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Patch 1.2 may be to late.


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Frankly, the entire idea of a story-based MMO was garbage from the start. The entire point of an MMO is to live out a fantasy story of your own in marvelous environment. It isn't to have that story dictated to you from 1-50, so that every single character at the cap has the same exact history, companions, etc.


That's actually a really good point. +250 Synamon Rep.

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I seriously dont understand why they made the game this casual.

We talking MMORPG that means the only resource the players need is usualy time.

SWtoR laks the "things that are way out of reach" thing that mmos need.

There must be always a feeling of that there are still so many things to achieve and they will be epic.

In SWtoR (Mutch like what to sadly to WoW happend) you can burn through the contend in no time.

You can skip normal Flashpoints complently and right go into Heroics by buying stuff from the auctionhouse, yeah you will have more than enough money to buy like 5 Purples when hitting 50.

Because those purples are that good you dont have to do to many heroics and they arent that hard anyway, so you end up in endgame with not mutch to do left in like a week after hitting 50.

So you can say now "we need way more contend to burn though" i say make goals harder to reach.

I dont need 2-3 new Purples a day.

You have 4 ways of getting purples from heroics, drops, crystals and emblems, the other emblems and dailys.

Thats just to easy. You cant allowe people like me who play 1-2 hours a day to reach a point in an mmo where theres nothing left to do but farming a mount.

Because everything is that easy and fast to reach i feel like i achieved nothing and there is no achievment waiting for me anyways.

Dont start on me with hardmodes. They do not satisfy like working for gear and get ready for the next step of dungeons.

I Loved WoWs the burning Crusade. It was perfect in case of the Pyramid you had to climb to reach something. You needed to get the dungeonset from drops out of normals. you needed at least the dungeonset to go into heroics. and by god heroics actualy bin hard, they punched you in the kisser if you bin going sleepy. The game had a feeling of getting harder over time and it made you feel like a pro as you reached raiding status. (even if thats a well known illusion)

I feeled like a hero by playing mmos when i defeated hard bosses. Today i feel like a costumer who chews through a game and calls for the next when im finished with the meal.


Tl;dr: we dont need more contend, thats an illusion, we need that its an achievment to reach contend with a difficulty pyramid thats harder to climb in sense of time spend.

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To every single guy/gal in the world of SWTOR who wants to leave the game...


GO with a full heart and my blessing. I'll still be playing this GLORIOUS game long after your chosen username is dust on the canvas of history. And I don't want your stuff.


How long is not long after?

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Heard EQ2 had full VO's so... your statement is false?


EQ2 was a super fun game till they stopped most new context for the last 2 years. I played

both eq1 and eq2 for 12 years. AS for VO....no.... a one line sentence or a " I take you with me " over and over..is not a VO.


If memory serves...there were only 2 story driven Voice overs. Byale and Lord Luncan. ( Christopher Lee pep talk was KILLER )


there were hundreds of little snippets like ( watch where your going ) and belches and burps.



AS for SWTOR......Killer game with a lot of new ideas and ways for it to grow.....Most adult gamers will give you time for it to grow...BUT if you do what SoE did (2 years with out any new content ) you will face their fate.


Again thanks for all the hard work...see you all in game

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I cancelled my sub because I want to punish Bioware for the mistakes they made in creating this game. At this point, I want the title to fail, and to bring down Bioware, and serve as a lasting blemish on EA's already muddied facade.


Yes, because Bioware is so concerned about a single, insignificant person. Your whole $15ish bucks a month isn't exactly missed, I'm sure. There are lots of faithful players, such as myself.


The simple fact of the matter is, the industry needs to move on from cloning WoW. People are done with games like this -- they might not be looking for a pure sandbox, but you'd better be damned sure that the 'THEMEPARK ALL THE WAY' thing has jumped the shark, too.


Yes, because SW:TOR is an exact clone of WoW... you know, storyline quests, multiple planets, companions... oh wait.... WoW had none of those.


Frankly, the entire idea of a story-based MMO was garbage from the start. The entire point of an MMO is to live out a fantasy story of your own in marvelous environment. It isn't to have that story dictated to you from 1-50, so that every single character at the cap has the same exact history, companions, etc. I mean, Jesus Christ, it's like Bioware missed the memo on what these game are all about and just went peeling off in an inexplicable direction.


Well considering a lot of the KotOR fans were disappointed that there was no KotOR 3, I'd relatively say this was well done. Besides, if you don't like the fact of the storylines, then don't play them. There is PVP for leveling or Flashpoints.


Oh, and let's drop $100 million on that voice acting, while we're at it! That'll make up for a terrible game engine, boring quests, stale combat and a hollow shell of an endgame!


You do realize that all these things are your personal opinion. "Boring quests" "Stale Combat" "A hollow shell of an endgame". Dude... I personally love the quests, I personally feel that the combat flows pretty well (if you know how to actually do it), as for end game... you should also realize that this is just temporary end game. Personally I wasn't too thrilled with WoW's vanilla end game either, so suck it up.


SWG was a lesson to the industry that WoW had it right; TOR needs to be the new incarnation of that lesson -- that what passed for a great game 7 years ago isn't a great game today. I expect more, and so do most people, and bully for us.


Hm. I'm fairly certain that TOR isn't anything like SWG... I only played SWG for a few days and that was still enough for me to see it's not the same. I think you're just one of those WoW fanatics who think that the game should be exactly like it... either that or you're a 12 year old kid who is making false claims because you find it to difficult to play.

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SWG was a lesson to the industry that WoW had it right; TOR needs to be the new incarnation of that lesson -- that what passed for a great game 7 years ago isn't a great game today. I expect more, and so do most people, and bully for us.


Boy, do you have it backwards... SWG failed for trying to morph into a WoW clone.

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playing on what? itll be shut down in 12 months, maybe as someone said in a previous post cameron might make a movie s you cvan relive your "glorious" moments lol, but i doubt this game will be open much longer atleast as a P2P


lol Funny how people were saying that it would go f2p or shut down in 3 months.. we saw how that panned out.

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AS for SWTOR......Killer game with a lot of new ideas and ways for it to grow.....Most adult gamers will give you time for it to grow...BUT if you do what SoE did (2 years with out any new content ) you will face their fate.


Not counting Rise of the Rhakghouls since most of us were too low level for it to feel like 'new' content, they've already announced a new OP, FP and Warzone for patch 1.2. In addition to more quality of life fixes than I can count.


As for patch 1.2 being 'too late', the million+ still playing would probably disagree.

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Either way, it's not going to matter. Those that want to play the game with whatever 1.2 adds will re-subscribe. That's how MMO's work. They get people to bite for a while, let them tread water, then send them back to the sea to bite again another day. Bioware knows this.


no ones dumb enough to re up the sub thats hit 50. you and bioware are going to witness an epic loss of subs pre 1.2. Even 1.2 isn't offering all that much to keep people coming back. A company like Trion had massive patches within 2 months that added a ton of stuff which makes biowares 1.2 patch seems like a hotfix. You people are going to be in for a very rude surprise Im afraid.

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I unsubscribed 2 days ago.


I'm really not the sort of guy who gives up on a game because it's not "perfect", and i know how hard it is to make something this grand.


But i have to face the facts. the game was released in beta.

i don't blame bioware, or even EA. they did what was best to gain the most value from the game.


But i'm lvl 50. pretty much full Rakata.

i don't do alts. the PvP is not interesting.

Space combat got stale after 10 times.


1.2 is not gonna be our savior. because the game is just not that amazing.

i really really wished it would be, but it's not, and that's perfectly fine.


I don't see a reason to pay 15$ a month for this game, and that's about it.


can i haz your stuff?

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Boy, do you have it backwards... SWG failed for trying to morph into a WoW clone.


The guy you quoted is exactly why the mmo genre is failing to innovate. I really can't believe some of these people are walking around and procreating. Swg failed because it tried to morph into wow, and swtor will fail because it launched as a poor morphing into wow.


wow is its own beast, it has its own following and blizzard distorts sub numbers to make it appear like its a huge success but in reality its not.. its the most simplistic mmo ever made and its built for people with a sub 80 i.q...

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If people aren't sure about wanting to play at the end of their two month sub, then chances are they shouldn't be resubbing anyways, regardless of when patch 1.2 comes out.


If you're on the fence about the game, the patch will revitalize your interest for a few days before you're right back on the fence.


you are correct, if someone is leaning on the leaving side, unless the patch is the mother of all patches in the universe, I don't think they will stay around, they will find excuses, like patch was not what they thought is was going to be, I just think some folks should wait to play a new mmo, if they don't have the patients to put up with the growing pains all mmo's go though in the first few months of live, I seen it over and over in ever mmo i played over the years.. :)

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If they delay the patch it will be MMO suicide. The game will lose a TON of players just on my server alone. I know pretty much my entire guild will be leaving the game...We have done all nightmare and are tired of all of the bugs and dying thanks to rng ********.


There are a lot of other guilds on my server who say the same thing.


This patch needs to come out fast......If not this game will be just another free mmo.

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TLDR - The sky is not falling, however reducing the number of servers would help this game more than Patch 1.2 would.




It's losing subs because a ton of people tried out the game at launch. Of coarse not everyone is going to like a game so the population would fall off some a couple months in.


People seem to expect that a game can come around and produce and sustain subscription numbers the level of World of Warcraft, which is ridiculous. WoW has had 7 years to build up their base. It is very hard for people to leave a game they have put years of effort into. Even I, who have not logged into WoW in over a month, have a hard time cancelling my subscription because of the attachment I have to my characters and friends still playing there. This is the reason why a game like WoW can build and keep huge numbers. Matching WoW's subscription levels is an unrealistic level to measure success of an MMO.


This game has had it's large predictable spike in population at launch and is now experiencing the predictable settling into it's true player base level. People are making the mistake of assuming this correction is an unstoppable failure cascade instead of the inevitable next step in early MMO subscription numbers.


If there wasn't such a "The sky is falling! Oh god, this game is dying!" attitude attached to reducing the number of servers to match the more accurate subscription numbers we are now seeing, Bioware might be a bit quicker to making that move. It has to be done - whether by open transfers or server merges.


Underpopulated servers are the biggest problem right now. Those servers may have been needed at launch to handle the spike but right now, the excess is just hindering the game play of anyone not on one of the big servers. There are currently around 130 servers world wide. If they were to cut the lowest 10% off that they would still have over 100 healthy populated servers and it would improve the game play for many.

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I vote for the new patch having all the customer service driods available in a flashpoint so that I can bash the hell out of them as they scream no no dont hurt me and the main boss being C2N2, I would love to smash his annoying face in.
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i vote for the new patch having all the customer service driods available in a flashpoint so that i can bash the hell out of them as they scream no no dont hurt me and the main boss being c2n2, i would love to smash his annoying face in.



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If they delay the patch it will be MMO suicide. The game will lose a TON of players just on my server alone. I know pretty much my entire guild will be leaving the game...We have done all nightmare and are tired of all of the bugs and dying thanks to rng ********.


There are a lot of other guilds on my server who say the same thing.


This patch needs to come out fast......If not this game will be just another free mmo.

It's not going F2P it's going under.


Really at this point the game is a loss, even as a F2P game it wouldn't be doing all that great. I'd just let it die myself, and if I was LA see about getting that SWG thing back up and running.

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It's not going F2P it's going under.


Really at this point the game is a loss, even as a F2P game it wouldn't be doing all that great. I'd just let it die myself, and if I was LA see about getting that SWG thing back up and running.


Its going under?


The 2 servers I play on are insanely populated all the time. I think you are confused with another game.


For the record for the amount of time its been up and running SWTOR is doing well above and beyond WoW when it was at this stage of its infancy. Its actually doing better than most of the MMO's I have played in the past 19 years of gaming.


MMO's are constantly in development. Never complete. You will lose players, and you will gain players.


For someone who says this ame is going under i'd like to point out that ONE SINGLE EB games store here in Australia sold over 300 copies on its first day... that was 2 days ago. It was only released here in the Oceanic region March 1, and i've been playing since the beta days, and yet have not seen this state of so called "going under" that you are declaring.


All MMO's have the immediate surge duinrg its first period. Then the numbers die and then plateau off. With each new content update and expansion newer players join, and som eof the old players come back. People like me burn through content like there is no tomorrow, get bored and then jump to another game, coming back to this in between.

The problem is they had too many servers to cope with the initial rush. The rush is over and now there are too many servers for the plateau. The release of this game in the Oceanic zone and BW giving them their own servers has also killed a number of servers as the oceanic population moved to them.


The game is far from dead.



And for all those clowns who are going on about GW2, The Secret World, and Diablo 3... I've beta'd (and in 1 case still beta'ing) 2 of those games. At the current stage they are in you are going to be VERY disapointed. Especially if you think the content they offer is going to be more vast than this and bug free.

Screenshots, video clips etc only show you the parts of the game they want to show off. When you actually start moving around and playing you see the horrors lurking behind the scenes.



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What in 1.2 should save the game exactly?


Will it fix things like:

- No day/night cycle

- No swimming

- No housing

- No Pazaak, Sabacc, Dejarik, races, casino, etc...

- Dumbed down character creation

- No post-creation character customization

- No appearance tab/outfit system

- No high res textures

- No environmental interaction (chairs, walls, doors, etc...)

- Simple combat with static enemies

- Unconvincing and stiff animations

- Empty dead worlds with not enough NPCs moving around

- No collision detection

- No stats on resources

- No crafting customization

- Restriction in choice of starship

- No ship decoration

- Dumbed down space combat

- No multiplayer space combat

- Removal of many races

- No faction change/neutrality

- Restriction and instanced planets by faction

- Less planets than announced

- Planets rated by levels with no reason to go back

- No GM events

- Removal of choice to kill companion

- Removal of possibility to talk to other faction at all times

- No RP tools

- Nothing to do post-story

- Endgame consisting on waiting in fleet


as well as the things in my sig?

Edited by Dreossk
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What in 1.2 should save the game exactly?


Will it fix things like:

- No day/night cycle

- No swimming

- No housing

- No Pazaak, Sabacc, Dejarik, races, casino, etc...

- Dumbed down character creation

- No post-creation character customization

- No appearance tab/outfit system

- No high res textures

- No environmental interaction (chairs, walls, doors, etc...)

- Simple combat with static enemies

- Unconvincing and stiff animations

- Empty dead worlds with not enough NPCs moving around

- No collision detection

- No stats on resources

- No crafting customization

- Restriction in choice of starship

- No ship decoration

- Dumbed down space combat

- No multiplayer space combat

- Removal of many races

- No faction change/neutrality

- Restriction and instanced planets by faction

- Less planets than announced

- Planets rated by levels with no reason to go back

- No GM events

- Removal of choice to kill companion

- Removal of possibility to talk to other faction at all times

- No RP tools

- Nothing to do post-story

- Endgame consisting on waiting in fleet


as well as the things in my sig?


Completely agree. Although I think better / any weather effects would go well on that list.


Whilst 1.2 appears to have some bug fixes, new additions, etc, etc, nevertheless it still manages to sidestep actually dealing with enriching the feeling of being on "living worlds" in the Star Wars universe.


To me, beyond the "class story", the game lacks a "soul".

Edited by Tarka
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