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What did you do today in swtor 50s?


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What I find harder to believe are the players faith that this game would have endless content for them to dive in to at release once they hit end game.


I'm not even at the point of having done everything even once and being bored. I'm at the point where I cannot assemble a group to do any level 50 content.

Edited by Gungan
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Into hour 5 of looking for a flashpoint group. 590 players on a Standard pop server all spread over the galaxy.


i waited 48 straight hours once. never went to sleep, ate, took a shower or used the bathroom. was not a good couple of days for me to say the least.


there was only like 15 people on the entire server though so i had to wait for a few to level up so i could ask them for help.

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LET's RUSH TO GET 50 so we can STAND around and COMPLAIN! Woo-hoo!


Guess who's laughing now.




Hint: <---- This guy.


I am not 50 and I stand around all the time. I think single player pve is boring. You planet hop on my server and there are maybe 15 or 16 people leveling. So I wait to pvp and even then I get a hutt ball half the time. Now there is some fun. Resolve fail, stun stun knockback pull dead. rinse and repeat. Good times in the Tor sandbox. At least I have some stimulation converstations in general chat every three hours or so.

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ok so i stood around on fleet today after completing my dailies. i literally spent 6-8 hours doing nothing other than spamming the pvp button.


All our OPs content is completed. Ive collected every datacron in the game and literally we have nothing to do.


what did you guys do today?


read a book


get a girlfriend.


take a nature walk


Get a job mayb


8 hours PVPing.....:eek:


do something else

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ask me what i did in WOW as a level 85 Pally Tank.


nah i'll just tell you


i did exactly what you did in swtor.


only in WOW this is all i got to look forward to for at least 1yr 1/2 before pandas comes out.




Dude MoP is expected around june. but saying a yr and a half makes you cooler eh?

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Rush to 50? The games been out over 2 months and levelling is very quick.. Not sure if serious.


:eek:leveling is quick? on what planet? :rolleyes: meh it takes forever to level and u its near impossible to grind on your own without getting your rump roasted.

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Rush to 50? The games been out over 2 months and levelling is very quick.. Not sure if serious.


Only if you play one character, one class and do not level up crew skills. Play every class, and max out all your crew skills in 2 months.. assuming a full time job is acquired and perhaps a family, significant other and other aspects of life outside of the game.


With all that in mind.. its not that far fetched for most people to wonder why somebody would be bored after 8 weeks of game play.

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LET's RUSH TO GET 50 so we can STAND around and COMPLAIN! Woo-hoo!


Guess who's laughing now.




Hint: <---- This guy.


No you blasted closed minded fanboy. There is no lets rush to 50 now. If you aren't 50 in at least a month playing only 2 hours a day or even 6 total per week you are mentally slow. This game is abysmal at 50. I literally breezed through content and got geared in one or two runs of EV. There is no "Awesome" moment when you take down a boss, it just feels like your regular old 50 elite just with extra firepower and gimmicky mechanics.


This game so far is not good at the end game lvl, which is where everything takes place.

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Bored out of my mind at level 50.


PVP sucks, can't find a group for PVE. The game literally stops at level 50. I thought this game would be much better. I hope they add more to the PVP, because there are a lot of peeps that are unhappy with NOTHING TO DO AT LEVEL 50!

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Bored out of my mind at level 50.


PVP sucks, can't find a group for PVE. The game literally stops at level 50. I thought this game would be much better. I hope they add more to the PVP, because there are a lot of peeps that are unhappy with NOTHING TO DO AT LEVEL 50!


Aren't they adding in another Warzone in 1.2?

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