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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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The 1.7 million number was for their investors. They can't lie about it. Get real. Feb 1st they had 1.7 million players spread out on the servers. Whatever the average number per server was then, was the correct one.


You can't lie, you can however only tell the technical truth.



However it's unlikely the number is growing, because they would be making PR hay while the sun shines. :)

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So you are saying there are 9216 players more or less on each server?


How about you get "real".


So, let me get this straight here, you're actually suggesting they lied to their investors? Something that would have disastrous consequences for the company. Really?

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So, let me get this straight here, you're actually suggesting they lied to their investors? Something that would have disastrous consequences for the company. Really?




1.6 million subscribers.


800 thousand players.

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So, let me get this straight here, you're actually suggesting they lied to their investors? Something that would have disastrous consequences for the company. Really?


You can call it whatever you want.


But unless you are going to say there are 9216 +/- players spread throughout the servers then I am pretty confident this game does NOT and has NEVER had 1.7 million subscriptions.


Every server would be PACKED if this was the case.


And since I am on a server that is not packed [NIMAN]...You can go log on it now if you want.



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This game will do like Age of Conan did.


Suck hardcore until some people get fired (pvp designer wont name any names) and new developers fix their mistakes with patches.


By then the majority will have moved on to other mmos that are inevitably doomed to fail (or succeed depending on what you call success).


The game evens out at 300-400k subscribers and gets backburnered.


Unfortunately, unlike Age of Conan this game requires voice acting, which is expensive.


EA takes all their money and puts it into "The Secret World" and this game gets the shaft.

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Most of the naysayer believe that the population is closer to 850k then the 1.7million number that was given to us on feb 1st.


Peak server pop is usually around 10-20%(I used 15% even thought its probably closer to 10% due to the impending 1.2 patch) of the total population, and there are currently 220 servers.


With 850k people playing peak time there would be about 580 people per server, that's well into the "light" category for all the servers. Those of us with eyes in our head can see this is not the case, as there are only a handful of "light" servers during peak times.


Not looking very believable.....


So, lets plug in some numbers that lean towards the notion that population is growing like say 2 million:


That works out to about 1363 people per server, which puts most of them "standard" category with the rest being "heavy" and "light" with a couple at "very heavy". Those of us with eyes in our heads can see that this is usually the case at peak times.


"Light(1-1000)" is based of an informal /who 1-50 population survey of the most populated "light" server I could find and it had 618 people on it.


"Standard(1000-1500)" is based off the same method for finding the "light" number, found one server with 1038 people and another with 1385 people, both in the "standard" category.



Posted a while back, but apparently needs to be repeated.

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Man, Bioware always tells the truth am I right?


Look, this has been explained ad naseum, ad infinitum, and, some would say, ad absurdum....


But the EA conference calls are mandated by law to be accurate. Basically, its illegal to lie in those sorts of documents - with serious consequences for the company that does.


If you choose not to accept that data, there's nothing I can say, except to state my opinion that I think you're being wilfully ignorant - you're just believing what you want to beleive.


The things you mention - which, also in my opinion, I would say are mostly fairly minor game-related issues (emotes on your speeder? Really? Thinking about that takes up your time?) are not mandated by law, and are compeltely different to the EA conference call figures.

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Which means?



If you look at the actual report it doesn't state that SWTOR had 1.7 million active subs by the report publication date (1st Feb).


A few days makes a difference when you're talking about 1 month free play from first bought (which fell around 24th Jan onwards for most people).


Now it may have done, but there's no way for us to tell, so the statement can be technically true (to when the report was compiled), but not true to the actual reality on the 1st of Feb.




If this wasn't possible most of the banks that went bust in the last few years wouldn't have done so, or people would have know they were going bust 6+ months sooner.

Edited by Goretzu
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Posted a while back, but apparently needs to be repeated.


Claiming peak server time is 10-20 percent of a servers total population is literally stupid.


MMO gamers dont play every other day for an hour.


It isnt like that. MMOs are a KNOWN addictive commodity. And for you to think I should believe that the average guy on SWTOR is too busy out on the town every night to play for more than an hour is almost insulting.


No the average SWTOR player pays 15 dollars a month to play SWTOR. Not to log on and send his companions out real quick.


One warzone takes 15 minutes. And this hypothesis is that people get on, play 2 or 3 warzones, walk to the fleet and log out.


Its just laughable.

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You can call it whatever you want.


But unless you are going to say there are 9216 +/- players spread throughout the servers then I am pretty confident this game does NOT and has NEVER had 1.7 million subscriptions.


Every server would be PACKED if this was the case.


And since I am on a server that is not packed [NIMAN]...You can go log on it now if you want.




What do you mean "well?"? If you think they lied to their investors, there's not anything I can say. You will never be able to convince me about your take on the situation, because no matter what you say, you know absolutely nothing about the supscription numbers, just like everyone else here. I personally have no reason to distrust the reports to their investors.

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Posted a while back, but apparently needs to be repeated.


I'm sorry but let's do this and make it simple.


Do me a favor and go to Google. Type in


1,700,000 divided by 220.


Tell me what number you get and tell me if you really believe that amount is on each server.


Then we can get back to reality.

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Claiming peak server time is 10-20 percent of a servers total population is literally stupid.


MMO gamers dont play every other day for an hour.


It isnt like that. MMOs are a KNOWN addictive commodity. And for you to think I should believe that the average guy on SWTOR is too busy out on the town every night to play for more than an hour is almost insulting.


No the average SWTOR player pays 15 dollars a month to play SWTOR. Not to log on and send his companions out real quick.


One warzone takes 15 minutes. And this hypothesis is that people get on, play 2 or 3 warzones, walk to the fleet and log out.


Its just laughable.




i do that


having a job and a busy life sucks i know

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i do that


having a job and a busy life sucks i know


40 hour a week job.


24 hours in a day.


And you can only spot 1 hour a day for SWTOR?


What do you do with the other 16 hours of the day? 8 for sleep, and 8 for being "busy".


Nah, i dont believe the average gamer is too busy for most of the day to play the game they are actively paying for.

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I'm sorry but let's do this and make it simple.


Do me a favor and go to Google. Type in


1,700,000 divided by 220.


Tell me what number you get and tell me if you really believe that amount is on each server.


Then we can get back to reality.


Do you think you're smart?


Facepalm is not enough. Your hate makes you blind to reason and reality.


The only help i will give you, as you seem completely blind to this fact is that everyone isnt logging in at the same time so you can count them. Let alone factions, planets, flashpoints, operations and warzones.


Yes, the number is completely believable. I dont understand how you cant see that.


Now, are they spread equally through the servers? I'll let you ponder on that one.

Edited by Nemmar
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I play on Niman server and the population is ridiculous....I work shifts and play pretty much throughout the day when not very many are about and on a night when a few more do get on and play.


Today what frustartes me soo much is trying to play WZ and my republic side is always short of players. We always starting with about 4-6 players if we are lucky and if we are really lucky then we might finish with 8 but thats after the WZ is already lost.


Never known an MMO with so low numbers and I am soon to not worry anymore as I am on the verge of cancelling and this would be a real shame as the game has great potential.

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40 hour a week job.


24 hours in a day.


And you can only spot 1 hour a day for SWTOR?


What do you do with the other 16 hours of the day? 8 for sleep, and 8 for being "busy".


Nah, i dont believe the average gamer is too busy for most of the day to play the game they are actively paying for.


two jobs..... 1 full and 1 part time...


only weekends for me , it sucks :(

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Do you think you're smart?


Facepalm is not enough. Your hate makes you blind to reason and reality.


The only help i will give you, as you seem completely blind to this fact is that everyone isnt logging in at the same time so you can count them. Let alone factions, planets, flashpoints, operations and warzones.


Yes, the number is completely believable. I dont understand how you cant see that.


Now, are they spread equally through the servers? I'll let you ponder on that one.


Ignorance makes you blind.


"Your hate makes you blind..."


I'll give you a +1 for effort and +2 for role playing.


Oh that settles is everybody.


Every server has 7,000+ players even though you've probably never seen more than 50 people in one area.

Edited by Tiaa
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I'm sorry but let's do this and make it simple.


Do me a favor and go to Google. Type in


1,700,000 divided by 220.


Tell me what number you get and tell me if you really believe that amount is on each server.


Then we can get back to reality.


For all of you who claim that EA lied in its 2012Q3 Earnings Conference Call when it stated it currently (i.e. as of February 1, 2012) had 1.7 million subcriptions, the majority of which were paid subscriptions, why don't you submit your proof to the SEC? The penalties for securities fraud can be pretty severe so here is your chance to show that you are not all talk.

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40 hour a week job.


24 hours in a day.


And you can only spot 1 hour a day for SWTOR?


What do you do with the other 16 hours of the day? 8 for sleep, and 8 for being "busy".


Nah, i dont believe the average gamer is too busy for most of the day to play the game they are actively paying for.


So let's call it a 9.5 hour work day with lunch, breaks, and talk around the coffee pot.


Add 2 hours a day commuting (I live in Atlanta, and that's part of the price you pay).


Add 1 hour a day for showering, getting dressed, brushing teeth, in morning and evening.


Add 1.5 hours a day for "domestic stuff". (Grocery shopping, talking to friends/family on the phone, answering personal email, cooking, cleaning, scooping litterboxes, paying bills, and changing the sheets... that sort of home maintenance stuff.)


All that plus an average of 7 hours of sleep a night (I want more, but just don't have time.)


That takes me to 21 hours of busy life and 3 hours of the day to play.


Those three hours are rapidly eaten up by any sort of accident on the highway that snarls up traffic, eating a meal someplace other than my car or desk, a doctor's appointment, a pedicure, a long conference call at work, going on a walk for some exercise, reading a book, snuggling with my mate, or... wonder of wonders, a full 8 or even 9 hours of sleep, and my whole day is gone.


I also like to play tabletop RPGs (Mon and Weds nights) and boardgames (usually one weekend night).


THe upshot of that is that I play SWTOR one or two nights a week for a couple of hours. Maybe one weekend day. Not at the moment, of course, because every spare second of my time is going to Mass Effect 3.


Perhaps I'm not the "average gamer". Perhaps your average gamer is in college or even grade school. I don't know the demographics of average gamers, or even the average person who plays SWTOR. All I know is that in order to have a job, and a home, and a balanced life, I'm really busy and do not have an hour a day for SWTOR.


I don't know how the folks that have kids do it at all.



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I don't know how the folks that have kids do it at all.


I have two kids. I'm fortunate, since I have only 30 minutes of commuting per day, but it's a rare occasion when I get to play before 10 pm (after the kids are in bed and my wife is busy with her own stuff). So, basically I get to choose: 8 hours of sleep and 1 hour of SWTOR or 6 hours of sleep and 3 hours of SWTOR.


And of course I need to build affection with my wife, too. Unlike the companions in SWTOR, the talking doesn't stop once you are married. ;)

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I have two kids. I'm fortunate, since I have only 30 minutes of commuting per day, but it's a rare occasion when I get to play before 10 pm (after the kids are in bed and my wife is busy with her own stuff). So, basically I get to choose: 8 hours of sleep and 1 hour of SWTOR or 6 hours of sleep and 3 hours of SWTOR.


And of course I need to build affection with my wife, too. Unlike the companions in SWTOR, the talking doesn't stop once you are married. ;)


My condolences.

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