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What did you do today in swtor 50s?


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Why would you ever make 8 toons? Who wants to do the same side quests 6 times over?


Levelling an alt for 5 unique quests per planet, done in the same order as every other class is not replayability. I can't even stand to get my Consular off Tython because I can't stand the base run speed, and quite frankly I don't like alts. My main is the only character I care about, so whatever I want to do in the game, I want to do on my main.


Furthermore, it takes no more than 4 weeks to hit 50, having collected every datacron on every planet, having revealed the map on every planet, having done every heroic quest on every planet, done every normal flashpoint while levelling, maxed crafting, and maxed companion rep.


That is flat out not true. It takes 4 weeks to do this if you sit in your parents basement eating fritos and not moving like Cartman playing World of Warcraft.

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At about 5-6 day played (120-144 hours) to get to 50, for someone who plays 3-4 hours a day is well over a month to 50 if you don't play everyday. And that is just 1 char, many give a few classes a try to find the one they like. I have allot of people in my guild still working on their first 50.


My 2nd 50 hit with less than 4 days played. My first hit with just under 5.

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I'm not 50 yet im 37) so not all of the casuals are... I have a job and kids and only play 1-2 maybe 3 hours a night though skipping a night pretty often.

I've played MMO's since Daoc was released so I know what i'm doing too.


There are some of us still leveling which will help the group numbers out. That said some of the planets im on have some pretty sad sumbers making heroics pretty tough to do.


This is me. . .exactly. I am currently on Hoth. Haven't had more then 3 - 5 people on the whole planet since I got there. Same thing on Balmorre. Can't do heroics if no one is there. Way too many servers, way too many underpopulated servers. The Auction House is sad. Most items never sell at any price. No one to buy them. I love the game but I am going to play Skyrim for a while until they offer server transfers.

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Lets see, I cooked breakfast, mmmm eggs. Then I decided to go for my morning run not to long not to short and since today is my day off from work and school I finished up my last draft of my paper for Literature.


I then cooked lunch after eating, I washed some clothes and cleaned up around the house. Soon after I decided I wanted to take my dog out so me and him (half lab half husky named Julio) played for awhile I came in logged into the forums while playing my US Masters Custom Legrand.


I laughed a little cried a little at the forums then went to the gym.


After all that and typing this up I realized I never made it to 50 and still had post privileges since my Gamecard hasn't run out yet.


My fiance was very happy the house was clean. My dog was happy he got to play. I was happy I didn't waste my time looking at a computer screen for 90% of the day.


People go out have fun live life. It comes once you don't get a second chance unless your Buddhist and believe in reincarnation which I have the utmost respect for all religions. One day the servers will shut down no matter how great the game is. Yes even Wow's servers will shut down and a year later no one will care that you did these amazing things in a game.


As my cousin said, " You can cut a server off and delete all my characters, but you can't cut a server off and delete my Les Paul."


Live life, have fun, go out and enjoy what time we have on our beautiful planet.


So dramatic. What a guru. And yet you post on here while your fiance, dog, and les paul all wait on you in the fields of gumdrops and gold

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LET's RUSH TO GET 50 so we can STAND around and COMPLAIN! Woo-hoo!


Guess who's laughing now.




Hint: <---- This guy.


Let's pretend to play oinly 5 mins a week to laugh at people who cry about 50s and nothing to do boohoo!


I, however, am queueing for Raidfinder right now.

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I play a few hours most day and I dont have a lvl 50 yet

I do have lots of alts, the highest being lvl 41



Because I know that the game is from lvl 1 to 50 , not AT lvl 50.

Content will come, but is not there yet, so no reason to hurry to max level.

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Been playing sith inquis on the most populated server since the server with my 50 sentinel is dead during my usual hours of gaming.


I logged in, stared at my sith sorc alt for about 15 minutes as auto AFK turned out... logged me out... so i logged back in.... stared at the character for about 5 minutes and logged off myself


came to the forums.

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So dramatic. What a guru. And yet you post on here while your fiance, dog, and les paul all wait on you in the fields of gumdrops and gold


Actually she is at work and he is asleep on the couch (lazy mutt). I how ever have time to kill while I watch "The Walking Dead". I am in no mood to make beautiful music at this time so my guitars will stay where they are.


On another note your more than welcome to come watch tv with me. It is Saturday all my friends are still asleep somewhere.

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ok so i stood around on fleet today after completing my dailies. i literally spent 6-8 hours doing nothing other than spamming the pvp button.


All our OPs content is completed. Ive collected every datacron in the game and literally we have nothing to do.


what did you guys do today?


Ran EV and made a bunch of implants to sell.

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ok so i stood around on fleet today after completing my dailies. i literally spent 6-8 hours doing nothing other than spamming the pvp button.


All our OPs content is completed. Ive collected every datacron in the game and literally we have nothing to do.


what did you guys do today?


You're already in a full set of rataki gear?, impressive.


I knocked out the dailies for cash real quick. Then I ran four HMs with assorted guildies and friends. After that I got invited to EV but was too tired to go.

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Lets see, I cooked breakfast, mmmm eggs. Then I decided to go for my morning run not to long not to short and since today is my day off from work and school I finished up my last draft of my paper for Literature.


I then cooked lunch after eating, I washed some clothes and cleaned up around the house. Soon after I decided I wanted to take my dog out so me and him (half lab half husky named Julio) played for awhile I came in logged into the forums while playing my US Masters Custom Legrand.


I laughed a little cried a little at the forums then went to the gym.


After all that and typing this up I realized I never made it to 50 and still had post privileges since my Gamecard hasn't run out yet.


My fiance was very happy the house was clean. My dog was happy he got to play. I was happy I didn't waste my time looking at a computer screen for 90% of the day.


People go out have fun live life. It comes once you don't get a second chance unless your Buddhist and believe in reincarnation which I have the utmost respect for all religions. One day the servers will shut down no matter how great the game is. Yes even Wow's servers will shut down and a year later no one will care that you did these amazing things in a game.


As my cousin said, " You can cut a server off and delete all my characters, but you can't cut a server off and delete my Les Paul."


Live life, have fun, go out and enjoy what time we have on our beautiful planet.


I hope Literature <sic> isn't your major, unless of course you're happy with getting by on a 2.5 and working in daddy's company.

Edited by AJMTL
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logged, helped my buddy who is also a well known russian video streamer with his Ilum daily - had immense fun, my wife joined us and we pwnt 5 imps with 3 of us (no ****!). Then helped my wife with heroics on Voss, she wants to gear up her companions. After that helped our lvl 37 friend with Taral V, then daily reset come so we grinded Ilum for like 2 hours, then my wife went for WZ dailies and i stayed for Ilum some more - had some great fun especially when in small numbers we were locked in our base, i capped our cannon and obliterated imps twice in a row - we managed to get out of the base and hold our cannon for a good 10-15 minutes each time. Was really nice, now i am leaving for work, and be back in 3 hours - then i will finish my WZ dailies, or may be i leave it for tomorrow.


Its very tempting to grind BM when you are Valor 58 already - but i dont want to burn myself out. Overall, we spent a lot of time playing today and it was some real fun.

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I hope Literature <sic> isn't your major, unless of course you're happy with getting by on a 2.5 and working in daddy's company.


No, it is not. I do hate it though, and held it off till my last semester. I am not sure what you would do with a Lit degree? Teach maybe? I am a CS major with a minor in Computer engineering. My math skills are better than my grammar. This has always been the case.

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If you spent 6 plus hours doing nothing but standing in the fleet, then you have bigger problems than an MMO with minimal endgame.


haha! WHy are there so many threads like this? Re-Roll, if you dont want to than do something else....there is plenty to do other than play SW.

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LET's RUSH TO GET 50 so we can STAND around and COMPLAIN! Woo-hoo!


Guess who's laughing now.




Hint: <---- This guy.


You are kidding right? The game has been out for over 2 months now. I took the slow road personally and emersed myself in all the text. I levelled 4 alts up to 15 or so just to see what they were like. I"ve completed every datacron, most flashpoints, I've cleared both raids completely and done a portion of each on HM. And most recently, I unsubbed as there is just zero to do. I'm not a hater. I was rooting for BW, but there is just no endgame to speak of at all and no reason to log back in or pay a sub unless you want to stand around staring at a droid. GL with your game though.

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Greetings everyone,


We know that many players want to discuss the issue of level 50 content. That conversation is already in progress here:




We will be closing this thread, but we encourage you to join the discussion linked above. Thank you for your patience and help in keeping our forums a little more organized and user-friendly for everyone!

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