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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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So you are saying there are 9216 players more or less on each server?


How about you get "real".



Cut that number down by 10-20% and thats a close prime time number.


Sorry to burst your bubble but there are not 10.3 million players playing Wow at this exact moment

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Every server is light at the moment.

Only 39 total online my server.

Only 2 on Fleet, including myself.


I can't recall any server of any MMO I've played ever being so low on pops at any time of day. Hurry up them merges.

Edited by Kourage
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why don't you submit your proof
log-in to any server, any time

get summary of /who 50 class_name


/facepalm at something like 100-400ppl, because for mmo it is near nothing


there no cross-server anything, you can't play with ppl from another server so who care that somewhere exist 1.7kk subs? even if they do exist


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Every server is light at the moment.

Only 39 total online my server.

Only 2 on Fleet, including myself.


I can't recall any server of any MMO I've played ever being so low on pops at any time of day. Hurry up them merges.


2 US ones are standard.. what time is it over there at the moment



about half of EU are standard It's early after noon over here.. nowhere near prime time yet


and both asia servers are standard



Yes there are some light but to say they are all light is just lying... even for this time of the day

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2 US ones are standard.. what time is it over there at the moment



about half of EU are standard It's early after noon over here.. nowhere near prime time yet


and both asia servers are standard



Yes there are some light but to say they are all light is just lying... even for this time of the day


When I logged in, every server shown without having to scroll down was light. And of course they are light it was 9:30am.

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When I logged in, every server shown without having to scroll down was light. And of course they are light it was 9:30am.


maybe you have servers sorted by population but 9:30am on a weekday you should not expect servers to be anything but light

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I am not going to scream Failure etc. But the server "Thana Vesh" is empty of player's on the Republic side .. the Trader/Broker is empty of everything .. And please do not use the excuse that is a good sign .. Meaning the player base is purchasing crafted items and selling Mat's because that is not the case. It doesn't matter what time of day you logg in.. Without getting into details (Health Reasons) I have the opportunity to play 24/7 if I wanted to.. .. I currently have a total of 4 Char's ranging from 25-50 .. I do not want to change server's .. I hope that they do a merge very soon.. I do not think sending out E-mails to offer a free 7 day trial to family/friends is going to do anything.. To me the E-mail throws up a Red flag that something is wrong especially this early after release.. We currently have 3 accounts in this household with 2 of them cancelling and playing out thier paid 30 days hoping for a change..I myself am sticking it out for SWTOR has great potential and is a great game.. Great game to play regardless of having to redo content rolling new Char's.. But it isnt fun playing the game by yourself all of the time.. Is there anyone else from my server whom feel's the same.. I do not want a flame war to start but I am curious of other player's feelings...


Peace ... Von

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For all of you who claim that EA lied in its 2012Q3 Earnings Conference Call when it stated it currently (i.e. as of February 1, 2012) had 1.7 million subcriptions, the majority of which were paid subscriptions, why don't you submit your proof to the SEC? The penalties for securities fraud can be pretty severe so here is your chance to show that you are not all talk.


They didn't say that they had 1.7 millon subs on the 1st of Feb, that what just when the report was released.


They had 1.7 million some time before that, now that can mean the same thing, or it can mean a completely different thing depending on how subs went between the last date the report compiled and the day it was released (1st Feb - I don't for a second believe they compiled right to the 1st of Feb and released, that's just not how these things work).

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Claiming peak server time is 10-20 percent of a servers total population is literally stupid.


MMO gamers dont play every other day for an hour.


It isnt like that. MMOs are a KNOWN addictive commodity. And for you to think I should believe that the average guy on SWTOR is too busy out on the town every night to play for more than an hour is almost insulting.


No the average SWTOR player pays 15 dollars a month to play SWTOR. Not to log on and send his companions out real quick.


One warzone takes 15 minutes. And this hypothesis is that people get on, play 2 or 3 warzones, walk to the fleet and log out.


Its just laughable.


Not sure if your serious, because those are the numbers.


Back in the day when WoW hit 1 million simultaneous players, they literally **** a brick and told the whole world how big it was.




It was back in 2008 after WotLK came out, when they where or where close to the 10million+ subs mark.


Also how much someone plays has no relation to the amount people are logged on at once.

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kai kan imperial is also pretty dead finding it hard to group up for anything. lots of content being missed in both pve & pvp at all levels.


who knows when char server transfer will be available and server merge looks like it will not happen

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I think the Republic side is dropping faster then the Imperial side.


Probably but in either case the server populations are on steady decline besides the Asia and Oceania servers. They will probably show the same signs of issues in a month. The real question is how bad will the US/EU look a month out and no closer to server mergers.

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84 Imperials currently on my East Coast server.

20 of them are lv 50.




That's very low. 3pm is not too early. Maybe if this was SWG this pop would be normal but in other MMOs, this is very low. Half the server has quit or re-rolled.

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I have noticed a decline, yea.


On Namadii Corridor, population trends have been roughly along the following lines:


First Week after Launch:

Roughly 10-20 players on the imperial fleet at any one time.

Roughly 20-30 players on the republic fleet at any one time.

Roughly 30-40 players on korriban at any one time.

Roughly 10-15 players on hutta at any one time.

Roughly 50-60 players on tython at any one time.

Roughly 15-20 players on ord mantell at any one time.


First/second Month after launch:

20-30 players on imperial fleet at peak hours.

25-35 players on republic fleet at peak hours.


Last week of February:

15-25 players on imperial fleet at peak hours.

20-25 players on republic fleet at peak hours.


First week of March (and this week):

10-20 players on imperial fleet at peak hours.

5-10 players on republic fleet at peak hours.





Of course, we're a pretty low population server overall, not like the servers that have 100+ players on each fleet at all times, but the trend is still there. It took Namadii Corridor a week or two to actually get a decent number of people playing (I was the second level 50 on our server, and throughout my entire time levelling I was never able to do any flashpoints or heroics because nobody else was even on the same planet). The population seemed to peak towards the middle of last month, and I've noticed fewer and fewer players around since then.


Up until the middle of february, I was online for hours a day playing, and now I get online 2-3 times a day to send crew out on missions, run a hardmode or two, and craft/work the GTN. I'm never online for more than a couple hours a day anymore, if that.


I suspect a lot of people are simply bored with the game and waiting for the 1.2 patch. That's my position, anyways - my guild was the first imperial guild on Namadii Corridor, we hold every server first up through normal EV and KP, including all imperial world boss kills, we've pretty much done it all, and there's nothing left that's "new" anymore. Nobody wants to roll alts until the legacy system reveals what it will actually give us for new characters, and you can only raid once or twice a week.




I never burned out on any MMO as fast as I have on this one. The endgame content just isnt there.

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Gone from a healthy 15-20 on a general weeknight in my guild at the end of Jan to not running an op on a patch day for the first time this week with only 4 people showing up.


Tonight 2 people on, me being 1. No ones left the guild, it's just people not logging in anymore.



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Sad thing is there is no competition out there. If you leave here you either run around gameless or crawl back to WoW.


Wait till GW2/TSW/Tera come out. (Not that any of them may fare better long term, but new mmo's tend to suck the life out of each other while WoW just sits back with her arms spread wide and a smile on her face waiting for your inevitable return)

Edited by Icebaron
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