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Anyone else feel like CE was a rip-off


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my friend refuses to admit that the CE was a poor buy.


i bought digital deluxe edition but i cant help but feel a slight bit ripped off too.


Holodancer gets boring after pulling her out 3 times

Holocamera is semi usefull

Flare gun is stupid

no mouse droid, unless he died somehow.

VIP Lounge is a joke, change the music is about all we got up there, CE store is for CE owners only, and the other vendor sells that 1.5m speeder...

Vehicle was useful, then i hit lv 50 and got a lvl 3...


only useful thing about it, is that every new alt i role i get the same deluxe edition items.


Why should he admit it is a poor buy if it wasn't to him. This stuff is all subjective. Just because you or someone else doesn't like it doesn't mean everyone else should. To me, it was worth it just for the physical items. If it didn't come with any digital items I still would be happy with it.

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A staute you buy in said comic shop would be of a much better quality. These are cheaply made statues.


I am happy with my CE though even if I'm not happy with me game.


I have statues i bought from comic stores. the malgus statue is of equal quality.

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Anyone else feel like the Collectors Edition was a waste of money?

Yes. That's why I didn't buy the full collector's edition. Unfortunately, I still forked over an extra $20 for the Digital Deluxe Edition. That was a complete waste.

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Technically, that "Art Book" is a Journal. It adds more backstory and interesting details to the universe. It was also the whole reason I went for the CE. I was not quite sold on the game, so I decided to buy it only if I could find a CE to get the book, soundtrack and, not as importantly, the statue.


But maybe that's just because I'm a Star Wars fanboy who has never played an MMO before and only got this one because it was Star Wars made by Bioware.

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I don't understand the anger here... You get a list of the digital items you're going to get before you pay for the Collector's Edition, so how anyone can complain about the digital items in game not being enough is far beyond me.

As for the Collector's Edition store, who knows, maybe they'll add more stuff to it later? I was a bit disappointed by what was available in the in-game CE Store, too, but I'm enjoying driving around on my 1.5 million credit speeder from the CE Store because not as many people have it compared to the PVP one. Once they fix all of the bugs and issues, it wouldn't take them long to crank out like 4 or 5 companion customizations per companion. I'm sure mo0re is coming on that front.


But seriously, if you buy the collector's edition, you're paying for the collectibles. My Malgus statue fits in nicely between my Vader and Boba Fett statues and the CE Box itself looks really cool. Also, having a physical security authenticator is nice. The sartphone app is all well and good, but anything connected to the internet is subject to hacking. Having been hacked THE NIGHT OF WRATH OF THE LICH KING'S RELEASE (After I had installed it and everything, of course)back in the WoW days, having the 1 ounce piece of plastic in my hand makes my account feel safer.


And $160 really isn't all that bad a price. I remember when Warcraft III first came out way back in the day, like ten years ago, I went to SAM'S Club and paid $70 just for the game itself. When you take into consideration inflation over the last ten years and the fact that it's a Collector's Edition, $160 really isn't that bad.


Stop eating Barba-QQ sandwiches and washing it down with whine.

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Anyone else feel like the Collectors Edition was a waste of money?


Yes, as I said before launch. But did you listen? No, you said "I'm speshul, I get exclusives, 'cuz I'ma Vee Eye Pee." You put the little key in your sig while I was saying that was retarded, and who was right? Reading back over that, it sounds bitter if you read it a certain way, but really, I just like laughing at people who do stupid things like pay $90 extra for the exact same thing.

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I bought the CE. I don't regret buying the CE even though the future of this game seems very uncertain from a personal viewpoint.


To address your question.. yes all CE game releases are a complete waste of money and a "rip-off". You should be fully aware of this when you buy it.


The point of buying them is not to get value for money, it's to show your love and support for the promise of a title and get cool little extras that you don't mind paying over the odds for.


So I paid a ludicrous amount for a statue of Malgus (cool statue btw), a really nice journal book and a CD copy of the soundtrack. Along with some in-game fluff that may or may not be added to over time.


I'm cool with that. Years from now that statue, journal and soundtrack will remind me of the joy and pleasure I had in anticipating this game and playing it for the first month or so at the very least. Perhaps I'll still be playing then.. perhaps I won't in a few months from now. Nevertheless I have a nice momento and that is enough for me.


It's not like they hid what you were getting or anything..

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I would've bought the CE if it had more exclusive in-game content and less IRL dolls and colored paper.


The Digital Deluxe is fine. I enjoy the 1mil bypass to the 1.5mil speeder.

Edited by xGBox
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Personally no.


I know I paid a lot more for only digital items and the promise for future CE content.


The actual items in the box... I only use the S.Key, the rest I chucked after I installed the game.


I am hoping they release more content on the CE venders, if anything at least more Longspur STAP vehicles but with 100 and 110 speed.

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You CAN'T be serious about the stupid screenshot item. It doesn't even put you back into third person view.


Your sarcasm meter needs a recharge my good friend...Of course I am not serious! I only got it for the stinkin mount since 20 bucks is not an issue for me (and most people I imagine)

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Your sarcasm meter needs a recharge my good friend...Of course I am not serious! I only got it for the stinkin mount since 20 bucks is not an issue for me (and most people I imagine)


Well considering how some people defend this game ,even going so far to say highres textures are pointless, don't blame me for seeing your sarcasm :(

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It's not like anyone forced you to buy it. Also, you could have checked up on what you would get in it before buying it. Can't feel bad for anyone regretting buying CE.





I am still laughing so hard at all of those people who proudly displayed their VIP keys in their signatures. Look how you rage now. Karma?


haha yea +1

Edited by ljepsen
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HUGE WASTE OF MONEY.............................






Seriously, the items are substandard, the statue is going for under forty dollars now in Ebay, sometimes under thirty...



Bio, you really messed that up....

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