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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Endgame = Alts?


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You don't need to try to explain anything to me. We are talking about different things but you are a little more 'basic' about it. It's cool 'talking points' and a 30 second attention span is what society is now i get it.


I never actually attacked anyone for posting, i simply said if you do things in life you enjoy you will be better off for it. Not sure how that's attacking someone.....but yah i guess it makes your argument look better.


lol...well obviously I do have to explain it to you. And it's you who seems to have the short attention span and forgets what started this little squabble we are having.


It was you who inserted yourself into my discussion and accused me of trolling when I pointing out the hypocrisy of that other person who was attacking me for posting when that's exactly what he was doing as well - and used the lame excuse of being at work to defend his hypocrisy.


NOw if you feel I'm "attacking" when I defend myself when you call me a troll I don't know what to tell you.


Also, if I had a dollar for every SWTOR sympathizer who said he was only posting cause he/she "was at work" i'd be a very rich man.

Edited by JeremyDale
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lol yep


Pretty much.


YOu either roll an alt or become bored out of your mind. Choice is yours.


i raided for years in wow and i am sick of running raids and instances for tokens that get me gear from a a vendor. so its either that or roll an alt... was hoping for a lot more from this triple A next gen mmo :(

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Right, because theres so much more to do at end-game in WoW for example, right?




Right, so the achievements and reputation bit isnt in there, but the rest is definately in SW:TOR


i left wow cause i wanted a starwars ip and i was hoping to do other things outside the whole gear grind, but tor is nothing but a gear grind and an alt grind. i loved lvling my first toon and my second one, and im sure i wont mind a third but after 3 alts and no desire to collect tokens that will get me vendor gear, i have nothing to do in this potentially riviting universe ... they should include other features for players that want to build communities, a player driven economy, dynamic events, not to mention the potential for a good space element. i am not resubbing untill they add a lot more activites and features. i hav e been on the forums suggesting my *** off for years :(

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i left wow cause i wanted a starwars ip and i was hoping to do other things outside the whole gear grind, but tor is nothing but a gear grind and an alt grind. i loved lvling my first toon and my second one, and im sure i wont mind a third but after 3 alts and no desire to collect tokens that will get me vendor gear, i have nothing to do in this potentially riviting universe ... they should include other features for players that want to build communities, a player driven economy, dynamic events, not to mention the potential for a good space element. i am not resubbing untill they add a lot more activites and features. i hav e been on the forums suggesting my *** off for years :(


Wow, you must have all your codex entries, datacrons, beaten all ops on NMM and cleared all the FPs and explored all the planets.


Yeah, I guess you are done. :rolleyes:

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Something that justify the fact i'm paying here and not "there". That's all.


It's star wars, rolling an alt means something and can positively affect your main character (and vice versa) and content will be coming. What more justification do you need?

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Wow, you must have all your codex entries, datacrons, beaten all ops on NMM and cleared all the FPs and explored all the planets.


Yeah, I guess you are done. :rolleyes:


Halfbaked collections and gear progression instances aren't everyone's cup of tea.


You can't just be the halfbaked MMO WoW is, you have to surpass it in every area... that includes community activities.


Player Housing Planets, TIE-simulator space, better crafting and you will have a thriving MMO. Until then, SWTOR's shelf-life is short.

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I don't think it's simply endgame = alts but there is still lack of end game content and legacy system is new. I just started leveling an alt and I honestly don't enjoy leveling because the only reason is additional +5% force power for my main. In other words I feel like I need to level a character to 42 so I can get his buff.

I find it frustrating because it is almost like Bioware is MAKING players to play with alts. You might ask why ? Well because +5% force power is actually very good for a dps sorcerer and it really makes a difference. ( for someone with 700 force power it means +35, not bad huh? ) I am already done with rakata gear for now and I am collecting black hole badges for the new set, so there's not much I can do with my main, especially when my guild members are not raiding. Even though the character stories are nice I don't want to do the quests over and over again.


And for me that is a huge problem. I always hated MMOs almost making people to choose or do certain things in the game.


I am glad I did not care for pvp in this game, i think the alts' buffs affected it the most.

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Wow, you must have all your codex entries, datacrons, beaten all ops on NMM and cleared all the FPs and explored all the planets.


Yeah, I guess you are done. :rolleyes:


everything outside the gear grind leaves you with exploring the lifeless feeling planets searching for lore items and datacrons, that is aweful imo , there should be way more things to do. but this game is too linear and restrictive to allow for players to build communities like cities and bases and more open-ended maps and interactive environments. if i wanted a gear grind then this game woud be great but i dont, i want to feel like i am a part of the universe not simply passing through

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I don't even know why people argue about this anymore.


I've said this in some other posts and will probably say it again.

It's like Microsoft or Novell handing you a spanking new version of Winblows or SLES and you come to find out that you have bloody Winblows ME or SLES 9.3.


When you ask supporters of the software, the only thing they have to say is "it's new, give it some time".


The problem most people are facing(and finding it very hard to argue with fanboys) is..that you know what works and what doesn't when you look at the MMO industry, yet you come out with an outdated product touting it as the biggest freggin' accomplishment in the world of MMO's..something totally radically different.


BUT IT'S NOT, in fact it has fewer features than a lot of MMO's.


My honest question is, when they designed this, did they not take into consideration that the features that have worked(and worked very well for millions of players),?


As someone mentioned earlier, it very much feels like a RPG that you have to pay a monthly fee for. In terms of collaboration/playing with friends etc. etc. this game is lacking the very basics of what makes a game a MMORPG.

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Halfbaked collections and gear progression instances aren't everyone's cup of tea.


You can't just be the halfbaked MMO WoW is, you have to surpass it in every area... that includes community activities.


Player Housing Planets, TIE-simulator space, better crafting and you will have a thriving MMO. Until then, SWTOR's shelf-life is short.


I bet you were a SWG player, huh?


Planet housing? What a joke.

Space I agree should and I think will get better.

Crafting is already better than it was at launch and they are improving there as well.


If you don't like raiding, do you just want to stand on the street and sell your wares? You want achievements? Not sure what you'd call an ideal end-game.

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I bet you were a SWG player, huh?


Planet housing? What a joke.

Space I agree should and I think will get better.

Crafting is already better than it was at launch and they are improving there as well.


If you don't like raiding, do you just want to stand on the street and sell your wares? You want achievements? Not sure what you'd call an ideal end-game.


themepark and sandbox features to cater to the many type of players that love starwars, swoop/pod racing/crafting and customizing, space; a whole aspect of the mmo that needs major attention, player built cities and bases is not a joke and would be an awesome feature, more hands on and indeapth crafting. interactive environments and npc, random events, the list goes on. currently the best and most entertaining thing to do when you hit 50 is roll another tune, cause there is only so much of ops fp and wx one can take

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I bet you were a SWG player, huh?


Planet housing? What a joke.

Space I agree should and I think will get better.

Crafting is already better than it was at launch and they are improving there as well.


If you don't like raiding, do you just want to stand on the street and sell your wares? You want achievements? Not sure what you'd call an ideal end-game.


let me guess, you just play for the fashion?

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Well I personally think the endgame PvE is pretty good. Flashpoints are fun, especially the Lost Island and you have three operations. Story mode isn't much, but when you get to HM's and if it has it at this point, Nighmare, is where it starts to get fun. You also have three sets of daily missions (blatantly repetitive, but the Corelia ones are cool), a world boss, two novels worth of lore objects and datacrons to find and some space missions if your into it. It really isn't bad PvE wise, enhanced WoW is a Star Wars skin with really good stories. PvP is what this game is sucking at, only with four warzones, which are albeit fun, repetetive, and the only real option besides Ilum *shudders*. So do get a good PvE guild, enjoy the HM Flashpoints, do some world bosses, and do the Operations in every mode. Just don't PvP if you like not ripping your hair out.
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If each class actually had eight different storylines, like the marketing department claimed, this wouldn't be a problem. But as it stands, there's a tiny quest line for each class with a lot of unnecessary running back and forth that makes up about 10% of the actual leveling experience for each character.


Class-specific quests, race-specific quests, AC-specific quests, companion-specific quests... there was a lot of potential for making the leveling process actually different and more specialized for each character, but they didn't, and it shows, and it sucks.


Tiny questline? It carries you throughout the entire leveling experience! It's massive, and it involves running around because it is carrying you through all the side missions and world arcs you ignored. 10% is a great deal more than you think, and I would say it is at least 20%. Class specific quests and companion specific quests already exist, though race and AC quests would be cool. But of all the things to criticize in this game, you criticize the leveling? And for all the wrong reasons at that.

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I was the biggest fanboy around.


I am now playing another game.


Far too many eggs were put into a GREAT, top notch initial leveling experience while ignoring some really crucial and core things. The alting is mind numbing. There are no alternate areas to level in to change things up. Hell, even the different class quests end up in close to the exact same areas on each planet. We got a huge push for "Legacy" in 1.2. Bioware is herding all the cats right of the edge of a cliff. They still dont realize that without some real improvements and some options the alt leveling game is, quite possibly, the WORST aspect of endgame as things sit today.


Disappointing to say the least.

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I've hit 50 with two characters now, and both times I have basically stopped playing them. I don't like having to do "dailies" just to be able to run FP's or OP's. I'm sorry, but doing the same dozen or so quests every day is not my idea of fun. I'm hoping the LFG tool fixes the issue, but I'm not holding my breath.


Daily's should be there for people to have a renewable source of income. Not a requirement for being able to participate in the end-game.

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I was the biggest fanboy around.


I am now playing another game.


Far too many eggs were put into a GREAT, top notch initial leveling experience while ignoring some really crucial and core things. The alting is mind numbing. There are no alternate areas to level in to change things up. Hell, even the different class quests end up in close to the exact same areas on each planet. We got a huge push for "Legacy" in 1.2. Bioware is herding all the cats right of the edge of a cliff. They still dont realize that without some real improvements and some options the alt leveling game is, quite possibly, the WORST aspect of endgame as things sit today.


Disappointing to say the least.

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I have reached end game on my JC and although i have an alt i find myself doing dailies, PVP and the HM FPs with others from my guild. Talking to others from my guild since about lvl 20 and have built up a kind of friendship with them so its never hard to form a group and terrorise the galaxy
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I've played 3 other MMORPGs long enough to reach "endgame".


Final Fantasy 11, Lord of the Rings Online, and World of Warcraft. All three of these had far more to do after reaching capped level than this game does.


Final Fantasy 11 had multiple battlefield events you could particpate in, like Besieged, the Crystal Wars ect. They had Moogle Trials and a merit system you could work on to upgrade your weapons and armor as well as your skills. They had Abyssea, Dynamis, Limbus ect... - basically it had tons of group and solo content for players to work on to improve their characters after reaching max level.


Lord of the Rings Online had Reputation, Deeds, Skirmishes, Housing, Legendary Weapons, Relics and more available for players to work on after you reach max level. It had a ton of stuff too.


Now World of Warcraft I'll admit had a weak endgame, as it was very similiar to SWTOR - but at least it had a very effective LFG tool that made it's group content easy to access at all times of the day for all players. It also had an achivement system which some players enjoyed....though why I don't know lol


So compared to other MMORPGs i've played, this gam has a very weak endgame, with almost nothing to do outside of flashpoints and some tedious dailies. It's a very boring game after 50 - especially if not enough of your friends are online to get a group together.

Agreed, even EQ1 and 2 had more endgame content, such as the epic quest and what not. This game lacks any endgame content that has any meaning and unfortunately this will mean its death if not rectified very, very soon.

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