** and if anyone has an idea or tip both me and the original poster would be thankful.


Either go PvP or do space missions to gain another level and try again, or have a friend or guildie group up with and help you.

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Try using the geography of the map to actually create a Choke Point. The map is specifically designed for this. If you stand in an area where only so many of the mobs in a wave can attack at once it makes it much easier to kill the mobs and complete the mission.



Edited by Blackavaar
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Choke Point is a class quest for sith warriors, (either spec). It involves defeating at least 2 waves of enemies, not sure cos haven't finished it yet. If you die it resets. It's a pain in the *** and if anyone has an idea or tip both me and the original poster would be thankful.


If you're having a hard time doing it yourself you can always ask someone in general for help. Another option is to wait until you're a higher level. Sure, you should be able to complete it yourself, but sometimes because of your own ability or just general difficulty it can be too hard. When that's the case it's fine to ask for a little help every once in a while.


If it's the quest I'm thinking about (on Alderaan with some knee-high walls around the place and some craters, where you're fighting off spawning droids coming from a tunnel) I've actually helped out a random SW who needed the support for it.

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Try using the geography of the map to actually create a Choke Point. The map is specifically designed for this. If you stand in it only so many of the mobs in a wave can attack at once. This makes it much easier to kill the mobs and complete the mission.




Now I recall this mission... and yes. Utilize your environment and the NPC's. This is a lesson that will serve you well in end game FP and OP as fight mechanics become more complicated than take beating and give beating.

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What really made me laugh was a sentence in this thread where a guy says that people should outlevel some class quests to be able to finish them.


Personally I decided since launch that I would push class story on every char I make and so far I have been able to finish every class quest 3-4 levels below mob's level. With 5 levels below is impossible due to almost 100% resist/deflect.


Class stories finished so far: Trooper (tank Vanguard/dps Commando), Jedi Knight (dps Guardian), Sith Warr (dps Juggernaut).

Only Trooper classes used healer mostly while I explicitly tried to use dps companions with JK/SW except in few situations where either class story demanded other companion or the encounter really demanded healer support due to encounter mechanics.


All in all, class stories can be done easily if you take time to learn what your class can or cannot do.


Now I don't really remember this Choke Point mission but considering it is on Alderaan, I can say I did it at lvl27 or 28(when I finished chapter 1). The fact that a guy in this thread said he was 33 is just lol.

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I don't remember anything, I spacebarred through all of the story in the entire game, didn't listen to a single word of it. I don't remember doing this quest as a warrior and even if I did, I would not even know why I was there because I didn't listen to the over payed voice actor's driveling. I just blasted through enemies and if I got a bit stuck, I asked for some help real quick, someone helps me out with the quest then we go on some heroics together, no big deal.
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its doable - i did it as a dps specced jugg (vengeance) with Quinn and i Pvp leveled and had subpar gear.


Just make sure those NPCs helping you do part of the work. Dont just charge in and make sure you put Quinn on passive to pull him out of **** if need be.


Make sure your cds are up and you are at full health before talking to the NPC again


i also bought med pacs and stims off a medical droid before starting the quest

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I usually try not to flame away but this is a L2P-issue. Just finished up Drhaag on first attempt "And I didnt even break a sweat".

And couldnt even recall what quest you were reffering to at first. Done it with both mara and jugg, and its not that hard ... really... Im not a pro player either.


IF u have trouble, just stand at the npc´s click vette to blast down mobs, or use f aggot quinn and charge out, lure the enemy back towards ur npc´s while vette kills another grp of mobs and repeat. Dont go to near the cave , let them come to you.


Now run along back in there, kill everything and return and bragg about it!

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