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30 warzone commendations seriously


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Look, I understand, I get it, this toon is a new 50 I get beat upon for awhile til I am able to compete, but around 30 warzone is what I'm averaging, due to getting focused every time I show my face because all you I'm da ****, PvPers find out I'm made of paper and use me as a means to get more badges. Hey, EA my main rant is to say this, I can't get better gear at an acceptable level due to my bad gear and I'm not having any fun getting beat on like a stepchild so, tell me why do I keep playing this game. I just want to pose the question and let you guys figure out the answer, cause I'm down to serve my time in hell, to be able to compete, just not eternity. As I see it now, by the time I'm able to compete, new gear will be out and I'll be on the ****** end of the stick again, so again whats to make me continue playing this game.
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well the smart thing would have been to buy one champ bag pre 50, get 1000 WZ+merc comms, that way you get 6 bags right off the bat. This will get you going in the right direction. Also what spec are you? do you have the best possible armor? have you done dailies to get some epic mods? are you new to pvp? im not trying to offend you, just trying to get some information
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actually I did, buy a bag pre 50, I bought two pieces, as soon as I hit 50 basically. I PvP'd on this toon all the way up to 50. So, I am not totally new to PvP. I am working on dailes as well. I am just appalled by the amount or lack there of commendation you get when you have no gear you get very limited medals. I would like to know who thought it was a good idea to base how much you get based upon the medal system, cause it has got to be the worst idea I have ever seen. I am sure it was great when all the guys who rushed to 50 and started PvP'ing, but at this stage, I just can't see me sitting through the hell I need to be able to compete. I love Star Wars, I'm old enough to have seen the orignal as a child, I want this MMO to succeed, but the current PvP system doesn't lead me to believe it will. Anyway, thanks for the response. I'm gonna keep plugging away for a bit, I spose if it gets to a point that I'm not willing to stomach the grind I'll move on.
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I have a couple of leveling greens still, but I have mostly crafted blues and oranges, I have kept them fairly well modded up, and like I said I am doing the dailies to try and boost them even more. I do appreciate the, the courteous responses btw.
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Should've bought one champ bag, than saved up 1000/1000 so you'd have your six right out of the gate. I'm sure someone has said this, but hearing it again can't hurt. Comms are fine, get a couple of buddies and before you know it you'll have played 50 games and you'll be having a blast.
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well the smart thing would have been to buy one champ bag pre 50, get 1000 WZ+merc comms, that way you get 6 bags right off the bat.




That's exactly what I did from day one, started getting all the stuff I could to prepare, I even but a ton of those expertise weapons you could take the mods out for to put in my oranges in the meantime. Due to the fact I got so much WZ comms I would cap at 1000 and have to start buying things, they should really raise that level so people can save up for 50

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honestly all i can say is be happy that you are on during a system that allows you the chance to actually get gear. some people were unlucky enough to open 30+ bags in a row with no gear in it. kind of sucky.


all i can say is if you stick with it, you will get gear. try your best to get your daily's and you have an entire week to do the weeklys. the bag buying is just a bonus imo.


if you give up now you will never get geared and when they add new gear you really will be on the bottom of the totem.

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i just got some crafted blue and purple 49-50 gear.. im a gunslinger thou!


But getting the pvp gear is not really a biggie! just go for objectives win the dailies, etc. get them bags :)


However, i wish 3000+ dmg would give the 2500 dmg medal !

kinda suck i have to hit 2500-2599 to get my 2500 medal! and i rarely hit for 5k .. dont have full BM gear yet :(


This bug have stuck to my char since release, worked fine in beta thou :(

Edited by UrbanB
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Look, I understand, I get it, this toon is a new 50 I get beat upon for awhile til I am able to compete, but around 30 warzone is what I'm averaging, due to getting focused every time I show my face because all you I'm da ****, PvPers find out I'm made of paper and use me as a means to get more badges. Hey, EA my main rant is to say this, I can't get better gear at an acceptable level due to my bad gear and I'm not having any fun getting beat on like a stepchild so, tell me why do I keep playing this game. I just want to pose the question and let you guys figure out the answer, cause I'm down to serve my time in hell, to be able to compete, just not eternity. As I see it now, by the time I'm able to compete, new gear will be out and I'll be on the ****** end of the stick again, so again whats to make me continue playing this game.



yea it sux doing 50 warzone not geared. 1-49 warzone is better because other than the extra skills each player gets through the levels the dmg of your skills and the HP players have is pretty equal. 50 is all about gear less about actual player skill unless we are talking about equal geared teams. However, getting gear does come quick just have to hang in there. You are not going to be new to 50 and immediately top the charts.


Personally I think the pvp gear in this game is a little overpowered. Ive seen videos of 1 person taking out a bunch of people which really shouldn't happen.

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It starts bad. It gets better fast.


Hitting the 50 bracket is a splash of cold water, particularly for a melee class. You're going to get destroyed. You'll win some games, however. And if you learn how to 1) Ensure you get a reasonable number of medals for your role and 2) Go for the objectives in each WZ, you'll gather bags at a steady rate.


The first week (or two) may be rough. Then, you're over the hump and it gets nothing but better from there. The best thing about the recent bag changes is that you can't be that rare guy who opens 30 bags and gets one piece of champ kit. Nobody is that guy now. Progress is assured.


A little patience, persistence (and perhaps a decent bottle of scotch) will get you past the misery and into the fun bits of 50-bracket warzones. Even as a solo-queued pugger. :)

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Personally I think the pvp gear in this game is a little overpowered. Ive seen videos of 1 person taking out a bunch of people which really shouldn't happen.


It does happen. There are times when I can utterly ignore a DPS class trying to kill me, or even a pair of them, while I continue to heal the ball-carrier. However, this is limited to situations where 1) Their gear stinks and 2) They don't know how to use interrupts. The first one will change in a week or three of steady warzone play. The second one has nothing to do with the pixels.

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yea it sux doing 50 warzone not geared. 1-49 warzone is better because other than the extra skills each player gets through the levels the dmg of your skills and the HP players have is pretty equal. 50 is all about gear less about actual player skill unless we are talking about equal geared teams. However, getting gear does come quick just have to hang in there. You are not going to be new to 50 and immediately top the charts.


Personally I think the pvp gear in this game is a little overpowered. Ive seen videos of 1 person taking out a bunch of people which really shouldn't happen.


1-49 is less about skill and more about what level you are and what gear you have due to the buff.


If you think PVP gear is OP, wait till you find someone that either runs full rakata or mixes it in to keep 10% expertise.

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Look, I understand, I get it, this toon is a new 50 I get beat upon for awhile til I am able to compete, but around 30 warzone is what I'm averaging, due to getting focused every time I show my face because all you I'm da ****, PvPers find out I'm made of paper and use me as a means to get more badges. Hey, EA my main rant is to say this, I can't get better gear at an acceptable level due to my bad gear and I'm not having any fun getting beat on like a stepchild so, tell me why do I keep playing this game. I just want to pose the question and let you guys figure out the answer, cause I'm down to serve my time in hell, to be able to compete, just not eternity. As I see it now, by the time I'm able to compete, new gear will be out and I'll be on the ****** end of the stick again, so again whats to make me continue playing this game.


Which class, what spec? I doubt the equipment is the problem. We have guys doing 350k damage on their second day as lvl 50.


Also, you said in annother post, you still have greens. Are those greens lower then lvl 45? If so, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Try doing anything in greens 5 lvl under max lvl in any game. This is the most forgiving game equipment wise I had the privilage to PvP in.


You can buy lvl 50 orange stuff for 20-30k on the galactic market. That is two or three daily quests. Implants and relics are even cheaper.


If you can heal. Even as dps HEAL sometimes. 2,5k heal medal is easy as pie. If you can guard, GUARD. If you can taunt, TAUNT. Medals=commendations.


If you still die ALOT. DOT THOSE F**KERS. DOT THEM HARD. Dot them so hard their ancestors AND their grandchildren get dots. You are credited for damage done with your dots, even while you wait for respawn.


PS. I do not know what you expect, but I tend to die 5-10 times per warzone as full BM.


Also if you are an energy class. Hit someone like a truck with all you got. Respawn. Repeate. It can be fun, especially on Voidstar, when you stop bombs all the time by dotting everone dying, dotting, dying, dotting, dying.

Edited by Karenai
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You understand your own problem more than you fully realize. When I hit 50 (Scoundrel) I had all orange gear stacked with all lvl 49/50 purple mods to stack my most desirable stats. Am I a PvP god? Not by a long shot. My preparation in my PvE gear did help a lot and I'm not totally paper thin. I've only been lvl 50 for about 3 weeks and the current bag system was implemented about 4 days after I made 50 so I did get some gear early on but it wasn't a lot. It was only a shotgun and a belt in my first 6 bags and then some gloves a day or two later. All three are Champion lvl gear and I finally saved up to buy the Champion gun I wanted. It's a slow process. It takes time like any good grind should. Be patient and keep moving forward. Insta-gear is insta-fail to me because it gives you nothing to work towards after you get it if it comes too easily.
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Look, I understand, I get it, this toon is a new 50 I get beat upon for awhile til I am able to compete, but around 30 warzone is what I'm averaging, due to getting focused every time I show my face because all you I'm da ****, PvPers find out I'm made of paper and use me as a means to get more badges. Hey, EA my main rant is to say this, I can't get better gear at an acceptable level due to my bad gear and I'm not having any fun getting beat on like a stepchild so, tell me why do I keep playing this game. I just want to pose the question and let you guys figure out the answer, cause I'm down to serve my time in hell, to be able to compete, just not eternity. As I see it now, by the time I'm able to compete, new gear will be out and I'll be on the ****** end of the stick again, so again whats to make me continue playing this game.


Umm... I didn't realize 2 weeks is eternity.


I have full champ gear after three weeks and I skip half the dailies. This might be one of the shortest gear grinds I've ever seen.

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Do not play a healer spec to get your medals.

You have a 2.5k heal medal (easy to get)

you have a 5k heal medal (a real pain to get out of the gate)

You have 75k heal medal (possible even when losing)

You have a 300k heal medal (seen this only once)

So you really only have a chance to get 2 medals for heals readily...

while DPS has a ton of medals to get for kills and such.

As DPS, I was getting 6-8 medals a match (win or lose pretty much)

As a healer, 2-4 medals

as a selfish healer doing dps, 4, maybe 5 on a win....


You have to play the medal game.

If you are a class that can heal, self heal only, and DPS otherwise. Get your 2 "easy" healing medals and go for the dps/kill ones. Heck I think you can even get the 2.5k heal from medpacks?

If you are melee, follow another, better geared looking melee.. pile on with them

If you are ranged, stay behind a few people and hit as many people as possible (AoE) to get your kill count up.

If people realize you are squishy and start picking on you.. well, try to drag them away from the action, make them possibly pay for killing you by losing the match (or making it harder). As a pure healer in a huttball match, I once had 3 guys killing me while we scored. I survived just long enough that they were almost 1/2 a team down.

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actually I did, buy a bag pre 50, I bought two pieces, as soon as I hit 50 basically. I PvP'd on this toon all the way up to 50. So, I am not totally new to PvP. I am working on dailes as well. I am just appalled by the amount or lack there of commendation you get when you have no gear you get very limited medals. I would like to know who thought it was a good idea to base how much you get based upon the medal system, cause it has got to be the worst idea I have ever seen. I am sure it was great when all the guys who rushed to 50 and started PvP'ing, but at this stage, I just can't see me sitting through the hell I need to be able to compete. I love Star Wars, I'm old enough to have seen the orignal as a child, I want this MMO to succeed, but the current PvP system doesn't lead me to believe it will. Anyway, thanks for the response. I'm gonna keep plugging away for a bit, I spose if it gets to a point that I'm not willing to stomach the grind I'll move on.



Do Ilum/Belsavis daily PvE Missions. Every 8 Daily commendations get a purple (51) Mod to slot in your Orange Gear, and the Enhancement from the "Heroic" mission out there you can repeat daily. Do this and slot all your Gear with Purples and you'll see a dramatic increase in survivability. Your gear will be basically equal to Centurion Gear minus the Expertise stat. Use the Credits (about 10k per mission) to buy up some good Purple crafted Implants/Earpiece until you can replace them.

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actually I did, buy a bag pre 50, I bought two pieces, as soon as I hit 50 basically. I PvP'd on this toon all the way up to 50. So, I am not totally new to PvP. I am working on dailes as well. I am just appalled by the amount or lack there of commendation you get when you have no gear you get very limited medals. I would like to know who thought it was a good idea to base how much you get based upon the medal system, cause it has got to be the worst idea I have ever seen. I am sure it was great when all the guys who rushed to 50 and started PvP'ing, but at this stage, I just can't see me sitting through the hell I need to be able to compete. I love Star Wars, I'm old enough to have seen the orignal as a child, I want this MMO to succeed, but the current PvP system doesn't lead me to believe it will. Anyway, thanks for the response. I'm gonna keep plugging away for a bit, I spose if it gets to a point that I'm not willing to stomach the grind I'll move on.



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Another thing to consider is to buy gear tactically. When I hit 50, I got my 6 bags (right after the bag change too so got the 15 and 7 comms in them) and use those comms to buy the ear piece, implants and a shield generator (tanking shadow) to add to my expertise, which between orange gear with lvl 50 purple mods (I saved up and made my own from cybertech) and tearing 25 expertise enhancements out of the lvl 46 weapons, I was sitting at around 14.5k hp, and 250 expertiese before I ever even entered my first lvl 50 match.
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I play a Healer Sage, and I had a heck of a time starting out with 50 PvP. It really is tough. There are things you can do, and some of the posts in this thread have great ideas that I wish I had read (I didn't even know that there were Ilum/Belsavis dailies until after about a week at 50). The grind is easier now with the system they implemented. I would recommend getting your Chest and Lightsaber (if applicable) first, because most experienced PvPers can see who has PvP gear and who doesn't, and the Chest and Lightsaber are the easiest to notice(I'm not sure about guns). I mean, if you have a Red lightsaber as a Jedi Sage, you clearly don't have PvP or PvE gear (which was very stupid of me). Also, get rid of any PvP title like "Skirmisher" or "Centurion," since those point you out very clearly as a newer PvPer and someone who isn't a BM (I mean, the gear might, but in a battle, the name is easier to read). You want to make your opponents think you are not a noob, even if you might be.


Oh, and if you heal, try to rotate your build. As a Sage it is rather easy, since the stats I use for healing are the same as the ones I use for dps. The reason for this is that once you get targeted as a healer by someone on the other team, they will either jump you 24/7 or they will tell their friends to jump you. If you swap to dps, you make them feel as though they have won, while you get more medals, kill them, and still impact your team. Then, after some time, swap back, especially once you have more gear.


By the way, the 300k healing isn't too hard with Centurion gear You just have to have a decent team and not get ganked by an Operative and Assassin every time you spawn (it has happened to me on Voidstar. Every respawn they just jumped me before I could get to the door).

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I would recommend getting your Chest and Lightsaber (if applicable) first, because most experienced PvPers can see who has PvP gear and who doesn't, and the Chest and Lightsaber are the easiest to notice(I'm not sure about guns). I mean, if you have a Red lightsaber as a Jedi Sage, you clearly don't have PvP or PvE gear (which was very stupid of me).


I disagree with this, at least from a non healer persepctive, playing my shadow, I, as I said, got the implants, ear pieces etc first, and felt that I was targeted less because I did not have the obvious pvp gear, and as such I was less of a threat, till they realized I had a decent amount of expertise and could put out numbers when I had to, which they initially discounted because I was still wearing visibly level 40 pvp gear...then again the imps on my server may just be bad...

Edited by Stogan_Strongbow
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