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Typical QQ thread but in reality if they were to listen to you and take heals away from people not full on heals then give those classes interupts in place of the heals ie. mercs have no interupts and 1 stun 1 knockback so if you take away thier ability to pop off heals here and there then a healer would win 1v1 against a dps merc every time due o out lasting the merc as so give him an interupt. Oh wait then ya'll would qq about that too


I would HAPPILY give away all my heals for an interrupt!

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I would HAPPILY give away all my heals for an interrupt!




A million times this! I mean, I can see how a 2.5k crit heal every 2.5 sec is op. Oh wait, no I can't. Not to mention non-heal spec'd peeps don't have pushback protection. This has to be a pre-50 WZ thing.

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We're talking about DPS sorc not heal sorc. Please learn to read. If you die when someone blows hard on you how do you think gunslingers feel? You've got better defensive cooldowns than we do...sprint and self heal...


For reference, Sorcerers don't have defensive cooldowns, we have the bubble that we use like one.


As far as your topic goes, some classes are inherently weaker than others in 1v1 and you just don't match up to ranged dps with a healing offspec. I'm not real familiar with your class, but I'd guess it'd be torn apart 1v1 versus Bounty Hunters and Sorcerers. Equal skill they are going to know when to duck around a corner to heal up. That corner will likely be 30 meters away or so, so running up there probably won't do you any good. As far as I can tell you just have to rely on your team. On the plus side, those guys flying around with glow sticks can't go all superman on you, shoot them.

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We're talking about DPS sorc not heal sorc. Please learn to read. If you die when someone blows hard on you how do you think gunslingers feel? You've got better defensive cooldowns than we do...sprint and self heal...


You seem to forget Dirty Kick. There's nothing that a swift kick to the sack can't solve - been working for centuries.


While Smugglers/Agents don't have quite the same movement as Sorc/Sages, they're not wholly without tricks they can utilize in a bad situation. Not least of all, a foot placed squarely in the meat and two veg of an ungentlemanly sort in their way.


Just because you don't have healing spells doesn't place you as the weakest player on the field.

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Combat takes too long to drop in PvP. It does give an unfair advantage to DPS classes capable of healing, if they're able to elude the battle long enough to patch themselves up for 10 seconds or so.


It would be a non-issue if PvP combat ended in a reasonable time.

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so basicly this is a threat that says:

I have no heals and do crap dps so every class that does have heals should have that removed or I should get one too while keeping every ability that i got instead of said heal.

If you can't outdps or interupt a dps spec with a heal the problem is not the heal.

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Its completely stupid to see high dps classes that are about to die urn away and just HEAL and survive onl6 because they run and got behind LOS...


wHATS EVEN MORE OUTRAGING is that you see randomly some dps healers simply anihialte the balance of battle by healing the others and OTUHEALING THE DAMAGE OF PLAYERS.....


heals should be nerfed and heals from dps should be very very weak


There are TWO DPS classes, Snipers and Marauders, these classes do not have self heals they can use around corners.


The classes that do, are hybrid heal / dps classes and totally should be able to heal themselves.


If you are fighting a hybrid class, that CAN heal, then you need to prepare for it and make sure to interrupt them.


Not rocket science.

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He said that DPS-specs with a heal can outheal the DPS of other classes.


I said to prove it. I can't outheal DPS direct damage... and i'm heal spec


Hell a full heal specced sorcerer cant outheal an equally gears dps with half a brain that knows how to effectively interrupt the heals ....without guard.

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That makes no sense and would only make the Operative AC even more useless and subpar.


As long as OPs use kinetic and internal for everything, it won't.


Also, I wouldn't want to see DPSers get self heals.

For themepark MMOs clear roles work better, even hybrids.


For sandboxes, well, whoever played one like UO or MO knows that you can build your char there for whatever you like most.

Edited by Lerdoc
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Sorcs/Sages are the most stupid OP broken class in the game currently. Every part of your rant is rendered invalid.


Well, this post took a great deal of insight and thought apparently,...hmm, actually, it didn't.


The post however that you quoted, DID. It showed knowledge of the class.


This lazy post is actually invalid due to lack of any evidence to back in up ;) , care to try to justify "why" you think that why? any knowledge of the class?

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it's not so much that they can heal, but how much that can heal buy compounded by other mechanics. A lot of classes that are dps/heals who then go for the dps focus have their dps stats bolster their healing (crit/surge or power and alacrity). So while they might not get the heal off as easily they can heal for equal amounts on a per heal basis. So once they have the option to heal they can heal themselves rather quickly.
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Scoundrel here, i LOS people and heal all the time though it usually gets interupted or i just get bursted down. I can see in a 1v1 sitution how this would be a factor to lose. I will say that geared mauraders are my bane as i cannot dps them down fast enough before my hp pool is out.


My theory is the OP of this post is just bad at pvp or was on CDs and couldnt interupt the heal. Thats usually what happens to me.

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Its completely stupid to see high dps classes that are about to die urn away and just HEAL and survive onl6 because they run and got behind LOS...


wHATS EVEN MORE OUTRAGING is that you see randomly some dps healers simply anihialte the balance of battle by healing the others and OTUHEALING THE DAMAGE OF PLAYERS.....


heals should be nerfed and heals from dps should be very very weak


They can't heal if they're running, chase after them.

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