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Everything posted by Lukeal

  1. Obviously people who are decrying that it is just a title aren't reading the full post... you would also be displayed on mini-maps and world maps would be locked to public areas of the game (no-instances to hide in except going into other wz) and be set to free-for-all (yeah, both sides can kill you the whole time)... There would be people who would get their PvP fix solely from hunting down cowards and killing them every single time they spawn. On most PvP servers, you would be a fugitive. And at the very least, people in that last WZ with you may just come looking to smack some sense into you or take a little piece out of your hide.
  2. Do not play a healer spec to get your medals. You have a 2.5k heal medal (easy to get) you have a 5k heal medal (a real pain to get out of the gate) You have 75k heal medal (possible even when losing) You have a 300k heal medal (seen this only once) So you really only have a chance to get 2 medals for heals readily... while DPS has a ton of medals to get for kills and such. As DPS, I was getting 6-8 medals a match (win or lose pretty much) As a healer, 2-4 medals as a selfish healer doing dps, 4, maybe 5 on a win.... You have to play the medal game. If you are a class that can heal, self heal only, and DPS otherwise. Get your 2 "easy" healing medals and go for the dps/kill ones. Heck I think you can even get the 2.5k heal from medpacks? If you are melee, follow another, better geared looking melee.. pile on with them If you are ranged, stay behind a few people and hit as many people as possible (AoE) to get your kill count up. If people realize you are squishy and start picking on you.. well, try to drag them away from the action, make them possibly pay for killing you by losing the match (or making it harder). As a pure healer in a huttball match, I once had 3 guys killing me while we scored. I survived just long enough that they were almost 1/2 a team down.
  3. So, the "community policing" idea is a bit much for a lot of people. I was thinking of another odd idea for a "pour encourage les outres" for someone who quits a warzone in progress. But I think I see too many abusive loopholes. Still figured I'd throw it out there to get people picking it apart and discussing and maybe thinking of other ways to encourage people to stay when they are losing. Not sure if these are even technically feasible (or the possible matching issues they might cause queue-wise) but, If you complete a WZ and lose, your next warzone queue automatically pairs you with several people that won their last WZ. Just a slight tilting of the odds that your next group may be winning group Maybe as an option since it could delay your queue? Or as the flipside (or in conjunction with above): Bailing from a WZ you are losing, gets you put in a queue with other people who bailed on their last WZ. Probably (but not always) reducing your chance of winning your next WZ. I think this one has the most problems however. Or if you complete a WZ you automatically get paired only with people who also completed their last WZ (win or lose). Maybe eliminating the "bailers" from the pool of people you are playing with.
  4. Incentives are already there for winning and losing. However, I apologize for not stating as an initial premise that this should be for PvP servers only. People are right, those on PvE servers won't care much really. So if you are a PvE server player, please move on Incentives don't work to make people enjoy losing. As stated, the only way to make losing "likable" would... um, make losing LIKABLE... so people would (and in many games to date where they implemented noticeable awards for losing) just "throw" a WZ they are losing to lose as fast as they can. PvP should be about awards for winning and penalties for losing. Everyone should not get a trophy. There are winners and losers. It is about competition. I don't even grok how you can say "losing should be FUN TOO!!!" what?? I don't and never will enjoy losing and I get even more angry when a game incentives losing and you start seeing things in Ops chat like "let em take all the points so we can lose quick, they are already ahead." I don't care if I get 10 times the number of rewards over time for losing faster, I hate it. It bugs me to no end. It removes the motivation to compete that I feel is the whole reason for PvP. Sometimes you get your face smashed in by a pre-made. If you can just bail, and bail, and bail until you end up the solo being carried with a someone's pre-made... why wouldn't you? People routinely and constantly leave at the very first sign of reversal. People who then get yanked into the "catastrophe" also immediately bail. You have a rotating 2-3 or even 4 people who take that 30 seconds or so to realize that before they also bail. I have been spending 1/2 of many warzones with the "if enough people don't join, we are cancelling this one" in the past week (or being one of the people pulled in). Not only is there not a penalty for this queue surfer behavior, there is surely an incentive as this behavior has become an epidemic. I have not been in a single WZ in weeks where the other side scored first (or took a gate or grabbed the 2nd cannon) and 2 or 3 people didn't immediately bail. And believe it or not, taking the anonimity out of this behavior is exactly what this is intended to do. Will some people get the title for kicks? sure. Will there be groups that organize solely to hunt down and kill people who get this title? I guarantee it. Because, as a group, PvPers tend to be very passionate and care a lot. And the opportunity to "headhunt" would be irresistable Will non-RP'ers care at that point.. yep... And this is not telling you how to play at all. It is simply saying if you quit or disconnect from a WZ that you are losing, you will be labelled Cowardly for all the game to see. The people you are playing with and affecting with your play will then be able to see that and do whatever they like about it. Yes an incredibly small number of people with real accidental disco will get slapped with this... but if you don't do that, people will just pull their net tap. See that ALL the time in some other games. And if you are of the school that there should never be a penalty in a game "because that isn't fun" please ignore this thread as our realities are so immensely far apart we have no reasonable basis for discussion.
  5. Please bear with me. The changes being applied to quitting a wz in 1.2 simply won't make much of a difference in participation in "losing" WZ. They have been tried in numerous other games and either lead to more abuse (in the case of rewarding staying) or less PvP even available because people still see quitting and re-queue with a 15 minute wait as more productive (because you can do other stuff) than "losing". The only way they can fix this with material penalties or rewards is to make losing a full match nearly as much as winning a full match. Which is silly and the road to "why bother". People will just start to harp on "lose faster so we can all requeue". Seen it happen. Numerous times. What I think would be some awesome deterrants are for someone who leaves a warzone early when their team is losing (not leaving before starting or leaving while winning) and YES for an "accidental, I pulled the plug on my internet disconnect": gets their current title replaced with "The Cowardly" with no way to change, remove, or not display it for at least 15 minutes of actual time passed playing the game (no logging off and having it be gone when you come back). Maybe longer. Maybe until they actually complete a WZ or do a certain amount of healing/dmg/kills or earn a certain number of commendations. also becomes visible on the world map and mini-map to all players as a toggle filter like trainers (you know "Show Cowards" filter). I know their engine can actually do this For the duration of the title applied, they are locked out of any instance/non-public areas besides WZs (no hiding where people can't get to you) For the duration of the title when not in a WZ, they are locked into free-for-all PvP mode. Yep, everyone can see them on the map and come kill them wherever they decide to hide with no hiding in instances (to include your ship). I think the only way to effectively change this behavior is to enable tools for the community to bring social pressure to bear on these people. Identify them and open them to peer retribution. I know people in my guild would organize hunter-killer parties just to PvP solely on cowards. That is a deterrent. And I would gladly take this penalty for the rare accidental disconnect if it meant I could hunt all the people that leave immediately when the other team scores the first goal in Huttball or takes the second cannon, or blows the first door.
  6. Interestingly, the other thing I see is that there are actually 2 different arguments going on... the previous post was an argument against a group visible damage meter application. Something everyone can see and publish. I think that promotes laziness and the perception that DPS that maxes out DPS is "good" DPS for group play.... The other issue is the people who want to eke out the last bit of individual effectiveness from their character. Which I don't have a problem with at all. Have at it. theory craft the heck out of your character if that is how you enjoy playing. And you can tell me all you want how you are putting out the absolute most DPS for your DPS class.... Please enjoy that bragging right and sense of accomplishment. (I know that sounds sarcastic, but I am really sincere, I love to crunch numbers too) I just don't feel that maximizing your individual ability (of any kind) correlates into how well you will support group play. This game just isn't as simple as that. Working together and using all your abilities well has way more potential impact than being so overpowered in one field as to make it unnecessary (and yes that included tanking or healing). They have non-dps, non-healing, non-tanking abilities that can have huge impacts on the ebb and flow of a combat that are not only not captured in a meter but are often detrimentally 'exposed' on a meter.
  7. The issue I see that no one is addressing is the base assumption that sheer DPS is ever going to be the tipping factor. That you can tell if the tank is "doing his job" because he is the one getting attacked, and the healer (cause you know peoples getting healed)... so if the boss wipes OBVIOUSLY somewhere the DPS failed. This game is way, way more skill based around timing of when to use abilities that are highly detrimental to "highest DPS". If you try to "power" through some encounters you will get trashed and using a DPS meter to figure out "where the raid wiped" is, in my opinion, completely wrong-headed, lazy, and noobish for this game. You'd simply ignore highly skilled players for ones who played long enough or were so stupidly over-geared that you don't need skill. Basically you'd say "Any idiot that is geared enough to put out xxx dps can power through this content even though it would be easier with half that DPS and someone who knew how and when to use their abilities." And that is the concept of "Leet" that is promoted by dmg meters. A DPS can completely NOT know how to play in a group and maxes their DPS to the DETRIMENT of the group, but can say "look I capped DPS! I am god and you all suck" Or the opposite can happen when the raid leader kicks the only dps that was interrupting, ccing or using mitigation abilities at all effectively because this crushed their "max DPS" rotation. Wonders why the raid did worse, kicks the lowest DPS and then gets past that magic tipping point where you have enough dps that skill doesn't matter and then say "I am a raid god... look at how I figured that out!!!".... I have already seen this on LFG stuff in chat... Hey, looking for someone for HM BT.... must be geared so ridiculously highly that you could solo HM BT (a bit of hyperbole, there). But to DPS this "effectively" they want you to already be in full end game gear.... not, you know, doing the HM BT to get the HM BT gear... and with Dmg meters that thought process gets "validated" because, yeah, having 2-3x the DPS needed for a certain level of content means you can ignore a lot of the "knowing what to do and how to beat this boss fight". So that 2-3x the intended DPS becomes the "required" dps because that is "easier". And you definitely saw this in the game that shall remain nameless. that is the problem with dmg meters And if some publishes or advocates a gearscore app, I will start the lynch mob myself...
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