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What are things that baddies do that make them terrible PvPers?


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All very true points OP. These are a few of my own:


- Poor CC use on ball carrier, granting full resolve at the worst times without much benefit

- Lone defenders calling out "LEFT TURRET/DOOR!" (etc) after they are already defeated

- Not using DOTs/LOS/Stealth etc. to prolong ability to defend an objective waiting for reinforcements

- One or even two people are capping an objective and another person decides to hop on as well rather than CCing incoming enemies.

- Not using AOE attacks to stop objective caps when there is 2 or more enemies on them.


Every complaint pretty much pales in comparison to the pure RAGE of someone just not watching the door/turret while they are fighting on right in front of it. I understand once in a blue moon the perfect storm of CCs/lack of CC break etc will strike but MUCH more often than not someone is just focused on their fight and not watching door/turret.

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1) Mock people on their team instead of trying to coach them.

2) Tell others how bad they are and how bad everyone else except them is instead of trying to help them improve their game play.

3) Overreact when something bad happens, rage at the rest of the team and demotivate them.


AND....in forum PvP


1) Make posts like the OPs.



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1) People that knock/push/pull enemy into favorable positions (score, LoS, out of fire or acid). Most sorc and mercs that rerolled just love to spam this skill with no situational awareness; for so many reasons, this is the biggest baddy skill around.


2) People that refuse to pass in hutball. We all miss passes, it happens. Misclick, overshoot, dont even see open player etc.... it happens. But the same dude that runs from mid-point to first set of fire and dies every time with 3-4 people open repeatedly is just plain bad.


3) leaving nodes undefended and chasing people for that 1 kill (maybe). Seriously we have the upper-hand; dont go chasing the losing team and get ninja'd.


4) Players that yell at everyone for being noobs, idiots and any other etc... All the while I haven't seen them defend anything, they are the ones rushing headlong into a group of 3-4 solo hoping to win? Then when they are killed will say something like Grav round needs to be nerfed.


5) People they yell for nerfs of "X"class for 5 min of the 15 min match... effective, maybe you'll annoy everyone to death?


6) People that leave 1min or less before a loss. They clearly dont realize that all their valor, medals, credits etc all go away at that point and they wasted 14 min of their lives.


7) People that think we won too early, or dont realize we are about to win and scream at people for not doing "X" (read their masterful plan...)


8) People that run the wrong way in hutball. How?


9) People that try and take control of a match with some of the worst strats I have ever read.


10) Expanding onto number 9, those that follow terrible strat blindly and wonder why we just got 3 capped.


11) people that wont try to cap nodes, doors etc. Just run around looking for kills. Please if the side is empty, get the door!


I am sure there are many others, but these are what come off the top of my head.

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Standing in the end-zone where a leaper can gain a huge amount of progress with the ball.


This. I have scored dozens of times from this. I see 3 or so enemies just standing there. Expecting to stop me like Red-Rover... and I use my Force Leap for an automatic point. Move away from the end zone! Even just enough so that I don't leap into the winning area.

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Stun the enemy ball carrier 5m from the end zone when there's not a chance their going to be killed in that time, guaranteeing the score.


This seems a little crazy to me..it may not help but it doesn't hurt either.you might be a bit mad..


Wrong. You are likely one of the players he is talking about.


A well placed knockback such as Force Push/Force Pull/Concussion Charge etc might knock the person into the pit and prevent a score. More than once I have seen a regular old Force Stun, (which will grant only 4 seconds of DPS) also give the enemy a full resolve bar and prevent these tactics which will actually stop a score.

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You should have stopped with "When the ball is thrown to a sniper."


Thanks for the laugh. I've done it, but only if I'm about dead and the only person I can pass to with any health is a sniper on the ramp. But I don't expect the sniper to do anything except pass to someone else.


Edit: Want to piss someone off that is just farming kills, though? Throw them the ball!

Edited by maradigamer
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Thanks for the laugh. I've done it, but only if I'm about dead and the only person I can pass to with any health is a sniper on the ramp. But I don't expect the sniper to do anything except pass to someone else.


Edit: Want to piss someone off that is just farming kills, though? Throw them the ball!


LOL. Hell yeah! Chuck it to that Op/Scoundrel when they pop out of stealth to open up on someone, and watch the dogpile happen.

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1) Mock people on their team instead of trying to coach them.

2) Tell others how bad they are and how bad everyone else except them is instead of trying to help them improve their game play.

3) Overreact when something bad happens, rage at the rest of the team and demotivate them.


AND....in forum PvP


1) Make posts like the OPs.


While I certainly do find it annoying when people overreact and ridicule people during a game, since that also means they are doing that much less to contribute. I do not have a problem with threads like this, some times these are honest mistakes or just ignorance, and threads like this might help people become better.

Edited by Endur
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LOL. Hell yeah! Chuck it to that Op/Scoundrel when they pop out of stealth to open up on someone, and watch the dogpile happen.


Won't work on this stealthy, I got that sucker hotkeyed and if I know we're going to lose no matter what I do, I will throw it away before the other team even realizes I have it. Sorry! :D

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While I certainly do find it annoying when people overreact and ridicule people during a game, since that also means they are doing that much less to contribute. I do not have a problem with threads like this, some times these are honest mistakes or just ignorance, and threads like this might help people become better.


Yes....b/c people like to take advice on how to improve from others that call them "baddies"...


This thread is an ego trip for the OP (and others) and any useful advice in it will be lost to the people who might need it b/c they will just ignore it as trolling.

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People that qq that everyone left a node unguarded .... As they are not guarding any node.


Always love that one ;)


I think it's even better when people QQ about no healers. I like to have healers as much as anyone, but I keep my trap shut even if I am muttering at my keyboard about how we never have any. Know why? Because if I wanted us to have healers so damn bad I could roll one!

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yes....b/c people like to take advice on how to improve from others that call them "baddies"...


This thread is an ego trip for the op (and others) and any useful advice in it will be lost to the people who might need it b/c they will just ignore it as trolling.


^ lmao ^

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Yes....b/c people like to take advice on how to improve from others that call them "baddies"...


This thread is an ego trip for the OP (and others) and any useful advice in it will be lost to the people who might need it b/c they will just ignore it as trolling.


A shame, there are some good tips in here.


Unfortunately, most of the people who could stand to learn them most likely do not visit the forums.

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A shame, there are some good tips in here.


Unfortunately, most of the people who could stand to learn them most likely do not visit the forums.


Most people that could use the tips are convinced they need no tips.


The only bad player is one who thinks he doesn't have room to improve.

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Tunnel vision. Like you and everyone else jumping into the pit to go after the ball carrier because you failed to notice his buddy on the ramp ready to toss him a line. Nothing feels more foolish than standing gape-jawed in the pit while the carrier shoots upward to his friend, then trots off to score unopposed.


A good Huttball game can be like a game of chess. You have pieces you advance and pieces that stay back to defend and you need to try to control mid as well. Even if your team isn't coordinated, if you take a moment to look around, you can sometimes position yourself in a way that helps far more than just going after the carrier, the carrier's healer, or that random guy at half health off to the side.


Also, learn your routes. Learn which route is better and when. Going up the ramp and through the fire grates, or around the sides? Depending on where your enemy is and how they're positioned, the answer to which way is faster and better is different.


Lately we've also been winning Civil War when two defend a side, two stay at mid, and the rest float between. But this is becoming a common tactic, too,and if you just mindlessly take off without waiting to see which way the majority of the spawned enemy is going, they will turn around and go after the node you just successfully defended instead of mindlessly trying for the other. So pay attention to where they are at all times. Don't fall into a pattern.

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How about not buffing in the spawn. I had 2 Sith warrior classes in the lvl 50 bracket sit there and not buff. Oh and I let them know about it 15 secs before in ops chat.


Had this happen more than once... Usually with warrior classes...


Wow, good add. To add to it, those who don't buff between the two phases of Voidstar...it's an obvious place to make sure everyone around you has their buffs, and so many people sit there with their thumbs in nefarious places for that 30s.

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